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Hello from Korea! Quarantine day 2 :)

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00:00 - Lots of catchup, why Korea, etc.

10:22 - Book recommendations?

15:36 - What quirk would you choose from MHA?

16:31 - How do you deal with your "titans?"

19:57 - How long do videos take? Would you consider upgrading?

23:30 - Have you experienced childhood trauma?

26:40 - Explaining the next shows

27:14 - Which movies did you enjoy most from the imdb top 250?

29:19 - Were you allowed to watch the horror movies you acted in?

30:58 - Do you have a Korean or Chinese name?

31:24 - What are your love languages?

33:17 - What pairings would you like to see meet from AOT and ATLA?

34:20 - Did June go by really quickly?

34:37 - Favorite movies?

35:46 - Opinion on MCU?

36:43 - Favorite part of MHA so far?

37:58 - What's your favorite number?

38:03 - Would you consider a GTO reaction?

39:20 - What do you use for editing? Tips for starting a channel


July Q&A

Watch "July Q&A" on Streamable.



you took melon with you! he's intact :')


I'm just sitting here thinking about how melon lord looks exactly the same in all of your videos. It's either you drew the eyes and mouth on a piece of paper, cut them out and glued them on all of your watermelons, or you have a magical watermelon with super powers that is also extremely lightweight to the point where you can literally carry it with you wherever you go even if it's a 7000 mile distance 🤔


I did not know you were an actor when you were a kid.

Aura Y

Insightful as always! Going through the IMDB top 250 sounds like a really fun experience... if I had more time. (But I might just be making excuses for not starting, who knows) Good luck with the visa and quarantine situation! I hope you have plenty of awesome life experiences in your time in Asia


Great Pairings, I'd love to hear Eren hash it out with Aang to see how they would interact. Also I'm glad you love star wars, if you hadn't noticed, season 2 of Avatar ends very similar to Empire Strikes Back. The bad guys win, the good guy gives up his very important spiritual training with this really old guy to go save his friends. I love the parallels they chose and it makes season 2 so much better.


Haha it's been the same one since towards the end of Fruit Saga :) The cabbage is here too


Thanks! The IMDb top 250 is a great list but watching all of them is excessive lol


I read Man's Search for Meaning a couple months ago based on your recommendation from you talking about it in a few videos, so I'd like to add to the recommendation and encourage other people to read it. Definitely a very interesting thought-provoking book.


You should be warned that Invincible episodes are like 40 minutes each if I'm not mistaken Just a disclaimer although I could be misremembering Edit: Basically, idk if that would affect the show pilot plan for 2 weeks but there could probably be alternatives with like doing Invincible twice a week or something? Just ideas though, whatever helps


Youtuber, teacher, broker, PI, and now child actor? Seeshhhhh is there anything you haven’t done. It’s all very impressive and goes against the message I’ve been hearing my whole life about going to college and pursuing one career. I’m very excited about you watching the first episode of Fruits Baskets! It’s my second favorite anime, right under AOT right now. I think the themes and messages will translate well with you channel and the characters are very lovable.


Just wanna say loveee that you be putting the time stamps


Iroh and Armin would be great, but I'll do you one better. Iroh meeting Sasha's father. Universe explodes Edit: Funnily enough I also use Adobe premiere, although not a cracked version at least not yet. I'm still mooching off of my school account's Adobe access lol They haven't deactivated it yet. I've also been thinking about starting content creation, mainly video essays or reaction/commentary. I've mentioned that before but since I'm graduated I can actually pursue that. Great Q&A catchup, thanks!


OMG JJK AND/OR FRUITS BASKET?! the original Fruits Basket or the remake? god that's exciting AHHHHHHHH also...god patreon why don't u have emotes *googles* ¬‿¬ a lady u say hehehe das cute i like it but also I know u know it may blow up in ur face and not work out but i hope it works out ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


thanks for the great update! :)


The remake :) Blow up or work out it will be alright either way (though I would obviously prefer the latter) but gotta see it through at least haha.


I’m so sorry for adding to the stockpile of shows that you currently have but I just recently finished watching Odd Taxi and holy shit was it amazing. It might be a bit difficult for a reaction series as it’s not a super popular show, which might make it harder to reach a bigger audience on YouTube (if that’s a part of the criteria), but I’ll recommend it nevertheless. It’s pretty short (13 episodes) and has some of the most natural dialogue I’ve ever seen and tackles some pretty big themes. If you won’t have time to watch it on YouTube I would say that you should definitely go ahead and watch it on your own time. Again, sorry for adding to your already long list!

Aura Y

Ooh I started it a while back, but life got in the way. I’ll have to finish it soon! It was super different from what I was used to, pretty interesting!

Aidan Pullen

I'm not sure how much this matters or how much this is noticeable to you, but already in this video I can see on your face how much more happy and excited you seem with your new situation, despite quarantine. I wish you well with your pursuit of this relationship, and I think you made a good choice just following your heart. Hopefully that editor thing works out as well, could be a huge help. "Life happens wherever you are, whether you make it or not" Good luck with not getting deported! Can't wait to see more of your content coming up!


If your looking for another western animated show I highly recommend Kipo age of the Wonderbeast. It’s got storytelling on par with the likes of Korra and avatar and I don’t see it getting the recognition it deserves. Also thanks for the perspective.


We need more vlogging Alex!


What means quite a bit younger? I am 24, would i had have a shot with you 😉 i dont speak korean but i understand english pretty good, altough i think i am not so good at speaking english 😅


But jokes aside (or am i joking? ) i wish you all the Best and hope it will work out for you :)


I had to Look at the movie Mimic 😅 you looked so sweet 😃 the movie came out in 1997, i was Born in 1997 🤣


I think when it comes down to pain, everyone experiences it at the same level of intensity even if you could look at it circumstantially and say you were lucky. A depressed person who is rich and a depressed person who is poor is still the same level of sad. Of course they have to deal with things different ways to process and understand their emotions in a healthy manner to overcome their trauma, but they both exist and are real evidently.


“To draw an analogy: a man's suffering is similar to the behavior of a gas. If a certain quantity of gas is pumped into an empty chamber, it will fill the chamber completely and evenly, no matter how big the chamber. Thus suffering completely fills the human soul and conscious mind, no matter whether the suffering is great or little. Therefore the "size" of human suffering is absolutely relative.” Just something to think about when you feel hesitant in sharing your pain.

Skyler Anderson

Loved the catch up. Some thoughts after watching: 1. Yayyy Jujutsu Kaisen is a fantastic show and has some great comedy, action, and more to offer. 2. I agree that the deku allmight relationship is really great in the show, but a good little easter egg I guess is if you watch the my hero openings it kinda shows the relationship that they both have at the current moment in the show. Like with OP 1 Deku is reaching out to all might turned around, Season 2 all might joins him and his class, and in OP 3 deku is shaking hands with all might and looks more confident. This trend continues throughout the show so it's cool to pay attention to. 3. I super agree that quality isn't the number 1 thing that people look for in a reaction. There's people I look for slightly quality over others obviously, but as long as someone gives me the entertainment and thoughts and discussions about my favorite shows it doesn't matter to me how it's edited.


Unbelievably excited to see you deciding to Pilot the first episode Fruits Basket, but even though it has a 9.0+ on MAL which puts it in the top 10 anime of all time alongside shows like AOT, Hunter x Hunter, Death Note, etc. it only has 350,000ish members which barely puts it in the top 1000 of popularity. Might not get a lot of views so it would be quite the dedication to do all 60 something episodes as its quite the long (Long for Slice of life/romance) but well worth it, Romance. BUT HOLY SHIT if you choose to do ALL of Fruits Basket I will literally be so hyped you have no clue. On another note, damn you’re always giving great advice but seeing you in real time go out of your mom’s basement, meet an actual love interest, and than travel for real world reasons like work/school REALLY makes me wanna go and do shit, my life is so absurdly dull right now its awful. All it would take honestly is a successful date or something, really.


My dude I love your videos! I feel like i gain so much and learn so much from a different perspective that I can carry into my own life! It doesn't even have to be this huge philosophical debate but just learning to better obtain my own goals like making a schedule for yard work or something like that idk how else to explain it but I am glad to be here and hope you continue to do youtube for years to come! But if not its been a pleasure and will gladly support you until you stop : )! have fun in korea!

R'Mani Leavell

Oh god. You mentioned ASMR once and im already cringing lol. Please don't do any ASMR video, if its a topic I would want to watch LMAO


watching top 250 imdb sounds so interesting! definitely putting that on my list of entertainment during the pandemic lol


yay jujutsu kaisen!! I loved that show and I hope you watching it will bring up lessons that I wouldn't have considered on my own. you have an incredible mind and sincerity that I try to apply to my own life. here's to hoping that your time in korea gives you what you're looking for and more, and I can't wait to see your next videos!