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In Attack on Titan 4x16 Above and Below, Pieck takes a guess at who the real enemy is, Porco gets to decide if the ceiling deserves to breathe, yet we still don't know what's the truth of Eren's plan.


AOT 4x16 Extended

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I can't believe it's over this is making me emotional 🥺


Good luck waiting just like the rest of us! At least we get to theorize and talk without spoiling (anime content not manga obviously) Will update after watching


We’ve reached the end 😢


Hope you’ve had fun with your journey !

hays collins

Trust me we don’t want it to end either. This has kept us from going insane while waiting for season 4 part 2


6 months...


You've reached the end, now you must suffer and wait like we do. AoT got me into anime so it's going to be sad when it finishes. I'm excited though and I look forward to hearing your opinions on it.

Sal Inger

Pieck turning around and pointing at Eren after he asks her where the enemy is, is one of the most badass moments of the whole show. Gave me chills the first time I saw it.

hays collins

Ugh I would love to see you do a full rewatch of AOT. once you get the full picture you have to do a rewatch


Think you absolutely hit the nail on the head about erens appeal. Beyond his narrative brilliance, beyond the inner turmoil that may be happening within, beyond all of that there’s something appealing to this version of him, from a primal sense. He’s cool. He’s masterminding. He’s impressive. Some part of us will always want to be this larger than life figure who’s gone from downtrodden to powerful. The problem is when that self insertation goes too far and people justify everything because of these factors. Great as always 👍🏼


Yay, you're caught up! :) Oh no, you're caught up :( Awesome that you noticed Porco in the crowd


I think the quote from Pyxis "Do you know how to tell a good lie? Sometimes you've gotta mix the truth into it." is incredibly relevant to a lot of characters in this show.


FYI if you ever rewatch Season 4 Part 1 on your own or with us, make sure to watch the Bluray version which will be fully out sometime next month. There are quite a lot of artwork/animation improvements and even some scenes reanimated


You should watch a video about the lore to understand it more


Yeah really awesome! And a great connection to the question asked in the opening

Keegan Brakhage

haha us attack on titan fans are used to waiting, we are numb to it. the infamous season 1-2 gap... i believe in you, we'll wait for season 4 part 2 together patiently lol

Fabiola Macias

It’s been a lot fun following your journey through AoT but what’s been a lot moreunexpectedly fun are your discussions and everyone else’s comments! Your community is so thoughtful and smart- I love reading and hearing about everyone’s point of view on everything


the transition from laughter to immideate shock when that guy got shot in the head haha amazing


do do-doo, do do-doo, do do-doo, wah wah wah. Do you think when this starts releasing again weekly, AoT will use the ATLA rewatch's timeslot?


It's been fun 💜


Now you get to play the game of avoiding spoilers for a year with us! Best of luck!


"We can learn a lot from our enemies." "Such as how to make more of them." Such an amazing line. Well played, Pyxis.


What a ride its been ! Thank you for your insightful and thought provoking reactions and also thank you for creating such a nice space for people who like to go deep into these shows and discuss their view on it. Even if it got heated sometimes all the comments and discussions have been civil and a delight to read. I disagreed with some of your opinions because when survival comes into equation it becomes very complex and hard to pin down with these kind of themes I think. But I really do respect and adore your opinions and I believe in our daily lives the way you think is truly the way to go to become a better and stronger person. Keep up the great work! ps. I am still waiting for Aot in 9 mins :D

Aura Y

Well it's been a fun, wild journey so far! I've really enjoyed all the interesting perspectives on AoT, whether we agreed or disagreed, there were a lot of insightful conversations! I look forward to the Q&A and whatever comes next :)

a. tree

Pieck is so absolutely badass in this episode. Not only does she walk in, stare down Eren and pull one over on him, but in the middle of her operation, she notices that Gabi needs to be set right and PAUSES what she's doing with Eren to give her that big-sister talk that she needs, then goes right back to hoodwinking the dude. Also in this episode we see the return of Armin being an absolute pro of an actor — I don't believe for a second he's a fan of Zeke's plan, but hey, given she just shot a dude in the face just for being disrespectful it's probably best if she thinks at least part of Armin's squad likes her And I'm also a big fan of just seeing Reiner in this episode! The first half of this season really felt like *his* season in terms of what character arc we're focusing on. And though it switched the focus to Paradis after the battle, now we're sort of getting some closure as to where he's at. I don't even think he spoke any lines, but he just looks healthier, and he looks truly determined. The best feeling is that Reiner finally has something that he is fully dedicated to fighting for that is positive he can feel good about. He's here to protect the kids, and not only that but to protect the world from Eren who is currently perpetrating the same evil that he once did. I'm sure Eren won't die or anything yet because we still don't know what he's thinking, but I'm really rooting for Reiner to hit him hard.


also was wondering if you've reacted to death note ? the light comparison got me curious ! you should totally react to it if not !!!!


Update: Like you said, Connie values relationships and trust strongly. Jean does as well, but he also seems like he gives the thought more nuance in complex situations like when he theorized Eren likely had some sort of reason behind acting like that to Mikasa and Armin. That's one reason why I think Jean and Connie work for each other so well as friends. Sasha and Connie were always a bit of a chaotic duo, but Jean has always been introspective and willing to try and see the bigger picture. The three of them being a friend trio is very wholesome but also just feels right because of how well their personalities and views meld. Pieck and Connie giving each other a shoulder pat would just be the equivalent of Eren and Zeke touching. Connie is actually the shoulder pat titan with royal blood, and Pieck has the founding family titan. They can just create a rumbling where colossal titans hug people. Flawless plan. Also, after hearing your thoughts on the show up until now, I think you're going to have a lot of fun with the next part of Season 4, at least based on what I have been spoiled on regarding the manga. Which is a lot, unfortunately lol. Q&A Question: In addition to being very meta and possibly making you think deeper about various aspects of humanity, what else do you think AOT has given you, if anything? For me personally, as an aspiring screenwriter it made me think about characters in a much more multi-dimensional way than I ever have, which has been really useful. I also personally have developed a lot of my own beliefs on humans and morals because of this show. I think having stories like this, even if they are very tragic at times, can help us come to realizations which is something you've talked about. Definitely happened to me with AOT.

Sal Inger

Idk about Eren being 'cool'. I always thought he's a complete psychopath and not at all appealing. Even when I saw the very first episode, all those years back when it first came out, I remember thinking "that boy ain't right". Who knows, maybe I'll be proven wrong in the end but I feel like they'd have to retcon his whole character for that. Even if he somehow manages to become the hero at the end of the story, he was still an incredibly damaged, angry and hateful character throughout the whole show.


Extremely relevant to Paradis' dilemma too. I love that line, Pyxis has always been amazing


Armin...master manipulator Armin. Initially I was shocked to hear what he said but I knew something was off about it. On further thought, I believe he's just crying from relief, that he knows Eren wouldn't be on board with the euthanization plan. Like oh thank god that whole thing with hating Mikasa was an act. I just need to get Yelena on my side, for some reason! Holy crap though Yelena is SO quick to kill. Terrifying character. Kinda nervous for what she'd do when she finds out Eren wasn't on her side after all. There's an unbelievable amount of things to tie up. What happened to Levi and Zeke? What are the scouts going to do? What is Historia's purpose in this story? Mikasa is a princess I almost forgot? What'll happen to everyone who drank the wine? Falco? Gabi? The fate of the world? Anyways. Watching your reactions to this show, and looking through other people's comments, has truly enhanced the show for me too. Can't wait to get back at it! :D Now I gotta start watching MHA soon.

Maia Brodsky

You are by far my favorite AoT reactor. Thank you so much for this series.


AOT has been one hell of a ride. I personally couldn’t wait anymore for part 2 of season 4 so I recently read the manga and boy are you in for a LOT this winter (can’t wait to see how they plan on animating everything lmao). Any plans for the next show yet by the way?


someone give my man armin an oscar


well thats all for now! thank you alex, for giving my all-time favorite reactions and analysis to shows I love. when it comes to future shows, I would LOVE to see a reaction series for evangelion, mob psycho 100, and death note!


Speaking of what makes Eren appealing.. To me personally and this is just my opinion..but I feel others may or may not agree but unlike Light Yagami. I argue Eren is fighting not for himself but for his entire RACE as a whole and that is what makes him appealing to me. Light Yagami clearly only cared about himself and didn’t care about anyone else and only used them as tools and weapons and I put forth Marley or the Government of Marley does the same thing Light does to Misa Misa but instead of a single person they have an entire race of ppl. We clearly saw they don’t have any remorse for their lives. We saw them strapped with bombs as suicded bombers in the battle at fort slava. And Willy makes a statement in episode five stating that Magath has sent eldians to die in mine fields just to clear out the mines. What Pieke said in this episode is Absolutely true and still really irritating that she chooses to side with Marley. I get she says she doesn’t trust “Marley” and that she wants to save her loved ones which includes Gabi. You talked about this whole cycle of hatred and that there has to be someone at the top controlling them several episodes ago. That group does exist and I would put forth it is the Tybur Family. Even with Willy gone there is still a representative to the family and the whole Tybur Family knew the whole thing was fake about Hellos and never said anything about King Fritz wanting peace until it was convenient to try and tell the truth in a way that suits their needs whatever those may be. In the meantime Marley, free from the Tybur family control was free to do whatever the hell they wanted to do to gain power and abuse and tourment the eldians living with them in the internment zone.Going back to what makes Eren appealing and to put my comment on its final thoughts. I feel eren gets the big picture. This war is more than just about one person which is why I feel his conversation with Mikasa and armin was merely a play to fool them to push them as far away from him as possible. Their race is at stake and his actions to defend are indeed immoral to some degree obviously(Killing the kids in the building) Could I make the same decisions that Eren made to defend this race? Its hard for me to and i do feel like that makes me somewhat of a coward to some degree that my own conscious would probably stop me if i'm being honest withmyself.so seeing him make those tough decisions knowing the outcome would clearly make him just like marley to some degree to defend his own people is what is him appealing.


I'm actually thinking about doing Eva one day although I've seen it. Death note I've also seen but Mob Psycho is basically a must for me at this point


Thank you! Yeah the comments made this show come alive in such an amazing way. I am still thinking about the show and the more I think about it the more complicated it becomes lol. AOT in 9 minutes will happen :)


My favorite detail is Pieck throwing her hands up to the soldiers was a way of showing porco she was handcuffed to gabi, just more evidence of how smart she is

Norrin Radd

The Colossal Titan nuke explosion is a retcon.


Okay so Armin’s reaction is strange on a first watch, but I think I understand why he said what he did. Is the euthanization plan a good plan? No. It’s a very utilitarian calculation that conflates human suffering with human life. But, after everything Armin has gone through, doesn’t this seem better than outright war? Think about it from Armin’s perspective. We saw that they were trying for peace. The volunteers and the scouts were getting along. But all the while, Even was secretly going behind their backs and plotting for war. To the point that he called his friends and forced their hand in destroying Marley. We got a first hand lookout Armin’s psyche as he killed thousands of people. He was horrified. And now, Yelena is telling him that everything he’s done has been in the name of something good. Something “peaceful”. Of course the audience would think that the euthanization plan is bad. But Armin’s not thinking in terms of good or evil. He’s looking for solace. I think of what Levi has always said. You have to make the best choice you can in the moment. And once you do, you have to live with the actions you’ve taken. I think Armin regrets everything he’s done these last few months (from the time when Eren ran away). I don’t blame him for thinking this way (this is of course assuming that he isn’t tricking them which I don’t think he is).


This has been such a ride! I saw this show in such a different light on rewatch alongside you, and your commentary and thoughts were spectacular as always. Looking forward to see what comes next!


I read an interview once where the author of the manga said his original idea for the Titans was to be these things that represented tragedy IRL; just as the Titans indiscriminately kill people and one rarely has the power to stop them, tragedy comes for us all at unsuspecting moments and leaves us to pick up the pieces. Interpret that how you will, but for me it adds another layer to the story to not just think about the Titans as these fantastical beasts (that admittedly don't seem as grounded in reality when compared to the very poignant themes of season 4) but also as vessels for another of the show's themes themselves. In this respect, Yelena's idea of the disappearance of the Titans being a prerequisite for world peace doesn't seem as naïve if you think about it like that.


Wow I did not notice Porco in the crowd.


Pieck was the biggest surprise of this season for me. I really love her take on things, where she clearly recognizes that big picture, Marley is not to be trusted, but her actual comrades are worthy of her faith. I came away with the same admiration of her principles that you did. Plus, she's so competent and smart that it's just fun to watch. If you ever do a rewatch, take note of the fact that she's 1000% the MVP of the Shiganshina battle at the end of S3. The only reason Reiner and Zeke survive that fight is because she was there. Hope Marley gave her a raise for singlehandedly preserving the backbone of their entire military structure.


Imma have to agree with Pieck on this one


Did you pay money just to hate comment about a show you don't like?


q&a questions: has aot or any other show you've seen so far inspired you at all to write your own fictional story? is that something you'd ever consider doing and if so what would you enjoy writing about? the dark themes in current events, tropey stuff, slice of life? obvious question but how do you think this will all be resolved, if you even think it will be resolved? is there a potential ending you would be unsatisfied with? there's probably a lot we still don't know so i don't blame you if you're at a complete loss lol

Henry Law

You truly elevated the show for me and gave me a perspective that I wouldn’t have understood had you not brought it up. I’m kinda happy because of all the shows you did, this is the one that isn’t complete and we’ll be back to visit it again next year! Can’t wait to see what else you’ll do!


That's interesting. I wonder at what stage certain ideas started to take shape. Though I would argue that you can never erase tragedy and attempts to do so will likely end in more tragedy, the road to hell is paved with good intentions and all that.

Henry Law

Also! You should watch the teaser for the next season in the Q&A!

Matsumoto Erkin

i really hhope you can reaact too "aot iin 5 minuts" y Gigguk . its one of thee most watched aoott videos on youtube and very similar to FMAB bloopers video


Had not thought about it, but if titans are getting wiped out humans will just find another tool to use for their goals and inflict cruelty on innocent people. Like the upcoming technology used in the 4 year Marleyan war. I've got no idea if the show is going to end hopeful or tragic, but it has already given us so much stuff to think about, I personally don’t think it really matters. I really appreciate your reactions, all the comments, ideas and discussions. Looking back at it, my views have already changed sooo much from when I first watched it and that's what makes it such an amazing show


now till winter 😪😪😪😪😪


only hunter x hunter can fill the void that is aot :(


Petition for Goodwin to react to Monster.


Funny how the characters I respect most are those who just look out for their own and take care of their inner circle, like Pieck and Connie and even Reiner. Even though they're sometimes on the wrong side of things the simplicity and basic goodness of what they're doing is hard to fault. Anyway they're a lot better than the people who try to save the world and end up mass murderers... cough Eren and Zeke cough...

Derrick C. Shields

As much as I personally have certain picks higher, this is SO much better than other suggestions I've seen. ...And honestly, if I'm trying to be objective, might be better than MINE, too lol.

Matthew B

Reiner is also a mass murderer, and pieck helped Zeke commit mass murder. But I get your point.


s4 is so goooodd


Do a reaction to the manga now LOL