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In My Hero Academia Season 2 Episode 25 Encounter, did they just become friends? Ft. epic shopping discussion montage


MHA 2x25 Extended

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This "encounter" is cool yet bizarre. I love Shigaraki as a villian, don't get enough of him imo.


It's a lot of fun. For whatever reason it's clear that he's not there to harm Deku. It actually feels like he's extending a hand, so to speak...


Ahhh... Every episode reminds me how awesome the soundtrack for this anime is... And ugh... the manga chapters cannot come out fast enough...

Skyler Anderson

I loved this season finale because of how threatening it makes shigaraki having deku just right in his hands. They do such a good job with that throughout this entire series in my opinion. Excited for the movie reaction and the next season. Season 3 is a lot of people's favorite season.


I definitely think that Shigaraki was in need of someone to vent to, and he just happened to come across one of the people who has slighted him the most recently, both at the USJ and by appearing in Hosu. So I definitely do think he had a little bit of twisted respect for Deku. I doubt he expected quite as much help, but he did really want to just... Vent. As for Shigaraki's revelation, I actually like the development here. We know Shigaraki hates All Might and wanted to kill him, but before, it seemed to be as shallow as that. "I hate All Might, so I'll kill him." Now, it's grown into an actual goal with conviction behind it. "All Might smiles thoughtlessly, which allows the public to smile thoughtlessly and believe nothing bad could happen to them. I'll destroy All Might and prove that to be untrue." I imagine something definitely happened to him and maybe he didn't get help and support from Heroes.


"You best protect ya neck" - The RZA -Tomura Shigaraki


It's a great scene. I think his new conviction is a step up but not all the way there. But since he's growing, and since I'm now wondering if he isn't at some point "redeemed" or whatever, there might be more to come still.


Shigaraki is right about people thinking everyone has the same morals as them in this world. most people have quirks and if any one of them with a dangerous enough quirk wanted to just kill people they could at any moment. one of the things working in their favor is Allmight and Stain as two pillars on opposite teams. Allmight inspires kids to want to take up the mantle of hero lowering the chances of random attacks while also frighting villains from doing anything too flashy. Then there's Stain whose conviction was so great that villains want to emulate in such a way of having a real goal with their violence instead of violence for violence sake.


Shigarakis whole thing is society doesn’t need to worry cause there’s always a hero right around the corner and he definitely acknowledges that all night is the ultimate hero around the corner. His smile gives people to much faith in hero society in shigarakis eyes. Like Allmight said there’s always people in trouble heros can’t reach. Heros are bound to fail society. Of corse no one in mha sees it like that but him so he wants to kill allmight to show he knows the truth I guess


The battle of the 🚢 : Izuku x Ochaco vs Izuku x Tomura


Yeah Season 3 and the first half of 4 are definitely the best so far imo. Hoping Season 5 keeps getting better, I've really been enjoying it contrary to the popular opinion.

Joel S

I too enjoy the mundane/slice of life of activity episodes more that the story episodes, at least some of them.

Aura Y

It's kind of weird, but is it okay to say I like the idea of the villains learning and growing too? I really enjoy parallelisms in stories especially when you don't really expect it at first. It's interesting how you mentioned that Shigaraki seemed lonely. I never really noticed that idea, but it makes sense. He comes all this way to talk to someone who is the protege of the person who despises most. Certainly an interesting head space. Well it's been a fun season 2, lots of great moments! Congrats on one final beach training scene haha Season 3 is my favorite, so looking forward to it a lot! Also the movie should be fun too :)


I like it too :D I'm gonna have to think more about this but I can't help but wonder: If it feels like actual growth, isn't that them becoming less villainous?

J Valentine

It seems like Shigaraki has some kind of personal vendetta against the idea of safety in general. As if he were hurt or hurting, in the way All Might describes at the end there, and there were no Heroes to help him. So he's become resentful of the whole idea of there being any kind of safety at all. All Might admits that the important thing is to smile and keep up the brave face to create a pillar of support, a beacon of light for everyone to huddle around in the dark. Meanwhile, Shigaraki has become so warped by spending so much time in the proverbial dark that at first he's just lashing out, but once he finds a worthy goal can be someone actually dangerous.


Gonna try one last time suggesting you to watch the movie after season 3 lol. Regardless, great reaction and commentary.


I remember a quote from danganronpa "How many potential weapons d'you think we handle on a daily basis." The more I think about it it's a lot. Really people could hurt others on a whim at any moment. But because of society, we all feel pretty safe. And I feel like there is some apathy with paying attention to red flag individules and even being completely absoard in phones in public. Then take that with a quirk society.


Gird your loins for the coming arc. It will blow your mind.


Yup I think he's right in the sense that things are often much more dangerous than they appear. There are always threats lurking, and those threats are invisible for the most part because they are kept in check by society. But it doesn't take much for that to come out.


The thing about Shigaraki X Society X All Might is that All Might estabilished himself as the Symbol of Peace in such a way people doesn't even consider the possibility of him failing. He's not an inspiration for the regular society's because All Might put the weight of the world over his shoulders all by himself, so there's no need to concern or self improvement or trying your best to help anyone the way you can due to the fact that "oh, at some point the heroes will show up and do something". But, as stated, All Might cannot be everywhere everytime, so some "cracks" will eventually happen in his philosophy and from them the ones left behind will arise hating what his symbol represents. And this is what Shigaraki intents to show - without All Might, will people feel safe? Is this overly dependency any good? Anyway, all this ideas and what Deku meant by asking him if there are others out of reach and saving will be developed in the upcoming arcs, but your mind is in the right place.


I can't wait to see your reaction to the new opening.

Revin MacGrath

Simping for Aizawa, finding Tomura attractive. I think you have a thing for edgy broody bois


This episode made me start seeing Shigaraki and Deku as parallels, or rivals in a way, as All for One is to All Might.


Careful saying anything bad about Dabi, the fangirls in the fandom will find something to cancel u about or whatever \fandoms scary yo\ oh yeah this is the episode where i completely blanked on Tokoyami's name when he was telling deku he was going to scare the children XD mm yes that face = death just absolute death


oh I'm still behind on MHA videos but just dropping in to say today was the FMA 20th anniversary That's pretty much it Will update after watching


That reminds me of the antagonist to Psycho Pass for season 1. Won't name due to spoilers, but that similar outlook on society or of people being overly sheltered maybe. Ironically, Shigaraki shelters himself under all those damn hands.


Before watching the movie you need to watch a 2 minute OVA called All might rising. It acts as a prologue to the movie. There is no dub for it , unfortunately


Damn 20 years. What a masterpiece, both adaptations are incredible. Need an original Fullmetal Alchemist Goodwin reaction in the future.


Or at very least halfway through. There’s a legit filler episode over halfway into season 3 that is just a promotion for the movie. Season 3 aired April 7th-September 29th of 2018 and the movie premiered august 3rd of that year, so watching it first is technically out of order in terms of what the studio expects the audience to have seen


I love Shigaraki as a villain. He's one of my favorite characters. As you said, it didn't seem like he had any actual intention on killing Midoriya and just needed someone to talk to. Rn they're just helping eachother grow into a stronger villain or hero. They also kind of parallel eachother too. Also, I wonder if it was intentional to have them both wear red shoes. Maybe it means something? Idk

Anna Lena Ciplajevs

Hey, just a little warning, the first episode of every season from now on will be very fillery and kinda like a recap. Season 4s and 5s were fine but the season 3 first ep is a little boring and repetitive at times. It’s still good to watch it, but just so you know! Also I’m so hyped for season 3, this is where the good stuff begins!

Anna Lena Ciplajevs

Tomura just needs some chapstick and some lotion, then he’d be fine. Also maybe something to treat that pink eye


"Was Deku asking that because maybe he wants to save Shigaraki?" I haven't read the manga but I feel like we know enough about Deku by now to reasonably guess that at some point Deku will try to see the good in Shigaraki, as he tries to with everyone. He has a desire to help everyone, even people who have hurt him like Bakugo. The Shigaraki and Deku moments in this episode give me a lot of hope and excitement.

Kelsey Roberts

Nice catch on Deku's shirt. The creator put a lot of jokes in Japanese on his clothing to highlight how "plain" Deku's style is.


I always liked Deku asking All Might about his ability to save everyone and All Might answering as honestly as he did. However, Tsukauchi's addition was the wrong thing to say. He was trying to reassure Deku as if he's just a citizen worried if All Might can protect him, whereas Deku was really wanting to know as the successor what he needs to live up to. By telling Deku that All Might's never failed once he's on the scene, he has unwittingly placed massive pressure and expectation on Deku.

Richard Lucas

when he said “he’s never failed to save someone” i took it to mean he’s always saved at least one person, even if others did die