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In My Hero Academia Season 2 Episode 7 Victory or Defeat, our child heroes sort out who has the strongest quirk by punching each other in the face repeatedly.


MHA 2x7 Extended

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Yo that girl in the Shinzo flashback caught me so off guard. Tears


Thinking about it Shinso could have won so easily if he followed Deku and gave him a shove out of bounds

Emma Root

Deku really said avatar state yip yip


Shinso is my favorite character! you can expect more great things from him in the (far) future!


“But I believe Deku can save the world.”


Yeah, Shinzo's story always breaks my heart and like Aizawa mentioned it shows some of the flaws of the hero course. Shinzo's power feels the same to me as say if a hero had bloodbending, having a quirk that people deem inherently "villanous" would make it hard to try and rise above peoples view of you and make it your own.


If this was MHA, we'd get a Goodwin flashback for "I remember my first brainwashing".


You know, this episode made me wonder if quirk discrimination is a thing. Obviously people judged Shinso for his quirk but I wonder if mutant-type people get different treatment from society too. Like if people born with dangerous or "villainous" quirks are at a disadvantage not from becoming a hero but also from getting a regular job. Idk just a thought that popped into my head.


But the more episodes he's in the more you realize his story is actually uplifting


It's hard to make any generic statements since there are SO many possible powers, but yes there is discrimination in everything. Quirks are not like comic book super powers where they can be separated from everyday life. MHA is "superhuman society", where every aspect of the culture is based around quirks. Most villains are people who's quirks made them outcasts or ruined their lives or their families lives.

Aura Y

One thing that I really enjoy about MHA is that it gives even the seemingly minor characters moments to shine or at least you get to connect with them. While some may not be as major, each character has their quirks (pun not intended) that give insight to who they are.

Sal Inger

When Ida gave Deku his declaration of war he explicitly told him that he still considers him a great friend but that this doesn't mean that they can't be rivals. If you think about it UA houses probably the most ambitious and powerful adolescents in the world. Even just getting accepted is unbelievably difficult - makes sense that everybody there is always gunning for the top. So you can't really fault Ida, for example, for not teaming up with Deku when it made a lot more sense, tactically, to go with Todoroki's team. I can't even imagine what it would be like to be in such an incredibly competitive environment day in day out from such a young age. Considering the circumstances, it's a miracle that so many of these students are fairly well-adjusted, overall.


I cant say much due to spoilers but there were several small things in the episode that were great pay offs for the future and I never noticed them till now so cool!

Sal Inger

He was probably my favorite character of season 2. I'm not up to date with the show (stopped somewhere in the middle of season 4), so I'm excited to see more from him, whenever that is.

Sal Inger

God I hate Endeavor's guts. I honestly dislike him more than any of the actual villians in the show lol


I think the obvious thing is to assume the exam was different since it makes sense, that's assuming he needed to do the exam, even if he did we already seen that Aizawa is pretty good at fighting with the scarf skill so could've done something even. And even still if he wasn't, he could've still passed the way Midoriya did with rescue points.


Shinzo is honestly one of my favorite characters.


Shinso is such a great character for Deku to have to fight. The fact that he couldnt answer Shinso's questions must have killed him. Cause all he wants to do is save people.

Anna Lena Ciplajevs

You’ve been introduced to a surprising fan favorite in shinsou! He’s great and is often compared to aizawa, who also would’ve been in trouble fighting robots. It’s a big headcanon of many fans that Aizawa also used to be in general studies and switched classes after the tournament (there are no canon infos about that I think) Shinsou would make a great underground hero tho, just like Aizawa! Avoiding the media and settling on one on one fights in the dark!

J Valentine

The show is pretty popular but the nay sayers that it does have tend to point out that the fights aren't really all that exciting for the most part. Nothing actually happens in them that is particularly well animated or choreographed aside from a few sprinkled through out. But the show does something interesting for one based on superheroes. It spends a lot of time just giving you reasons to love the characters themselves. I mean there are 20 main class kids, that's a lot to even remember their names much less care about them. But taking a step back from villains to run an arc where all we're doing is school stuff but we build the world, show of the rules of quirks and start to lay a foundation for the characters means we care about them more as the show goes on. And sure, other shows build tension better or escalate stakes better, have better fight scenes or are more well animated in parts but there is something I like about the wholesomeness of what all the characters are trying to do. Except Mineta. There is nothing wholesome about that boy.


Yeah they're all dealing with massive pressure. To me it was a relief to see them just hanging out in the stands. As long as they can continue to be good to each other than more power to them in their competition :)


Lol his quirk is so deadly depending on who he's talking to. I would fall for it all the time every time


Yeah I see him as an ace in the hole. Someone you keep secret as to keep his power dangerous

Sonozaki Shinji

I like Shinso too, is sad that people see him as potential villan just cause of his corki, in most cases he would become one and blame on the people that looked to him that way, but instead he choosed to be a hero and do his best for that, some of the fights are more about the emotion that the characters are feeling than a flash action scene, that is something that i like about this tourney, like you said todoroki was fighting his dad in his mind, sero just happen to be there.


"the government would love shinzo" LMAO but honestly it could be really useful to immobilize villains

Sean Silence

I know I'm in the vast minority here, but I don't care for Shinzo at all. The problem is, I don't really have a reason for why I dislike him...but, there it is. Granted, I have not seen the new episodes with him in it. I also don't care for Endeavor, but I have PLENTY of reasons for that lmao.


Some of the fights have really good animation, but yeah, I think the series strengths are the focus on the internal drama surrounding fights.

It just be like that zzz

To be fair UA has been doing a decent job at trying to give everyone a chance, for example the hero points in the entrance exam and this is a chance for those not in the hero course to shine and potentially take one of their places


oh my god, at first I cut deku some slack because I was like "tail guy only said dont talk to shinzo, it's not like he explained why, I don't blame him or falling for this." BUT YOU'RE TELLING ME THEY HAD AN IN DEPTH CONVERSATION ABOUT EXACTLY HOW SHINZO'S QUIRK WORKS AND HE STILL TALKED TO HIM‽‽‽ I'm starting to think Deku is an idiot


i truly dunno what Ojiro is? like i know he has a prehensile tail but that's about it god shinso i just...HE'S SO GOOD! he has an awesome quirk i just love him to bits 6:25 OH MY GOD AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH HOW'D I FORGET THAT AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH....its spoilers but its like a future thing that I think has already shown up in Season 5?? What's it like 14:39 I'M JUST SO HAPPY I HAVE SO MANY FEELINGS about shinso being recognized even though he lost dgsdhlksjdghnldkfhnldkfjhn poor sero XD getting the brunt of todoroki's anger XD...right the important plot i forget but todoroki doing that i remember vividly lmao


Deku and Shinso both grow a lot from these events. See you in Season 5. Much love.