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Thanks for all the great questions!

Leave your AOT questions down below for what will probably be a very long video lmao



Have you or are you planning to watch AoT in 9 minutes by Gigguk?


Do you think Eren is acting truly out of his own will? Do you think he is being controlled?


has aot or any other show you've seen so far inspired you at all to write your own fictional story? is that something you'd ever consider doing and if so what would you enjoy writing about? the dark themes in current events, tropey stuff, slice of life? obvious question but how do you think this will all be resolved, if you even think it will be resolved? is there a potential ending you would be unsatisfied with? there's probably a lot we still don't know so i don't blame you if you're at a complete loss lol


I left my q&a question on the actual AOT video like a dummy but now I have two questions: 1. How do you feel about Season 1 and Season 2 now in retrospective, having finished seasons 3 and 4 part 1? Specifically your views on various characters and the plot overall? How do you feel about Jean's progression? Hange? 2. What else do you think AOT has given you and made you think about, aside from having this meta realization and looking at humanity under a deeper lens? Thanks!


Since we just have a half season left to go, what are your predictions about how AOT will end?


1. Do you forgive the trio Bertholt, Reiner and Annie?


2. How do you think Mappa did compared to Wit?


3. What’s your favorite season (which part) so far?


Mappa actually treated Mikasa like more of a multi dimensional character imo than Wit which is a win in my book. They didn't compromise manga details in the same way Wit did sorry I'm not Goodwin just wanted to respond to this question badly lol


Potatoes, meat or melon pick one. (Love your reactions btw my first patreon.


erwin or erwin?


How do you feel having gotten cliffhangered for half a year? Are you planning a rewatch until Season 4 Part 1 drops? I promise you, you will notice impressive details in all previous season with your knowledge now


AoT more than any other show I feel exemplifies the grayness of humanity. Bad people can do good things, good people can do bad things. Ultimately, I think we get caught up in judging characters (and people) in a black and white way, as either good or bad, but most are a mix of both. My question is this: many characters have *seemingly* good intentions, but take questionable and sometimes outright horrible actions. To what extent does a person’s intentions matter? Should actions be judged separately from intention? Or Is it a combination of both? Is a good person who does bad things someone with good intentions but bad actions, or the reverse?

Keegan Brakhage

I’m not a manga reader, i’m as caught up as you. but let’s say armin is visited by the lion turtle and is granted the wonderful ability to create a peaceful resolution that benefits most people, do you think that could that be a satisfying ending to this show? or something similar, does not have to be the aot/avatar crossover we all deserve haha.


I would love to know you’re favorite character pair (romantic or platonic), and favorite character trio as well as you’re favorite character backstory and the saddest characters death for you.


What do you think about theo magath ( commander of the warrior unit)?


What is one aspect of the story that you think will stick with you the longest and why?


Top 10 or 5 charcters 🥳😬

Maia Brodsky

What do you think are Isayama's most prominent lessons or messages by this point in the story?


You've gone into this before but why did the Season 3 pt.1 OP Red Swan hold such a steady place in your mind while it was the OP of the show? It is also my favorite piece from a show full of absolutely incredible music.


ion remember if u spoke on this b4, but what do u think erwin would think of eren rn? where do u really think he would stand if he heard erens motives for erything he’s done so far?


Thoughts on bertoholdtozo? 😂 (he’s my favorite character despite the disrespect I just showed lol)


What are your thoughts on Eren’s dream from the very first episode? Are there any shots from the dream that stand out to you?

Itachi The Rouge

What do you think would have changed or been different if commander Erwin was chosen for the colossal titan instead of Armin? (Story wise or character wise)

Katie Barnes

I found your reactions to this series very refreshing and appreciated your criticisms of the characters (esp. Eren)! Who do you think is going to die by the end of the show, realistically speaking?


I'm a huge AOT fan and when you started watching I couldn't have been more excited. Your reactions and insights continue to prove that you understand the material on a deeper level and that's always appreciated. 1. What are some things you don't want to happen at the end of AOT? Everyone keeps asking what your hopes are or what you personally think might happen, but what are some things you don't want that you feel would cheapen the show or make certain character arcs less compelling? 2. Of those alive right now, who are your favorite characters? Obviously, I know Erwin will forever be your favorite, but other than that? 3. What has your biggest takeaway been with this show? Biggest lesson or things you don't want to have to stoop to that this show has taught you?


Do you have a favorite scene and if so which one is it?

Aaron Ong

I'm curious about the little opinions you may have of Yelena so far? I've always seen her as a very interesting character since she seems to break the trope of characters in shows telling bad lies.


Of all the theories that you had about the show, which ones do you still stand by, and which ones do you think are the funniest when looking back on them?


Do you think Eren was always destined to turn out a little crazy? ... He did murder multiple people before really being traumatized, and before eating his dad. If not, what do you think was the turning point for him? What influences would he have needed to avoid going full eradication mode?


Who is your second favorite character and why? I'm assuming the first favorite is our lord and saviour Erwin Smith who singlehandedly (with the help of a couple scouts) defeated the strongest nation in the world. Also favorite OP and ED?


Who is best girl? Who is best boy?

Jed U

What do you think the endgame of the series will be? What do you want it to be?

Coco XLarge

Feel free to abridge this for the video as you see fit. While I enjoy your mature idealism for your commentaries, and your ideals are quite humble and flexible at times, there are still many things that we cannot affect lest we be destroyed without making much of a difference. A force of nature like Eren is very much like forces in our world that cannot be denied from a bystander's point of view. Take covid for example. Even though we have multiple Nobel Prize winning Virologists, covid testing methodology (PCR testing) inventor and the creator of mRNA technology being against the vaccine. They are all censored in favor of big Pharma profits. Africa was pretty much immune against covid (majority of population taking chloroquine for malaria) until vaccines were introduced. Our society is moving towards a situation where the vaccinated help the establishment to pressure companies into stripping rights from those who are not, all for a virus that is 99.97% survivable up to age 80 (numbers on upper end of age brackets are averaged to be lower than 99.97% if you count old males who have pre-existing conditions, which puts them at 80%). We know from hundreds of animal studies that while vaccines protect you from the virus, they weaken your overall immune response to variants, which is why people who get the flu every other year are those who take the flu shot, yet most of us who don't take the flu shot go years to decades without catching the flu. The added selective pressure from the vaccines create the variants at increased rates. All signs point to vaccines should be reserved for actual crisis like smallpox. Yet those who have the clarity of mind to not be propagandized are discriminated against all over the world. Whether you're Eldian or Marleyan, if you go against the narrative that Eldians are the devil, you stand to gain nothing but risk losing everything. People would rather self-hypnotize and be a complete Marleyan lackey just for mental comfort. In our world, people who are otherwise decent and kind would happily take the moral high ground and discriminate against those who are making a personal health choice. My question is, given the parallels between fiction and reality in that even though you hold out hope for a brighter future, time is clearly not yet and to go against the mob will leave you swept away by history. How do you as a relatively powerless individual pick sides? That is to say, if you are Floch who has no emotional attachments to the main characters, and you wish to make a difference in this world, which side do you take?


Which character do you think will surprise us the most in the next season and why?


What is your worst fear for the way the series could end?


What's the truth???


Not much of a question but among these categories, how would you rank attack on titan? -aesthetic art style, character development and attachment , storyline in relation to running themes, music composition and style/genre :)

Joey Healy

Do you think Mikasa will finally reveal herself as the Female Titan?


have you ever read a comment that changed your opinion on something? or do you just agree to disagree and move on??


what would be the worst ending imaginable?


Throughout the series a lot of conflicting ideologies have come crashing into each other, and AoT itself doesn’t seem to try and favor or “prove” any of them correct, just show the expected result of their following, that being said, can you explain in more detail what you think about the moral relativism expressed in the end of season 3? It is after all, almost unfalsifiable in nature, maybe all our moral compasses are born out of cause and effect, the taking of sides with no real metaphysical meaning behind it. What makes morality truly matter? I mean, animals are horrible and depraved by our standards most of the time, yet we have a bias to try and apply humanity to them, what makes human morality special ? What makes it real for you? I’d love to hear you ramble about it and would really appreciate it, cheers!


do you feel compelled by Eren as a character while simultaneously disagreeing with him? or do you dislike him?


thoughts on Bertoldht as a character. I always found his character to be so tragic? How do you think that his arc and the other warriors like Annie and Reiner have changed since you finished season 4 and know their backstory?


this is so common question but who is your favorite character


would you say you are a little too idealistic? I know you've talked about this before, but do you ever think that your standards of morality are a little to high for the characters, considering the dystopian world they live in? For example, you said once (I think it was during Yelena and Pyxis' scene on the balcony) something along the lines of "thinking that you know what's best for everyone is arrogant", and although you're right in my opinion, don't you think that in some cases, this is acceptable, and maybe even necessary? when people all are lost and confused, doesn't someone need to step up and try to do what they believe to be the most beneficial for everyone? does arrogance make an action inherently bad? I think what I'm trying to ask is: when do we stop prioritising what's "right", and start accepting things that are maybe morally "wrong" (and I'm using quotation marks because the meaning of the words right and wrong is subjecive) simply because they are the most beneficial option we have for the time being? (I hope this made sense. sorry, english is not my first language <3)


I deleted my own question because I thought of a better one. "Did you cry or were close to crying during Sasha death scene?" I just rewatched that reaction episode it and it look like you really wanted too 😂.


Can you make a guess on what Eren wants to achieve with the founding titan’s power? Do you think Eren likes Mikasa romantically, or as family/close friend? What do you think about the writing of Eren and Mikasa’s relationship? And how does it connect or contribute to the show’s main themes and messages? was there anything in the show you wish was executed better or differently? Anything you didn’t like about the show? Do you think too many characters were introduced in season 4? What do you think about Armin’s contribution this season? And potentially next season? Some thinks he is not being useful, or his writing became poor, he got sidelined etc. Do you think Eren sees Gabi’s similarity to his younger self, like the audience does? Who do you think might not make it in the end? some question suggestions, no worries if not all are answered:)


Do you think it matters which sides history is correct? Speaking about Marley versus the Restorationists.


What is/are the most compelling theme(s) in the show for you?


If you could have any Titian Power would would it be, Why, And how would you use it?


Will you be doing a rewatch series? Before or after part 2?

Christian Medeiros

Will you watch the Season 4 Part 1 trailer and Part 2 teaser video? I think its great to get the theories flowing and get you excited for the final part. I mention Part 1 trailer just because a tiny bit of content wasn't actually adapted from what they showed in the trailer and is much more 1:1 with how the manga represented a lot of scenes.


In what ways do you think the perspective shift in season 4 changed your opinion about the show?


In your opinion, was the political intrigue handled better in season 3 or 4?


Not only that but there are a few scenes in the trailer that aren't from season 4 part 1, although they're very very quick flashes


What do you think is the special way Zeke wipes his ass?


Who do you feel is the worse written character to this point in the show, or the character you would like to see development for but they haven’t been given any?


What are your thoughts on how Eren, do you truly believe he hates Mikasa and looks down on Armin, was this a long time coming? At the end of S2 Eren and Mikasa has a moment and end of S3 pt 2 Eren really fought to bring Armin back - do you think all that is meaningless to Eren now, or do you believe he still cares for them but was being controlled to do these actions?


In what ways would the show differ if Levi had chosen Erwin instead of Armin? Do you think Eren would have still gone AWOL, or do you think there would have been a better outcome?


Where does Erwin rank on your list of favorite characters across all shows?


Ymir and Historia are among my favorite characters. What do you thing of Ymir's "abandonment" of Historia and subsequent death, and how do you think that impacted the path Historia took as a character?

daragh faro

Do you think that instead of the euthanization plan that titans could instead be helpful to the world and push towards a world free of war and slavery. I guess an interesting thought about this is "how many people really want peace", and "who is to say the titans wont break this peace" which plays on peoples judgment and distrust of the idea. But if Eldians really believed that Ymir was a goddess who helped the world then surely this idea would be something to push towards.

Rudy Strother

Which of the 9 Titans is your favorite design wise/if you lived in this world which titan would you rather have?


Would you ever consider watching Attack On Titan: Junior High ?


what would have happened if erwin was alive through to season 4? (our lord and saviour erwin smith who single-handedly lead the scouts to their death for victory) 😏


Which character do you relate to the most? F*ck, Marry or Kill: Historia, Mikasa and Petra Annie, Pieck and Ymir Levi, Erwin and Armin Kenny, Reiner and Bertholdt Connie, Jean (Jeen Jaan), and Sasha (rip potato girl <3) Eren (Ereh!), Floch (Flish Flosh) and Zeke Moblit (sacrificed himself for Hange), Marco, and Marlowe Magath, WiIly Tybur and Galliard Rod Reiss (most beautiful titan form), Sergeant Major Gross (the guy who has Grisha's sister mauled by dogs), and Darius Zackly (ass chair guy) Yelena, Nicolo and Onyankopon Pixis, Shadis and Magath Sorry, I got carried away.


Favorite Character in the show and why? If you were in the world of AoT what would be your plan to save the Eldians from genocide and to end systematic racism, oppression, and hate? Your plan could include rumbling use or pretty much anything you can think of.


The Greatest Leader Erwin Smith or The Allmighty and Shiny Alex Louis Armstrong ?


who do u think is the true good guy of the show (other than erwin) also your insights on the show are some of my favs ty


What're your thoughts on the different ships? Ex: ErenxMikasa, ErenxHistoria, ErwinxLevi, etc.


Personally I think Armin's death would only make Eren feel more justified and probably cynical

R'Mani Leavell

I always got the feeling that Mikasa got less and less to do as the story progressed. But as of season 4, it seems like you have a differing opinion. So, from seasons 1-3 how did you feel about Mikasas "growth"? At times did you feel like all she was good for was cutting up titans and screaming "eReN"? And some people think it would've been better if they ended season 4 on the scene when Eren escapes prison and puts on the jacket (episode 12 I think). I know you don't know anything that happens after episode 16, so you don't have any knowledge of whats to come, or when. But do you think episode 12 would've made a better cliff hanger or episode 16? Also, if you want to read/react to the manga, I would totally be down to see it lol


Because this is attack on Titan. Who do you think will be most likely to die in the second part of season 4? :(


Bouncing off of DBZ's comment before me, who do you think will be most likely to SURVIVE in the second part of s4? Name the top 5 characters you want to make it to the end, haha.


LMFAO Goodwin better do Fuck marry kill with every single trio you have listed. I need the TRUTH.

a. tree

Echoing that I definitely would love to hear what you think about Armin! You've had some interesting thoughts and ideas about him before in terms of what you thought his potential/growth might be like, but I somewhat agree with what @Ceige said above about feeling like he's been sorta sidelined. My personal feeling is that Armin is super important to the series in terms of ideologically what he represents, and I wished that we'd spent more time with him and his thoughts this past season.

a. tree

In the half-season finale of Season 4, it seemed (at least to me) like Eren had a specific interest in Falco for some reason beyond using him as a bargaining chip and I'm so curious as to why — for example, he told Gabi to "help him save" Falco, and when Pieck asked about him Eren knew specifically what had happened. I'm not sure if I'm reading into Eren's lines too much, but my main question is: what do you think Falco and Gabi's contribution to the plot might be from here? This story arc has followed the two of them a lot and they've actually had key influences on the story, but now the big players have converged Titans are moving. Are you hoping/expecting to see anything from them?

a. tree

Now that we're in the endgame, what are your expectations for the conclusion? By this I don't mean specifically what do you predict is going to happen because I don't think any of us can, but more so what questions do you think need to be addressed and what confrontations need to occur in order for things to be wrapped up in a satisfactory way (for example in Avatar we know from the start it's going to involve a battle between Aang and Ozai, that determines whether the nations live in peace; we might ask whether Aang fully realizes his Avatar abilities, if he and Katara end up together, etc.). And do you have any particular hopes for what this world/the lives of specific characters look like in the final scenes of the show? I'd love to hear what you + the comment section as well think!

a. tree

Because I'd love for this to be a discussion in the comment chain I'll just say that personally my main hope is that the kids are able to live and grow up in a world where their lives are not wrapped up in this conflict any more than they already have been. I just want Gabi, Falco, and Kaya to find each other and make up to live the life that EMA couldn't 🥺 I guess for main, overarching questions, a big one is: who gets to decide, to shape the world from here on out — it Zeke with his plan of ending the Eldian race? Is it Eren doing who knows what? Or can we trust humanity to save itself? On the practical side: what happens with the Titan powers — do we learn to live with them somehow, is there a way to end the curse, and what does this have to do with Ymir? Who was she, really, and does this have any bearing on what the Titans have to be in the future? Most importantly, how the f*ck does Zeke wipe his ass?


Do you think Levi is dead? And do you think that if he has died here, it would be a fitting end to his story as he finally voiced his **regrets** on saving Eren over and over + broke his promise to Erwin to kill Zeke 3 times over?


Thoughts on Floch and his character development from season 3 to 4? Where/how do you think his arc will finish with the upcoming part 2 of season 4?


Thoughts on each of the Marleyan titan holders?


How do you feel about Eran? He looks dead inside it’s weird seeing a character change so much in a short time frame

Ramon Cintron

Tell me how you really feel about Irwin and Reiner?


Who was your favourite background character? Examples like Coco, Nile, Moblit, Thomas.


What's your favorite plot twist or revelation in the story so far?


What was a bigger plot twist to you: Reiner and Bertholdt's reveal or the basement reveal?

Billy Mauns

What are some of your favourite comparisons between the show so far and aspects/characters in fullmetal alchemist?