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In Attack on Titan 3x20, That Day, Grisha's wife who was royalty from birth attacked Grisha's wife who was special from birth sometime before Grisha's son who can read attacked Grisha's son who can't read.   

Think about it, all those Armin scenes were with picture books.


AOT 3X20 Extended

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Hmm, finally the groundbreaking episode of the show


If you have a look at the title cards picture on each episode, it shows Paradis island across the sea from the mainland. Great piece of foreshadowing since season 1.


Grisha's friends that were turned into Titans are the same ones that invaded trost district in s1. The bearded one is the same one who ate Eren


your disbelief when they showed Zeke being born LOL

R'Mani Leavell

Titans we know so far: The coordinate titan (they give another name to it in the next few episode) The Colossal titan The armored titan The beast titan The quadruped titan (The dog titan (They give another name to later)) Ymirs titan (name revealed later) The female titan The titan that the owl and Grisha had (Name reveal later) Unknown titan Also we've seen most if not all of the titans created in this episode. The santa clause titan is the one that ate Eren back in season 1

Francesca White

i'm a little nervous for which direction they're gonna take this again just speaking as a jew. like i love stories with morally grey situations, but if you're making a direct comparison with the holocaust with the imagery, it becomes a weird situation. because the situation in Nazi Germany WASNT morally grey, it was a clear cut case of genocide against an innocent people being persecuted. i dont know what direction the story is going but i just hope they dont draw more comparisons to real life atrocities if they're gonna make it a "both sides are in the wrong" kind of conflict


What's the lie? What's the truth? Who to believe? LIKE A FALLEN ANGEEEEEEEEEEEEEL


Yeah there's no "good" side or "bad" side, people are individuals


Is the streamable link broken for anyone else?

Aura Y

I honestly think you caught most of the big reveals this episode, pretty impressive! As far as the analysis goes, I think you're right. They were born into the cruel world, and many of these people are facing grave injustices. I honestly don't know the right answer to how to resolve it, but it seems that if things keep going as they are, it'll just be a cycle of cruelty.


That is to say naturally there are people who are doing bad things in this conflict and those that are doing good naturally. But the idea of eradicating either side completely like say the Marleyans want to do the Eldians or this counter of like "lets destroy all of Marley and reinstate the Eldian Empire!" sort of thing is obviously the wrong way of thinking about it. But at the same time when you see these people making these decisions it makes sense. It's actually interesting to contrast the earlier sentiment in the episode of like "yeah, if you can do something to help people go and do it, and if you can't you shouldn't blame those people as long as they aren't hurting people, because hopefully there are the people whose responsibility is to go out of their way to make things better in these particular ways" -- the extreme side of that being say the sort of ways in wish that can be forced on someone like Zeke or like making this sort of zealot-like image of restoring a once great nation at any cost.


Great reaction! I would suggest you go back and rewatch the season 2 end credits now, you might see them in a new light.


Bed head Mikasa. That is all.


Also yeah the idea of a cruel cycle being formed if you respond to hate with hate, fighting for freedom, at the cost of hurting countless others who will grow with the same hatred in their hearts towards you. The cycle of revenge will swirl forever.


You should watch the season 2 ending song again. I'm interested in what you think about it, I can guarantee you that you will have a different reaction than the first time you saw it.


Episode 1 under the tree: Eren: "It's just, I feel like I had a really long dream." Mikasa: "Eren, why are you crying?" Now: Mikasa: "Are you crying, Eren?" Eren: "I feel like...I just woke up from the longest dream ever."


Grisha: "His name was Zeke." Alex: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WWaLxFIVX1s


Do you remember when Erwin asked: “Who do you think the real enemy is?” Yeah... with this now uncovered it gives that question a whole new meaning.


Also the titans you saw were all involved in the battle of Trost, bearded guy ate Eren, and the small bowlcut one ate Mina Carolina

Henry Law

I'm dead from that comment. Kinda like Grisha's wife (Trisha) who died by the hand's of Grisha's wife who died by Grisha's kid's hands.


The one that ate the officer is the one from season 1 who almost kills Sasha when they shoot the titans' eyes so they could refuel their gas.


A cool piece of trivia: if you flip the map of Marley and Paradis vertically, you get Africa and Madagascar respectively


At least his ex-wife did come back looking for him, she's loyal.

Alex Begley

I’ve seen this argument before and I can see why with the armband and internment camp thing. But I also see it more as a reflection of Japanese culture and history with WW2. It invokes the repercussions of the Pearl Harbor bombing such as America’s interning of people of Asian descent. There’s another comparison I would make but it happens in season 4

Katie Barnes

In case it wasn't clear, "the Subjects of Ymir" are a race of people who can turn into Titans. "Eldian" is a nationality. Fun fact, but this is why the Ymir we know (not the founder/royal Ymir Fritz, but Ymir who was in the Scouts) is named Ymir. In her backstory, we see her get adopted into a religious cult and given the name "Ymir," which we assume means this cult is worshipping Ymir Fritz, and is why they are all arrested and turned into titans. Also totally recommend rewatching the Season 2 outro - it will make SO MUCH more sense now that you've seen this episode!


You gotta appreciate the attention to detail and narrative structure in this show. The fact that Dina was set up EPISODE ONE and we get the payout of that so far in, the foresight in the writing is impressive to say the least.


I don't think that using violent means to fight systematic oppression is necessarily wrong..


This description is GOLD


This also explains why Marley still needs Eldians, only they can become titans.

Jonathan Canfield

Everything is starting to come full circle. And most things are life are somewhere in the middle of different sides "Truth".


Oh man you’re gonna LOVE season 4 :D can’t wait


And Grisha died by Grisha's kid's hands, but not that kid, the other one.


This is the core of this show's biggest controversy. the grotesque, monstrous, deformed, man-eating titans.... are basically Jews. When you compare the titans to anti-semitic caricatures and consider the myth of blood libel - the idea that Jews drank the blood of christians in their rituals - plus the obvious yellow star armbands, it's hard to ignore the parallels. I've been reserving my own judgement until I saw this episode myself, and while yes, the Eldians are meant to be sympathetic here, they're also talking about wiping out the Marleyans and taking over the world. As a Jew it definitely rubs me the wrong way.

Chaz Finch

The birds will always be at the top of the pecking order.


My favourite part of this episode is when the Sergeant Major is talking to Grisha about his worldview on the wall. When he says "Because it's interesting" and "People actually want to see cruelty" he's looking directly at the camera. It's almost meta? Like he's speaking directly to the audience and calling them out (for enjoying the gore/violence of the show? No idea)


Yeah it's basically impossible for me to cast judgement on the way Grisha and his people react, but you'd imagine that it would also create some terrible evil against innocent Marleyans if their plans of "annihilation" come to fruition.


I agree, but I think there's some nuance involved when it comes to intentions, especially about what comes AFTER. Use necessary violence to take back our freedom and secure peace for our people? Great, have at it (with caution, consideration, and restraint if possible). Completely annihilate the entire nation that's been oppressing us, and presumably everyone in it? Well... Maybe dial it down a notch.


I used to feel similarly when I heard about the controversy, and read a certain Polygon article, but I watched a video by a Jewish man giving his perspective that was very thoughtful. I don't think it's meant to be antisemitic personally, but I am also not Jewish and I respect anyone's viewpoint otherwise. I think it's something everyone will come to their own conclusion on, and they should.


This episode really resonates with me especially with the state of the world right now. Free Palestine


I'm sure you've got this while watching but eldians/ subjects of ymir are the only race capable of turning to titans. So that means all the warriors we've seen are eldians as well. I think it is pretty interesting to think about the racism in this show, in our world racism is pretty baseless/biased so we are able to clearly say it is wrong. But in a world where a race of people is able to turn into titans, even if the eugenics stuff is Marley propaganda (which no one can clearly know since generally the history is written by the winners) titans are clearly very destructive and a threat to the people all around the world, how are we supposed to feel about racism in a world like this ? There is a king in an island which said "If you interfere with us, millions of colossal titans will flatten the whole world." , I think in a situation like this the racism stuff gets very complicated. Of course I am not saying what Marley's doing is right or justified, I just think it is very interesting to think about.

a. tree

Not sure if this will be useful to you, but now that we know there are nine titans here is a recap of what we know about all of them in order of appearance (we've seen all but one of them and met the users of all but one of the Titans we've seen): Name: Colossus Titan Current User: Armin Arlert Previous users: Bertoldt Hoover Abilities: Its 60 meter size makes it a poweful siege weapon, but gives it slow movement. Is able to rapidly consume its body mass in order to emit steam and heat. Taking this ability to an extreme, the Colossus Titan can create a massive explosion upon transforming. Status: Armin is currently safe on Paradis Island, having returned from the battle of Shiganshina. Name: Armored Titan Current User: Reiner Braun Previous users: [Unknown] Abilities: Armor" made of hardened Titan skin covers much of its body, making it impenetrable by most conventional weapons. Slow in comparison to similarly-sized Titans, but its armor can be partially shed in favor of increased speed. Standing at 15 meters, it is strong enough to throw 4-10 meter pure Titans across a field. Status: Returning to Marley — having lost all three of his original comrades (and two of their Titan powers) and failed his assignment to either capture the Founding Titan or make sure there are no Eldians alive on Paradis. Besides identifying the current user of the Founding Titan and "recovering" the Titan that Ymir stole from Marcel, Reiner is returning home having completely failed his mission. Name: [See next episode] Current User: Eren Yeager Previous Users: Grisha Yeager, [See next episode] Abilities: Good combat ability. Now has ability to harden parts of its body. Can transform up to three times. Demonstrated some kind of rapid regeneration when fighting the Female Titan in Stohess District. 15 meters tall. Name: Founding Titan Current User: Eren Yeager (has not unlocked its full power except for that one time) Previous users: Grisha Yeager, Frieda Reiss, Uri Reiss Abilities: Can control and alter the memories of all Subjects of Ymir, in human or in Titan form, but can only be fully used by someone with royal blood (except for that one time...). Essentially, this Titan has near-omnipotence with regard to Eldians when its full potential is unlocked. Status: Eren Yeager is alive and well on Paradis. Currently serving time for insubordination even though all he did was get punched in the face after asking Levi nicely to please revive Armin. Name: Female Titan Current user: Annie Leonhart Previous users: [Unknown] Abilities: High versatility, mobility and combat ability. Can harden select areas of its body, adding power to her blows and allowing her to protect her nape. "Scream" alerts and attracts pure Titans to her location (though they will just eat her). High degree of endurance. Status: Still self-encased in a crystal under Stohess District. All of Annie's allies from Marley have left the island, defeated. Name: Beast Titan Current user: Zeke Yeager Previous users: [Unknown] Abilities: Lanky arms give it formidable throwing ability. Can somehow transform Eldians into Titans in bulk. Fully capable of speech and can dictate orders to the Titans it has transformed, though they do not always obey. Status: Returning to Marley after having been sent to Paradis to assist Reiner, Bertholdt, Marcel, and Annie on their mission. Zeke promised his half-brother, Eren, that he would "rescue" him from the "brainwashing" of their father, Grisha. Likely traumatized from having his ass handed to him by Levi Ackerman. Name: "Ymir's Titan," actual name currently unkown User: Ymir (the gay one, NOT to be confused with Ymir Fritz) Previous users: Marcel Abilities: Superior mobility and agility; sharp teeth, claws, and strong jaw. Capable of speech in fragments. Likely able to transform multiple times in succession judging by small body mass. Status: Unknown. Assumed to be on Marley unless she escaped, Ymir was last seen as a willing prisoner to Reiner and Bertholdt. Reiner passed a letter to Hange to be given to Historia on her behalf. Name: [Unknown] User: [Unknown; judging by their Titan's appearance probably someone ugly] Previous users: [Unknown] Abilities: Looks like a platypus and is quadrupedal. Can carry things on its back. Status: Returning to Marley, having been sent to Paradis along with Zeke because Reiner, Bertholdt, and Annie were fuck-ups. [Unknown ninth titan, we know absolutely nothing about it other than it exists]


I think violence/aggression against the oppressor is absolutely justified, until it becomes directed towards those under the rule of the oppressor.

Chaz Finch

Quality comment with great foreshadowing that has already appeared in the show. Also funny. Take a like and a comment for this comment

Aaron Ong

Here's a funny detail that gets revealed in this episode. All the way back in Season 2, when Eren punched the Smiling Titan (now know to be Grisha's past wife, DINA) and sic'ed the other titans on it, the song that played was titled "Attack on D", aka Attack on Dina. Who the smiling titan was had been basically hinted at in the Season 2 OST.

hays collins

I swear this whole show you beg for answers and they give you very little then this episode comes and they start beating the hell out of you with answers and your like “STOP PLEASE ENOUGH” hahaha


Unfortunately most freedom fighters in the world's history target innocent civilians and perform equally cruel acts to their enemies. The valiant freedom fighter is almost always a myth. In my country's fight against American occupation more than 100 years ago, the insurgents would bury American soldiers up to their neck, pour their face with honey next to an ant hill.


I didn't notice that but I would not be the least bit surprised if that was the intention. There's a lot of meta stuff like that happening in this show where the audience is lured into the trap of forming motivations similar to the evil in the show (kill the enemy, everyone who doesn't agree is stupid, one side is right and one side is wrong, etc.).

Ramon Cintron

Youve seenall those titans back in Episode 5

Matthew B

I actually almost vomitted when I read the panel about the sister and the dogs in the manga. It's the realization that people who would do that have existed and still do. It's not just fiction.


I think you are like the perfect target audience for the show, you caught things as it should have. One thing that Isayama does really well is showing things as raw as they can be and trusting the audience they can catch whats right, wrong or neither. The problem with that is that a lot of people watch just like the soldier that killed Grisha's sister view the world, very black and white, viewing things as race instead of individuals. I think right here Isayama was the critic of his own audience and he says from here on you shouldn't think like this guy. The thing is Shingeki no Kyojin got so big and so influential that people tends to think about it on the very surface level and totally ignores the hints and evidences about the world throughout the show and only focus on the characters actions in the moment


That said, just enjoy the show, it's an amazing well written full of cliffhangers show from here on out haha I was so anticipating you watching season 4, it was a great ride so far until here, I'm glad you finally are getting answers!

Anna Lena Ciplajevs

Great reaction! The next season will explain much more and put it into perspective!


While I agree with most of what you've said here, I think to say that racism of any kind is clearly wrong whereas the racism in AOT is somewhat justified does not make much sense. Just because the eldian's are able to shift into titans that are destructive doesn't mean the Marleyan's are justified, even slightly, in being racist towards eldians in that no eldian has turned into a titan under Marley's rule. If nothing else, Eldian's in Marley have shown to be nothing but peaceful. So, if the eldian's really haven't just turned into titans and hurt Marley, it tells me that the Marleyan people are not being prejudicial based on any real-world experiences of Eldian's, but rather are just using the titans as an excuse to be prejudicial and subjugate an entire race of people. Fundamentally, to me, both real-world racists and Marleyan's are both being prejudicial based on what they believe to be true, which does not necessarily justify their racist actions, even somewhat. This was long, but feel free to disagree with it cause I'm not even sure if what I said here made complete sense or if there are any inconsistencies in my assumptions and reasoning.


I'm dead!! Is Erwin a religion now XD Excuse me, have you heard of our lord and saviour Erwin Smith?


this last arc its THE info dump. This episodes are extremely important, they create the bones of the series and the next season its the meat, in other words, season 4 assumes you completely understood this 4 arc episodes perfectly, season 4 its the most complex season by far and I have seen various reaction channels getting lost because they didn´t understood or got lost with this episodes. so yeah, I´m glad you are being pretty sharp now with this episodes (:, it will help you out a lot for what's to come.

Will Watches

The bearded one you recognised was the one that “ate” eren way back in episode 5 when we all thought he was dead


I love this episode, it's reminds me of Ed, his first time in the portal, learning about the truth like "stop, stop it's too much..." and then when it was over "come one, give me more, i want more..." It was totaly me the first time i saw this episode.


Exactly! It happens all the time, unfortunately.


There is no balance. There is only extremes haha


spoiler lol


Goodwin, I hope you watch like 2 or 3 episodes ahead of these on Season 4, or make someone read the comments first... people are spoilling things already maybe because they forget the order that things happened, or because they wanna look smart, I don't know, but I'm sure they are gonna spoil some stuff they shouldn't on 4x2, I literally saw it happen in a lot of reaction channels, even in their patreons.

daniel kurtz

Can you imagine that this episode took over 6 years to come out from the release date of the first episode? Have you ever heard of a show reveal that took over 6 years to come to fruition?


That NOOOooo at the Zeke revelation reminded me of darth vader so much lol. Thanks for the great reactions as always, I truly appreciate your thoughts.


Oh it's me!


Oh boy, I can't wait for you to get to s4!!

Kadin Lebreton

The guard that says that people want to see cruelty can be seen as a meta commentary on the audience watching the show because one of the main reasons the show became so popular was because people were drawn to the cruelty of the show. You can extend this to media and the entertainment industry. With the idea that the most popular movies, shows, articles, headlines often times have to do with some sort of tragedy or violence. It's really interesting if you rewatch that seen with the idea that the guard is talking directly to the audience.


Finally being able to catch up and omg I'm dying at the "duck" titan. 😂😂😂