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In My Hero Academia Season 3 Episode 8 From Iida to Midoriya, Iida gives up life as a hero and decides to cruise the streets for girls while Bakugo enjoys the nightlife scene.


MHA 3x8 Extended

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One thing I was waiting for was Iida, Todoroki or Deku acknowledging the bond they have together after the incident with Stain in Hosu. And I was really happy to see this from Iida Easily one of my favorite episodes so far


Aizawa with man bun is the best!


It’s kinda refreshing for you to have such a good read on Bakugo, lots of people suspected this was going to be his turn to the dark side back when the chapters and episodes were premiering. In a way all those people made the exact same superficial mistake Shigaraki did lol

Emma Root

Haha love the call back to Bakugou's bar arc! I wonder if we'll ever get it. Also yeah press conference Aizawa hits different 😳

Francesca White

i feel like this show takes SUCH a strong stance against the media, especially in this episode. however, i don't think what that first reporter asked was out of line at all. he just asked how they could let the students have 4 encounters with villains, and what steps they'd take to ensure it didn't happen in the future. like since we watch the show we're inclined to take the school's side, but if i was in this world i'd probably be very upset too. it's not unreasonable to ask how the school will better protect the students in the future

Skyler Anderson

Episodic reminder that you should do episode 10 and 11 together ;) Great reaction as always. Iida having that connection with Shoto and Deku is honestly great and I love the impact that their experiences leave as an imprint on their journeys. Bakugou has always been one of my favorite characters because while he seems aggressive and like he doesn't care about people on the surface level, he really just is so competitive and has that drive to always be the best at what he does, no matter what that means. I've always had a bad case of imposter syndrome and so I try way too hard at whatever I do to a point that others sometimes don't enjoy doing things with me. But I see that as a strength because I take value in the fact that I care so much about doing the best that I can do always. So in that way Bakugou is an inspiration to me.

Jenny bete

Season 3 just gets more and more amazing, especially the development between Deku and Bakugou is brilliantly done this season, so im glad you noticed afterwards that the way Bakugou told Deku to "stay back" actually sounded more like 'I don't want you to get more hurt!' instead of 'I don't want to be saved by you!' and that you picked up on the fact that Bakugou doesn't want power, he wants to win as a hero. Also, your reaction to aizawa with his hair tied - it's everyone's reaction hahah


I might be wrong, but I think when this whole incident first broke, there were reporters outside the school's gates who asked the same exact question. The implication would be that they're asking questions they already know the answers to/ have received official statements on, to embarrass UA.


There's and after credits scene in the next episode


Great reaction, and I'm glad that you noticed that Bakugou's line telling Deku to stay back had a trace of concern to it. I do want to point out one really subtle thing that didn't really carry through in the dub -- Bakugou's Japanese voice actor rerecorded that line for Deku's flashbacks to that scene. In the original, Bakugou sounded concerned/scared, but when Deku remembers it he sounds more defensive and offended, like he was refusing Deku's help out of pride. It shows an interesting assumption that Deku interpreted that line that way, and gives context for why he thought back to it after hearing what Uraraka said about whether Bakugou would even want help.


Iida's speech was great. Some excellent voice acting there as usual from voice actor whose name I should know by now


In the subs the line I read was slightly different too, I think Bakugo said "Don't come" and it did sound more concerned from him at first. I also think the dub got that same level of concern in his voice despite the line being different


Lol as soon as they took him I was like yeah good luck having him around... Trying to force something on someone like that is the worst move


Press conference Aizawa was the moment I realized I had an absurd crush on a teacher

Joel S

Won't someone think of the economy...Momo is the hero we need.

Fabiola Macias

lol that Aizawa jaw drop tho


You mean miss inflation? Her creating gold iron and money out of nothing doesn’t nothing but inflate the market and lessen the value of money

Sam B

I love when Iida says, "I'll be your watchman!" Todoroki says "just what we needed" in a way like Iida wanted to go way more than he was letting on.


I can't believe i forgot when Deku got that scar on his right arm i thought he got it way earlier than this @.@ Gang Orca makes no sense to me like what's his quirk? is he just an orca like Selkie is just a Seal??? Edgeshot <3 another fav :3 LMAO "stealth mode" STOP UR SO CUTE awww i thought u'd be uber excited for the disguises, didn't u say...during season 2? end of season 2? u wanted to see them wear different clothes? am i remembering incorrectly??

Stephen husuc

"You can barely get the guy to chop carrots" so damn funny but oh so true to bakugou's character... Though I love even when chopping carrots he demands being the best... I definitely identify with bakugou in alot of ways... I've been a gamer my entire life (started when I was 2 back in 1992) when Xbox live and halo 2 came out it changed gaming and in some ways my life for me... As absurdly frivolous as it sounds I've always had an extreme level of personal expectations or rules for myself... I naturally detest having alternate accounts, playing matches I know I can win, playing matches to receive loot boxes or points or achievements... I treat every match like it's competitive regardless of the game type or rank... The goal of vanquishing my foes is all that matters, everything else is a distraction and meaningless... Winning a match easily just makes me sad, I never understood why people would want that... Honestly though I don't hold anyone else to my standard, I know it's unrealistic yet that makes it even more appealing in some ways... Anyway I know It's definitely a microcosm of what bakugou is going for but I feel it deep ya know!?!


omg that minuto outro plz


Can't wait for the next episode😃


Aizawa cleans up nicely lol.

Jacob Keyser

if you keep your current scedual you should catch up with the anime by January. when you do will you watch as season six comes out? or will you wait until the dub is fully out as it is usually 1-3 episodes behind


Welcome to hair down Kirishima and hair tied Aizawa. 👩‍🍳 💋

Sean Silence

I don't know if they've ever said it outright, but I'm pretty sure it is implying that the hand Shiguraki wears on his face is his father's hand. Because he also called it "father" when it was knocked off at the USJ. Plus they had a really brief flashback a few episodes ago (maybe the mall episode?) of him as a child and there was a bloody hand on the floor.


This arc is peak MHA. These couple episodes still haven’t been topped in the show so far imo.


Jan is when Part 2 of Final Season of AOT SHOULD be dropping so he might watch that weekly and then when that's done S6 of MHA might be out as well


I'm pretty sure he's an orca, just like sue is a frog, or like you said Selkie is a seal. We see lots of heteromorphic quirks, some that affect quirks and some that don't. :)


I agree. Season 6 will have a shot tho, I'm looking forward to it

Jev Cor

I'd say arguably there are three single episodes that are about this level, if this season hadn't been butchered so badly I would've said it was happening in mva.