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In Attack on Titan 4x10 A Sound Argument, on November 8th vote Connie for founder!


AOT 4X10 Extended

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R'Mani Leavell

To clarify, Mikasas mom was an oriental, and her dad was an Ackerman. Ackermans are immune to titan serum, which includes Mikasa, Levi, and Kenny. The orientals are immune because they do not have the founder Ymirs blood, otherwise they would be able to turn into titans. Sadly I don't think Kiyomi is as badass Mikasa or Levi if she were to put on the gear. And to explain the rumbling. The world fears that the people of Paradis will use the rumbling to destroy the world and all of civilization aside from the people of Paradis. In this episode the mention they want to take the rumbling for a test drive. In the manga they go a bit deeper. They want to use the rumbling to destroy all of humanities army ports. In the time it takes the world to recover from this, Paradis would've caught up to them in terms of military. But the scouts didn't want to do that, so their plan was to open up to the world and offer their resource for trade, so the world could see that they just want peace.

Maia Brodsky

Your take on Eren is almost identical to mine, except I have the sort of attachment to him that you have to Erwin. I think he's more emotional than he wants to let on, or even admit to himself, and I think he's doing a ton of things wrong. This show is best enjoyed without taking sides. I never lost my attachment to Reiner or Bert or anyone else. I love both Sasha and Gabi. It's really not a contradiction in my mind.


omg ok listen listen I don't understand how a sample of the rumbling will help as wont it just wake up ALL of the titans in the walls? like its never made sense

Katie Barnes

Just an FYI, Hizuru and the Ackermans are not related! Mikasa is a descendant of both the Oriental clan (Azumabito, from Hizuru, making her effectively a princess) and the Ackermans (relating her to Levi and Kenny and the rest)!

Armin Arlert

The sample of the rumbling is a demonstration to the world that they indeed can use the wall titans at any moment, that threat would make the rest of the world not attack paradise island knowing that they can use the power of the founder. Not sure if you are a manga reader or not but this was better explained there so I suggest reading the manga.

Maia Brodsky

The ODM gear Zeke gave to Kiyomi was presumably the one he took from poor Miche in Season 2 episode 1 Beast Titan. I'm sure you remember one of this show's most brutal deaths.


So for clearing up on Mikasa and her family lore. Mikasa is half asian and half white. Her mother is a descendant of the oriental family that got trapped inside the walls and therefore was met with a lot of racism and descrimination. Other than being of asian ethnicity this family has no unique badass powers if we exclude Mikasa being a literal princess. And her fathers side of the family who are all caucasian; the ackermann, where Levi and Kenny are from. Who have this badass powers and immunity to the founding Titan and are therefore feared by the nobles inside the walls. Thanks to being basically outcasts of society, Both her parents were pushed all the way to the outskirts of the walls where they met and fell in love and eventually had Mikasa. And the thieves from Mikasas backstory wanted her and her mother for the sole reason that they are the only other race beside the white people inside the wall and could sell them for a high price.

Aura Y

I think Hange shows why she was the right choice to replace Erwin at this point. She's pragmatic, but also willing to consider other options. I think this entire situation would just be insanely challenging for anyone even Erwin.

Armin Arlert

Just to clarify, Ackermans and Orientals aren't the same. Mikasa happens to be both Oriental and Ackerman (Her father was Ackerman and her mom was Oriental)


Yep I feel awful for Hange too, having to live up to someone like Erwin. She and Armin could probably relate on that. That and the fact that they're both geniuses.


btw, the odm gear Zeke showed to the Lady was the one he stole from Mike at the beginning of season 2


Yeah Eren clearly has emotions (as seen when Sasha died) he's just suppressing it immensely to do all of this Alex calling Reiner someone who's like a lost kid applies to Eren imo too. Edit: Have to keep in mind also that Eren is trying to shoulder Paradis entirely on his own, without asking for help. It's a terrible choice but kind of makes sense for his character given that when he has relied on people for his sake (or for Paradis overall), it's sometimes gotten them killed (Levi squad) Edit edit: A bit of irony is that Sasha has just died because he forced himself to rely on them in Marley.


Connie D. Springer




Anime only here, and waited for this episode to chime in on the Eren stuff. For me, this is the one that shows things are even more complex than we'd been led to believe, and we'd been led to believe things were fairly complex! The stark contrast between Eren's dismissal of the plan to use Historia as a royal breeder compared to his current demeanor shows that something substantial has happened to him in the interim. His reaction to Sasha's death is the key to understanding him, as I see it. He's laughed before at the death of a comrade: Hannes. He laughed at his own powerlessness and failure to do anything to stop it. It's the same situation here. I agree with your assessment that Eren is one of the least "free" people in this world, but where I disagree is that I think Eren knows this and that's what is destroying him. No matter what front he may put up, he's thoroughly aware of how little freedom he has. In a way, his aggression towards Hange was a cry for help- what CAN she do to stop him? And could she please hurry up and do it soon?

KJ Gaona

caucasian* please don't make me laugh like that lmao, but other than that, great clarification!

Armin Arlert

To clarify, "the rumbling" is unleashing the Colossal titans in the wall to trample the world. They discussed in this episode using a partial or small scale rumbling to demostrate to the world as a threat that they can do a full scale at any moment, that would avoid paradise from getting attacked for many years.


I had to bite my tongue (proverbially) to keep from talking too much about politics when discussing other options for Paradis over the last few episodes, in anticipation of this negotiation with Hizuru. Making contact with other nations, finding out what makes them tick and what they want, taking advantage of Paradis' resources (this unique Iceburst Stone, the oil Marley was after, etc.)... It opens up a whole realm of possibilities. Self-interest would be the best way to get past other nations' prejudices to try to gain allies, which I think would probably be the most likely path to a peaceful solution. Unfortunately the best counter-argument is that it all comes down to time. They could try to learn about the world and put in the work shopping around for potential allies, but what guarantee did they have that they wouldn't be attacked in the meantime? Even if Eren didn't go rogue, Willy declared war and united who knows how many other nations in the effort (probably not literally everyone, but enough). Still... Hizuru's terms were tough, but how do you weigh them against global war? In any case, this definitely adds even more nuance to the discussion of this whole situation.


Thank you for the much-needed lineage clarification and for the additional manga details! That clears a lot up


Incredibly perceptive evaluation Alex good work


I feel like Eren threatening Hange scene goes deeper than it seems. "What can you do then Hange?" line especially. It seems more like an emotional outburst more than an intimidation. "In the past 3 years you and everyone else couldn't solve this problem and now I have to (like you said, Eren is far from freedom) carry this burden. And now you are keeping me and zeke imprisoned, I am not leaving even though I can whenever I want, so if you have anything up your sleeve show it already." I don't know, maybe I am reaching and Eren is just leaning to his hatred to keep going. But I feel like there was a cynical side to that "what can you do then hange".


My theory on the Eren, Mikasa, Historia thing is that Historia has a crush on Mikasa. I mean she was saved by Mikasa twice I would have a crush too.

Ramon Cintron

There's a theory that I have that the father is actually Eren and they planned out the pregnancy to buy time but its probably wrong


He must've been holding it his cheeks while he was still in Paradis.


In the case of Conny and Sasha, I'd make a distinction between intelligence and wisdom lol, and same in the more general case you were talking about ("How smart can you really be if you're always miserable?"). There are a lot of brilliant fools out there. And of course that's an oversimplification as well, for example people can have great judgement externally but often have blind spots when it comes to themselves. On a high level I agree with what you're saying though, because people tend to conflate all that stuff into one big measure of mental prowess.

a. tree

When Mikasa flew in and rescued Historia in Season 3 I was like, 'hmm there's something about the way they drew this...' Then THIS episode? With the blushing and everything? They are gayyyyyy and I'm here for it


i googled who the father was when her scene came up but the entire fandom is fricken split between Eren and Farmer-kun and cuz i just wanted an answer not a bajillion manga panels i closed the tabs i guess if we wanna know the truth we just gotta read the manga @.@


I 100% agree with you that Eren is not calm and collected. I mean, he is, but it's definitely driven by something going on that we don't totally know about yet. He has a much more calm demeanor, but he is operating under both tactical motivation and emotional. Edit: A perfect example is when his demeanor broke as he lashed out at Hange. You mentioned how it's like Eren is keeping a lid on everything, all of the terrible actions, like he's wearing a mask. I think that moment with Hange demonstrates it perfectly. Someone else mentioned how it's like he was almost asking Hange for help, agitated and frustrated.


That's a great point about the Hange scene. Later on while editing it felt like he wasn't so much being hostile as he was begging for a way out, even though he knew she couldn't give one to him.


There's an after credits scene next episode, FYI


I only just realised the odm gear Zeke has was Miche's

Keegan Brakhage

as i've been watching your reactions, i've noticed a lot of scenes that seem to somewhat hint a mikasa and historia relationship maybe? im anime only so idk. but i feel like it's been foreshadowed before, and this episode especially.


After thinking about it some more I think you're right. It feels to me like he's partly pleading with her even though he already sort of knows she doesn't have any answers.


It may be some wisdom, but it's also just a different type of intelligence. Like besides IQ, there's emotional intelligence (EQ), or interpersonal and intrapersonal intelligence. Those are all important to have and people tend to overlook in favor of the classic logic and reasoning. Like it's cool that you can understand physics or battle strategies, but you should also be able to recognize when a person's personality seems inconsistent. And Conny? He got it.


When the whole crew was like 😳. Remember those days? I remember.


Alex, the Rumbling is exactly what Willy described in his play, the Wall Colossal Titans flatten the world.

Aura Y

I just realized that in 2 weeks, we'll be caught up with the anime.... wow! This has been quite the journey!

a. tree

RE: what Connie said about Sasha, I pretty much agree with you. On one hand, Eren is the dude whose death poses an extinction-level threat to Paradis as it leaves the island defenseless with the whole world knowing. Intentionally putting himself in a position where he would die if the Scouts didn't destroy of all of Marley's turrets and navy in order to bring him home is as big of a strong-arm tactic as there can be. BUT every Scout who showed up on that airship made the choice to lend their strength to the recovery of Zeke and Eren, rather than sit this one out. Sasha decided she needed to be there, so while there's strong Eren influence on the fact that she was there, he didn't like, kill her. To me though, the wrong of Sasha's death is not so much that she was killed, after killing others, it's that she died not knowing what cause she was dying for. This is something that Erwin would always do: 'we're giving up our hearts so humanity can inhabit these lands again,' 'we're sacrificing our lives so that our comrades can follow up behind us and complete the work,' et cetera. Everyone would willingly give their lives for this cause that was outlined. Sasha I'm sure felt forced to come, if the alternative was lose the one deterrent that Paradis had. Essentially, she was there because Eren decided it should be so. But what grand cause made an of this nature, on this day, necessary? Why couldn't he bring it up in the Survey Corps chain of command rather than call an audible himself? What is Eren's endgame, what justifies the fact that Sasha had to look Gabi in the face after shooting down her role models and feel guilt? Eren hasn't answered these questions yet, and so Sasha died in her mind participating in just more senseless violence without knowing what made it 'necessary.' That's the aspect of Sasha's death that is most wrong, and that's the aspect of her death that is Eren's fault.


Update: First off, next episode is one of my favorite episodes of TV I have seen (though it's not terribly action packed) so I'm super excited for that. I'll have a lot to say most likely lol. Secondly, your talk about cruelty and rebelling against that cruelty towards the end of the video was pretty good. I love that you're getting the same satisfaction by seeing the various scouts fight against that as I did. It's therapeutic after being told: "the world is cruel, nothing we can do" to then see characters we've followed and loved try and fight back against that, coming up with alternative ideas that don't completely feed into that darkness.


I think it’s important to take a look at Eren and Mikasa’s moments this episode. The glances they exchanged and the closeness shown between the two of them during the flashbacks (like the train scene, and the other scene with eren, mikasa, and historia, or even the tattoo scene) made me realize how much eren cares about her. It reminds me of the last episode of season 2, when eren punched that titan solely to display his feelings of protection for her. Their relationship is so hard to read most of the time, but I appreciate seeing how simple and raw their feelings are in the little moments they have together. However, now there’s a LOT of tension.


it's very strange to me having followed the channel for so long. FMAB still feels like it ended only last week, but that was a while ago now. The Legend of Korra and The Dragon Prince too.


The one part of his play that wasn't heavily exaggerated and dramatized lol


Eren's conversation with Hange was a little more clear in the manga. The way the scene, as many see it, is in a way Eren's plead for help. The translation may have been lost, as he asks "what do you have up your sleeve?" Eren feels what he is doing is the only way of saving Paradis and him yelling at Hange like that was something of "Do you have another plan in mind?"


To be honest the conversation of wether Eren would have attacked if Willy hadn't declared war always seemed so silly to me. First if you want to get technical he started his transformation before willy said they declare war But more importantly do people honestly believe he would have been like " oh haha sorry Reiner this is Akward I totally thought he was gonna declare war,my bad I'll just go home now " Eren's decision to attack was made since the first time we see him in Marley.

Paris Hardy

I think the translation was fine. Both iterations come off as him seemingly being violently aggressive towards Hange. I think it becomes clearer in retrospect that he was desperate, frustrated, & pleading.


Loved your take and analysis of Eren on this one. Feel like you really nailed it


Why'd you say that Eren can see the future?


Eren does have a history of laughing when loved ones die though. First Hannes then Sasha.


Probably because it was revealed The Owl could when he was talking to Grisha at the port.


Solid points. There's a lot of ambiguity in the situation for me for a bunch of reasons. Firstly, the question of how far removed do the consequences of our actions have to be before we are not responsible for them? There are no easy answers to this that I can see. But secondly and I would argue more importantly, it is my belief that everyone is responsible for all of their own personal decisions. That might not be a perfectly accurate way of looking at the world, but I do think it is an effective way of looking at the world and allows for actual choices to exist when previously they did not. In that sense, to me Sasha is responsible for following the troops to Paradis. Her death is still tragic for all the reasons you pointed out, but it's really difficult for me to see Eren as responsible in a way that is significant since he never wanted Sasha to die and never took actions that would inevitably lead to her death, except to us in hindsight.


In my opinion (which is probably wrong) being optimistic or pessimistic is not something I would use to test someone's intelligence. Being miserable is not due to a lack of intelligence. That is lack of emotional regulation. I think you meant mental health being a sign of some form of intelligence? Sasha and Connie are too underrated. I just don't understand why that is the case. Maybe the author didn't emphasize their characters more or the audience are just fools! haha Erwin also knew that his scouts made a choice of joining the scouts knowing full well they may die. So him sacrificing scouts is not as bad as it is made out to be. Edit: Commenter reminded me of something I noticed is the misunderstanding between Eren and everyone else. Him laughing is a reaction that is natural to him during overwhelming suffering such as a loved one dying. Second: he was genuinely asking Hange to share an alternative. He is extremely desperate. Yet people take it as if he is just crazy or cold.


Yes. I think what doesn't get discussed enough by viewers is that Eren will go along with alternatives but he won't because of TIME! There isn't much time at all. The nations were coming straight for them ASAP! A controlled rumbling on a small scale would probably a better option. That would give them more time. They could work on multiple levels. Level 1 buy as much time as possible. Level 2 Simultaneously communicate with other nations what Paradis actually wants. Level 3 Use the acquired allies (starting with Hizuru) to show that Paradis as an ally is better than Marley since Marley is the one oppressing the world with titans while the Eldian King declared peace. All the levels depend on level 1.


That is a good point. I don't understand why Eren would still attack though.


I may have missed it, but Alex in the manga Mikasas mother did give her the mark. However for anime censorship purposes that was avoided do to taboo about children having tattoos presumably. Unclear if that's true or not, but it was changed.


looooooooooooooooooool! So murder, genocide, gore, destruction, weapons etc are all ok in the manga, but god forbid the kids see a 'tattoo!!!!'.


historia and mikasa looking at each other and blushing is my religion


i've been rewatching your reaction while studying and now that exams are done I can finally catch up to the series. One thing i noticed in 1x25, the episode with Annie in Stohess, is that Eren seemed to get in a weird zone and said something to the effect of "i'll destroy the entire world" "I'm free" (6:30 of your youtube reaction), so maybe its his 1st titan ability and his character clashing, creating the worst mix (i havent watched farther than you so idk), like Reiner said, Eren seems to be the worst to inherit the founding titan then, cause his desire to destroy the world mixed with the ability to control titans seem to be a volatile mix. I'm not to sure about that or the lore either though, just a theory-


I'm so glad you watched Mikasa's OVA when you did. I didn't watch it until I had already finished the season, but you having watched it beforehand really adds a lot of color and depth to Mikasa in these moments.


love what you said at the start of the episode 🤍 sympathetic and understandable but also emotional


i also believe condoning all of erens actions under the umbrella of ‘survival’ diminishes the complexity of the character from a narrative standpoint


I feel so bad for Historia, she has been implied to have a preference for women, but had to be with a guy she probably has no interest in to bear children for the country... Also, Eren laughing when Sasha died doesn't mean he didn't care. People deal with loss differently, and Eren has shown in the past that he sometimes laughs when tragedy strikes - ie: when Hannes died.


I honestly believe that Eren wouldnt have attacked if Willy didnt declare war. Remember the last episode of season 3 right before he kissed historia hand, Eren stated himself that he would gladly give up his life if it would bring an end to everything/ make a difference.