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In My Hero Academia Season 2 Episode 24 Katsuki Bakugo Origin, new school motto: Plus Ultra Punch Your Classmate.


MHA 2x24 Extended

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Based on your extensive Mineta character exploration in the last reaction I cannot wait to see your developing thoughts on Bakugo throughout the show. Being a fan of him early on in the show has been paying off very well for me, but here he's still very early on in his potential arc.


Ahh, so you will be watching Two Heroes after this Season after all? That's cool, since it is chronologically set between Seasons 2 and 3. I have some hang ups about it since it was made after Season 3 and features... Well, depending on how sensitive you are to spoilers, something you could consider either big or small lol. Really just a character design and OST that's first revealed in Season 3.


I'm always blind when it comes to these things so it ends up being a toss-up :D Going in chronological order seemed as good a choice as any, but I hope the spoilers aren't too bad


Evolution of Deku's cake starts here.


It’s the fact that in the current season airing we are just got our first Christmas episode and we haven’t left the first year yet a whole lot is bout to go down in the short time span so excited to watch it unfold with you

Aura Y

Bakugo is definitely abrasive to an extreme in the first two seasons. Both he and Deku seemed to idolize All-Might but each took something different values from their hero. Deku embraced the desire to save everyone, while Bakugo internalized being the best and being unstoppable as what it means to be a hero. I genuinely think Bakugo is coming from a point of wanting to be good, but somewhere along the way his values and his superiority complex got mixed up. Also with Deku, it's very interesting how you bring up his willingness to sacrifice himself to a fault. I think in a world full of heroes, I think that will definitely be explored, and I think the author is fully aware of this flaw.


I thought I had heard they were still in year 1 but recently wondered if maybe I heard that wrong. And I thought the show was packed so far! lol

Joel S

Speaking of Goku, and now that you are close to finishing/catching up to AOT, I have to ask if you've seen DBZ abridged? If you haven't maybe you could look into starting that series they do some interesting things with the characters especially later on on the series. Just a thought, keep being awesome!


So many of the UA students are so mature sometimes it's hard to remember they are just freshman highschool students. Really Bakugo is probably as mature as most of the freshmen at my highschool. But he seems so behind compared to everyone else on maturity.

Jay Crigler

Villain All Might is the most intimidating villain lol


tiny bakugo is so cute i love himmmmmmmmmm BA KU GO SAY THAT THE FIRST TIME!! COMMUNICATE WITH UR TEAM MATE INSTEAD OF BEING A HEAD STRONG ASSHOLE LDFKJNSLDFGNLSDKFJNG No one can fricken read ur mind damn it use words >.< Yes its growth for Bakugo "Is he risking damaging himself?" Yes since his quirk comes from his sweat i assume it also applies to his sweat glands so the more he forces out the worse it'll damage him?? See this is what i mean Bakugo is so smart if he'd just told Deku his plan from the beginning it would of gone a lot smoother but he's just so....in his head all the time that its like \suddenly super smart\ is annoying like be smart all the time without the attitude thanks I had to go check the sub for this ep cuz i clearly remember Deku saying something like "try using me" and yeah he said "Before you give up, at least try using me!" instead of "but before you give up we can at least try using my power!" Did i really just rewatch this one specific entire episode subbed for a single sentence? Yes i absolutely did and i regret nothing LMAO


I suggest you watch the movie after Season 3 episode 20, because that episode acts as a pilot to the movie, even though the event of the movie took place between season 2 & 3


Very good episode, it’s the first time we’ve really gotten details on how all might is the specific reason why bakugo pushes himself and wants to be at the top. He doesn’t really fanboy over all might ever so it’s not obvious. It’s just interesting to see how so many people are directly inspired by all might, but in such different ways, compare bakugo to thinking being the greatest means always winning fights, to Deku focusing on saving people and giving them hope, to stain who thinks all might is the only real hero


I actually have not but I've heard great things about it. I got to DB late, I actually binged Dragon Ball and DBZ and about half of GT in 2018 I think it was.


Thanks :) This is one of those things for which there are mixed opinions. I'll see how I feel and what else people say between now and then.


Hey, Goodwin. I strongly advise you against watching the movie after season 2. Although chronologically the events of the movie happens just after this season, the plot was written in a way that aknowlages that people already saw season 3. there are some "soft spoilers". I don't know if you played The Last of Us, but assuming you did, it's like playing the DLC Left Behind before meeting Ellie because it's "chronologically correct". And this is true to most of prequels that launches post-original content. Horikoshi wrote the story and structured the events in a way that fits best if watching the original narrative-flow. I'd suggest you to watch any MHA content in launch order. PS. Sorry for any spelling mistake or anything. English is not my mother tongue and it has been a while since I've practiced my writting.


By "original narrative-flow" I mean the Manga. Watching MHA as the story was meant originally to unfold. The movie is canonical but meant to be seen as when it launched - after season 3.


*Bakugo decks Midoria on school property* The school nurse: "Teamwork makes the dream work!"

Matthew B

Just UA things

Jacob Keyser

Bakugo has a lot more awesome development coming. and thats all i'll say.

Skyler Anderson

Bakugo is either my favorite character in the show or my second favorite behind deku. This is his origin since he is starting to work with someone else even if it pains him to do so. I'm a super competitive person so taking on that personality trait of always winning no matter the cost keeps me going. Love him and what he has to come. Great insights as always


The one thing that kind of frustrates me about the Deku/Bakugo dynamic is that I never felt like the show did enough to justify why Deku is so willing to put up with the way Bakugo treats him and still try to be his friend. From what they’ve shown so far, I’ve really only seen brief flashbacks of them hanging out sometimes as kids, but nothing that makes sense of why Deku pushes back against Bakugo so hard instead of just walking away from the relationship


By the way, now that you’re finishing up AOT I highly recommend watching Mob Psycho as the next show. For starters it’s only 26 episodes across 2 seasons so it’s super manageable as compared to MHA and AOT. It’s got an amazing blend of action, comedy, and some genuinely inspiring character growth, especially from the protagonist himself. Not to mention it has absolutely STUNNING animation and art design- possibly its biggest selling point. It’s right up your alley, and I think you’d definitely enjoy it and get a lot out of watching it.

Anna Lena Ciplajevs

Actually, bakugou has been smiling in every single fight he’s in! Both of them are clearly super influenced by allmight, the difference Is that Deku wants to be allmight and bakugou wants to beat allmight and surpass him. Yeah what a crazy school year right? Except it’s only been half a year, Japanese students start their year in the spring so the summer vacation is half time xD

Aura Y

I agree, Bakugo was a terrible "friend" at best and an abusive bully at worst. It might be that Deku still held out hope that they could understand each other. I mean he continues to affectionately refer to Bakugo as "Ka-chan" even to this day. I think part of it is a hopeless optimism of Deku, but it's definitely not a great explanation for their relationship.


Jujutsu Kaisen next maybe?


Allmight is almost as serious as Iida is about getting into character for the exercise


The one thing I really hate about Deku is that he always looks like he's on the verge of tears. No matter what the situation or what he's saying, he always make this face like he's seconds away from waterworks. It's hard to cheer for someone like that.


I always disliked that Midoriya would have failed this test because he was purposefully given a partner the teachers knew wouldn't be a good teammate. Midoriya is normally an excellent communicator and teammate but unless he can 'work with' a dude who since childhood has bullied and dismissed him then he gets a bad grade. Its not even 'they sort of dont get along' Bakugo literally and loudly at every instance professing his deep disrespect for him and this is somehow treated as a two way street that requires both of them to work on their relationship when its pretty clear the aggression and bad feelings are a one way street. Always seemed like the teachers bent over backwards to accommodate Bakugo's terrible tendencies 'to help him grow' at the cost of the other student's (in this case Midoriya) emotional well being and progress. They justify it by saying things like 'Oh he didnt actual mean to kill Deku when he exploded that giant hole in the building' or 'Wow his attitude is bad but he sure is talented at fighting!' as if those were actually good reasons for not addressing this issue with him rather than foisting his emotional growth on another student to unlock. Bakugo literally attacks his TEAMMATE and the first reaction from a teacher we get is 'Wow those two have issues' not 'Wow BAKUGO has issues'. "Don't they know who they are up against?" YES literally Deku was explaining this exact concept when he was attacked by his teammate Recovery Girl!


Please react to all the movies too 🥺🥺🥺🥺


They prep them for situations that may or may not happen in the real world scenarios. Not every hero is gonna be willing to work together so easily.


I think this is my favorite episode of the show so far, still getting caught up


Video got blocked on youtube again.


I've been going through your whole MHA series on YouTube! When I found that a bunch of episodes (starting with this one) were copyright-blocked I took the plunge and used Patreon for the first time. I'm glad to support you for a bit! Been watching since ATLA days but dropped off after dragon prince since I hadn't watched any of the animes you were reacting to I actually haven't watched MHA before! I know of the fandom and the storyline but I haven't watched the actual anime. So I'm really enjoying watching it alongside your analysis and life wisdom.