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Thanks for all the great questions!

Let me know what questions you'd like me to answer in the upcoming Q&A and catchup video for May :D



I'm a big fan of avatar, it's my favorite show, and after every rewatch I learn something new about the characters or the story or the martial arts behind the show every time. What has been your favorite thing you've noticed upon your rewatch that you didn't catch the first time?

C Cuenca

If you have trouble pronouncing my last name you can call me c.c Will you consider doing other rewatches and if so why code geass ? Btw really enjoy your work

C Cuenca

What was one teachable moment/ lesson from AOT & MHA and how did it impact your thoughts?

Nick Deano

Hey Alex, I'm starting a big chapter of my life soon. I am joining the US Army with aspirations of becoming an officer and a leader. I have taken alot from your videos just in how you explain healthy or productive mind sets or motivations for certain characters. It really has helped me appreciate the shows more and learn a little about myself. My question isn,t so much about that stuff though, i guess i'm just asking if you have any advice for a young man who is fixing to undertake the most dramatic life change i have had thus far? PS really looking forward to binging the backlog of content when i finish training.


Hi Alex, since you’re doing a rewatch of Avatar, would you consider doing a rewatch of another show? I’d personally like to see The Midnight Gospel rewatch to see if your views have changed from then.


Yo Alex, in one of your recent reactions you talked about the impact your father had on you, and how you took certain lessons from your interactions with your father. So my question is: if you could be any type of animal, what animal would it be and why?


Hi my guy, does your family watch your videos and what do they think about them or your content creating endeavors in general? unless they are unaware/indifferent lol Also, do you plan to continue vlogging once you start traveling again? (ignore if you have already answered these)


just try not to sign your life away without a plan for once you get out, coming from a long line of struggling veterans.


Any plans for the future of your channel? Not talking about specific media to react to, just wanted to know if you have any ideas cooking.


be my friend? Ok, my real question is: Would you travel to South America? My continent aint that spiritual, but its very warm and nature connected :D (if yes, then it has to be Chile! mwhahahahah) I heard you saying you'd like to get to know more Asian countries, so I felt like asking you about South America

C Cuenca

What would you say has been some of the most best or noticeable feats about your supporters/fans that you appreciate

Aaron Ong

I was very curious about what views and perspectives you have learned since you were a teenager, and how have they helped and changed you. Some people have told me that the majority of changes to one's self occur around the 17-25 age span, and I've begun to notice as much myself recently. Who I was even just 3 years ago seems so different to who I am now, and I was curious if you can relate to such a statement?


Plot is a key part in AOT, but something I find the most endearing is the character's love for each other in a world filled with very nihilistic world-views. Do you have any favorite relationships in the show?

Aaron Ong

I have to say, I love this about the show. Sure, the recurring point of the show is that "the world is cruel", but I don't believe the show thinks as much itself, it just creates an environment where it is easy for people living in such a world to believe so. What I get from AOT is this sense of unconscious caring in a cruel world, where despite what the characters think, they continue to show love, camaraderie, and beauty that consistently proves their point wrong. The world is cruel, but it is also kind. It's dark, but also light- hatred, but also love.


what is your cats name?

Aidan Pullen

I remember you mentioning having lived in China. Do/did you speak any form of the language? What are your thoughts/feelings about moving to a country totally unfamiliar to you, where you cannot effectively communicate or read? Also, what are your feelings on Chinese censorship and the Great Firewall? did they make daily life there more difficult? One opportunity I am considering soon has a chance to send me to one of the China locations, and that idea has pretty concerned, so hearing others' thoughts helps sort through things.


Question1: What is/are your attachment style/s? For reference: The four child/adult attachment styles are: 1. Secure – autonomous 2. Avoidant – dismissing 3. Anxious – preoccupied 4. Disorganized – unresolved Question2: What did you think about John Cena's apology?

C Cuenca

Finally embarking on the road to the finale, What are some of your hopes, fears , and predictions for the beautifully grand orchestrated season 4 of AOT ?

C Cuenca

Last, what is something, you’re personally proud of in this month, what are somethings you look forward to, the next months to come