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In My Hero Academia Season 2 Episode 19 Everyone's Internships, Selkie will drop kick you! ✧・゚:*✨(◕‿◕✿)✨*:・゚✧


MHA 2x19 Extended

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Bakugo is prideful, like Iroh said "Pride is not the opposite of shame but its source". Bakugo is shameful of himself when he was being attacked by the villain so it evolved into pride which he uses as a cover to hide his shame. Which is shown when he tried making excuses to KIDS on why he 'looked' like he was losing. It's as if he is trying to convince himself and not look as bad in his own eyes rather than the actual children. The only antidote for him is true humility as Iroh also said.


Also I know you said it sarcastically but it really reminded me of Iroh's wisdom so I had to mention it lol


Shinso was bullied and treated differently because his totally non-visible quirk seemed like a villainous sort of power. I can't imagine highly visible and physical quirks would have it any easier. I think you're right in saying that people with quirks that give them different bodies would be more likely to be driven to villainy.


Love how all of the people working for him are also extremely buff. Armstrong would be proud


Actually makes me want to give invisible girl props for not becoming a villain despite the extremely stealth capable quirk

KJ Gaona

And some people call this episode filler... Tsk tsk tsk.

Aura Y

I definitely relate to what you were saying about there's nothing that comes without grinding or challenges. I'm currently in a graduate program and it's been a lot of struggles and ups-and-downs. Sometimes I ask myself if another path might be better or even more enjoyable, but I know that every path will still require similar struggles. Maybe I'm still searching for the thing that balances gratification and grinding. It just makes the show even more relatable, seeing kids not having the best internships, while some like Tsu are making the most of their experiences and building the connections for the future.


Just occurred to me that drugs are potentially a bigger deal in this society than ours. Even ignoring any new fantasy drugs they could cook up, a guy sitting on his couch doing LSD is more of a problem if the guy has laser eyes or leaks magma.


If Tsu had said "we weren't able to find the stowaways", Insmouth (the octopus) might have just killed them both anyway. So I honestly don't know if it was the MORAL thing to do (because he also could have killed Sirius then and there) but it probably made the most logical sense.


It's a very realistic touch having the internship world be so hit and miss like that, and having it come down to the individuals (both the students and mentors). And yeah, all endeavors no matter how glamorous they appear to observers end up having their unseen difficulties. Often you trade one difficulty for another, for example in certain occupations you may have more prestige, more money, etc, but you likely get that at the cost of intense pressure or scrutiny.


Got some AoT flashbacks this time with the "Do you have faith" "Believe in us" messaging. This ended a bit better though than AoT


Navy Seal... That is all


Update: While this episode was a bit too campy (actually I don't think that's the right word but I can't think of the right one) for me, your commentary definitely made me appreciate it a bit more on second watch! This was an anime only episode, so it wasn't in the manga. I'm guessing they focused so heavily on Tsu because she's a fan favorite. Also, I can't be the only one who would love to work on a ship with Selkie and Sirius. They have a good dynamic


i think theres a post credits scene next episode! just a heads up.


12:16 your hesitation to what you were thinking was obvious lmao.


As much as I love the dub, I think "kero" is cuter than "ribbit."

Skyler Anderson

I think my name is put in wrong in the credits LOL. Great reactions as always tho still love the insight

Soren Monroe

another q&a question: when u get to Korea will your posting time change to align with the different time zone you’re in or will you keep it at around 10:30p EST


They also don't mention what kind of drugs they were. Not to give spoilers or imply that this event actually ties into later events.