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In My Hero Academia Season 2 Episode 3 In Their Own Quirky Ways, it's an explosive start to the tournament as the students navigate the minefield of balancing the desire to win with the desire to do the right thing.


MHA 2X3 Extended

Watch "MHA 2X3 Extended" on Streamable.



Vimeo is back at it again, so gotta upload to Streamable for now. Since I get the sense that Streamable is not ideal, do you guys have any recommendations for a better long-term solution?


Who do you actually want to win the tournament? Other than Mineta of course.

Francesca White

Bakugou doesn't want to be the best hero for the money haha, he wants to be it because he wants to be the strongest and always win, so i don't know how he'd do in the business course lol

Chaz Finch

I've seen a couple of creators linking to google dropbox files for all of their uploads. I've enjoyed the experience so far. Edit: You might have issues with people sharing links but idk how prevalent that is for your channel.

Aura Y

I honestly don't think Deku should have won the race, seemed a little contrived, but I do like what it does for the story and his character. It shows how resourceful and strategic he is, plus it's a fun twist to see how much of a target he's got now. Look forward to more Du-du-duuu's in the future!


🥔 fact! Much like Hatsume Mei, the potato industry is hard at work on their tech. Since the invention of the drive-thru, most fast-food chains use high-tech coatings on their 🍟 so that they don’t get soggy as fast. They’ve been working to make coatings last even longer with the adoption of food delivery services.


This is one of my favorite episodes in the series.


Poor Iida having an existential crisis after coming 6th in a race of all things lol


May the best man or woman or diaper-wearing child win :D I'd root for Deku, but there's some weirdness about relying so heavily on fame and imagery, which I think the show is partially bringing into focus through the different events of the tournament and the conversations between heroes.


There's definitely more to it than that, but one of the running jokes with his character is him mentioning that one day he'll be the richest hero :)


Same, the minefield stunt was somewhat bizarre, but the good stuff is what's happening with the characters and what the tournament brings to light about this world


Please never stop calling him Minuto


du-du-duu'ing in solidarity at the end credits is my new ritual

J Valentine

There were 42 winners of the first course. All of Class A (20) and all of Class B (20) and two others: Mei (Grapple hook girl) and Shinso (Purple hair dude that is in the intro and hanging around in the back). And you will get to know all of them to varying degrees.


YES!!! TETSUTETSU i couldn't remember when he got introduced but Y E S!! listen listen: Dark Shadow like Tokoyami is a good boi, they both deserve all the love <3 Actually a couple of the chars that didn't make it fast enough show up in later seasons...idk if its this season or the next though but o.o lmao poor deku with that 10 million bounty on his back XD also the ED is called "Dakara, Hitori Janai" dudu du du dududududududu or whatever is clearly the superior name XD


"you will get to know all of them to varying degrees" YUP i'm excited for it :3


Another possible name is "dududu dududu waaaaaa" I just listened to the full song to make sure this comment was correct, and I like it even more.

Albert Rhodes

It's funny, when you were talking about Mae's gadgets and wondering whether it was possible to be a hero without a quirk, it reminded me of an interview with the creator. Apparently, Deku was originally not going to ever have a power, and the intention was that he would use a lot of gadgetry and smarts to get it done... Then the magazine it was going to be published in was like "No, that's stupid. He should definitely get a quirk." So, he changed it. Although, Deku does mention in the first episode or two that UA had removed the requirement for having a quirk to get into the hero course, so It's most likely possible, I'd say. Especially when you consider UA is supposed to be the best of the best. I hope they do an arc eventually where Deku has to compete against a quirkless person who is just insanely savvy.


It is shocking how pretty much every single character who finished in that race you will eventually get to meet LOL loving these as always


I haven't watched this episode yet but I can already predict Iida is going to face a short moral dilemma and then decide to do what's right (based on the description) If I'm right, I will be pretty proud of myself lol


Wow!!! I always thought Deku going into the support course and using his big brain to batman his way to being a hero would've been interesting. Didn't know Horikoshi actually planned to go that direction at first. Sadly, a lot of ideas manga authors have never see the light of day or great ideas get turned lackluster because of publishers and/or editors.


do do doo ahhhhhhhh


Incase no one has said (which is doubtful frog girl is May Li g, and creation girl is Hawkeye


Todoroki has something to go through... oh man if you just knew, well in a couple of Episodes you will^^


I'm Brazilian and in Portuguese Minuto means minute and for some reason I love it.


I love that ending song too - in my playlists! Love getting further into this arc and hearing your thoughts :)


you're comments on allmights expectations of deku... you are going to love this arc

hays collins

Ahhhh where’s the AOT I NEED IT!!!


Lol we got 3 videos in one day recently, pretty sure today is an OVA so might be a late upload cause if its lost girls thats two episodes I believe

Sal Inger

I don't think Bakugo cares about money or did that come up and I've missed it?


He has said many times in the show already that he wants to be the, and I quote, "Richest Hero of All Time", so yeah, he cares somewhat about money but I think its more fame in general.


So I'm finally getting caught up on videos, with this being the first one to watch. I'm noticing that one thing Deku has above many other people is that he can't rely on his quirk. He uses it as a last resort. In a way, he really is being trained to be the greatest hero. He's extremely resourceful as we saw in this episode. I think even without his one for all, Deku would be a force to be reckoned with; and I think the narrative is driving this home even further. Many of these characters are great, but they also have fantastic quirks at their disposal. How would they react without those abilities? Deku already knows, he knows what it's like so he thinks differently.