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In Attack on Titan: Lost in the Cruel World,  Mikasa escapes the terrible cruel world of Attack on Titan and enters the terrible cruel world of her own mind.


AOT Mikasa OVA Extended FIX

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a. tree


hays collins

Are you posting episode 19 reaction today?

Ramon Cintron

I dont knwo if you noticed but the 3 people the dogs killed were the abducters thats why this never happened in this fantasy. Maybe you did Im just starting the video


Eren x Mikasa gang? Nah, Eren x Armin gang


I'm not sure if you've watched the next few episodes yet, but please don't be afraid to pause or rewind when you get to the basement episode. I know I had trouble understanding everything on my first watch.


I think this is meant to be more of an alternative reality rather than Mikasa’s fantasy. If Mikasa’s parents weren’t murdered and if Wall Maria was never broken. It seems like Eren, Mikasa, and Armin would of been outcasts. Eren and Armin because of their ideologies and Mikasa because of her family’s bloodlines. The trio was dealt a tough hand to begin with. This episode also made me realize just how isolated Mikasa’s childhood was. Thankfully she had pretty good parents, but it seems like she had no contact with children her own age before Eren came along. That can’t be good for a young child’s psyche.


That's interesting. I thought it was her fantasy because of the way it starts with her looking at Eren and reflecting. Or, maybe a memory of a fantasy that she had when she first thought Eren was dead. My reading was that her conclusion was that there was no escape from reality. Certain things were always going to happen, and somethings will still happen no matter what.


I hope you react to Annies Lost Girls OVA too


all this the world is cruel talk actually kinda makes me think that the show has something positive to say ab humanity in the end as a juxtaposition but i’m not too sure what yet. all the bad things and darkness surely leads to some sort of light right?

Aura Y

I agree, I think episode 20/21 are definitely ones worth taking it slow if necessary. Maybe even rewatching before next next week

Aura Y

I've actually never watched the OVA's before... not quite sure what to make of it yet, but it seems to be an interesting "what-if" for Mikasa's life. Will the butterfly come back again? Will the birds and the butterflies cross paths?


Haven't seen this OVA yet excited to watch for the first time. Next time you decide to do a special AOT video you should definitely watch the two part Annie Lost Girls OVA as others have suggested, its very good.


Mirror Man is really cool, highlight of the episode for sure. Everyone should get a scene with Mirror Man.


That's been the big question for me since the beginning! But the more I watch the more I think the inspirational side does exist, it just exists in short moments in between a lot of tragedy. Erwin's final speech was huge for me in that regard.


This is a random note, but if you ever feel an itch for extra AOT content, there's a show called Attack on Titan: Junior High. It's the same characters, in chibi form, and in a middle school classroom setting. It's just a light hearted show, and it's fun because all of the dead characters are still alive in this world. It came out as like placeholder content for people waiting for Season 2 and features the same voice actors. It would be for personal watch as it's mostly comedy and recycled gags under different circumstances.


Man, hearing Mikasa talk about no one will be able to stop Eren even after his dream is realized is almost a chilling statement. Also about the fact that Eren is sort of fated to go about all of these things almost, like he's all about freedom, but it almost seems like Eren is always pursuing something on a very fanatical path.

a. tree

I really appreciate how even though this is a revisionist fantasy where Mikasa decided to kill the robbers by having them randomly eaten by wolves, it's still faithfully realistic to reality. Eren and his reactions to things are perfectly accurate to how he always has been. Even the thing with the Survey Corps being shut down makes sense considering their failures; it was only by chance that the Titans attacked that same day and made them necessary to humanity. What you said right before the scene where Eren was talking to Mikasa about getting beat up made something click. You had just talked about him having his head in the clouds and on his dreams, not really focusing on his friends, and then he says this to Mikasa: the people who think that all that matters is that it's safe inside the walls, who thing it's stupid to go out and risk their lives, are cowards. He doesn't even realize it, but the people who he's expressing this contempt for, they *are* Mikasa. He's basically telling her to her face that he hates her — we even see Mikasa realize this as her face falls while she listens to him speak. I found it especially interesting in light of your question at the beginning about Eren "recruiting" her into his ideology — I feel that they don't think the same way at all and the only thing tying them together really is that Mikasa knows Eren is the type of person to charge too far ahead of everyone and die if she doesn't stay with him. The scene at the river also leads to this really interesting moment later on when Eren says he's flying over the walls. It shows on Mikasa's face again that she really doesn't want to do this as she was saying it — all she wants is to live out her life simply with her loved ones at her side — and yet she asks to fly away with Eren. Even more interesting, it's Eren himself who perceives this contradiction and decides that it's not right for her to go. I'm not totally sure what that means, especially within the fantasy sequence itself (I almost wish it was real because that was actually a really surprisingly mature moment for him), but regardless I always get sad when I think of the fact that of all the characters, Mikasa never really wanted any part of this that's going on in the actual timeline. She isn't like Eren who sort of craves something to fight for, or even Armin who has a dream that he's willing to sacrifice for. She's just attached herself to something that's dragging her through hell.


Ignore this if your schedule is full but since there is no aot video this saturday why not do "Aot in 9 minutes". It's a short funny video and it's not serious so it shouldn't take much time to record/edit. Just an idea , you already blessed us with the triple drop this week so it's fine if you're busy or just wanna rest! Take care of yourself and don't forget to hydrate :)


Is this what the pomegranate represented??? I always wondered why she was just staring at a pomegranate and then decided she wanted to live.


That's a great point, that does apply to Mikasa as well, who isn't a coward but just hasn't thought about it all that much. It is tragic to look at it that way, as her sort of being dragged along like this. Though I think in keeping with the theme of "everyone is a slave to something" she too is looking for something to place that kind of faith in, but because of the way things go down with the event at her childhood home, she ends up sort of grasping on to Eren. And that begins a long gradual process of waking up to the question of whether or not that's the right choice. That's how it seems to me at this point, anyway


But we still don't know where babies come from... what's the truth?

Jonathan Canfield

This really shows the differences between Eren and Mikasa, just compare their reactions to losing a love one. Eren when losing his mother blames the titans and swears he will kill them all. Mikasa in a subconscious way blames them and creates a dream where they aren't a factor but yet accept Eren would still probably die.

Itachi The Rouge

I feel like Levi chose Armin because Erwin didn’t want to. Erwin was already at peace with his death and content with it. Why bring him back and ruin that for him. Erwin even smacked the injection out of Levi’s hand and I think that’s what made Levi realize this. Levi even had all those flashbacks. In my mind it was really Erwin that made the call to revive Armin. Erwin’s last order to Levi


I think the hand smack thing was Erwin 'reliving' his childhood memories in class, rather than consciously rejecting the injection. But yeahh, I agree the flashbacks indicate the fact that Erwin was indeed suffering as he's trying to reach his dream..


Isn't it fun to think that every single scout we saw up till season 3 is now dead after Erwin vs beast titan.


I haven't actually seen this ova but I have seen Lost girls and read the manga which included this ova. These were written by a different author than the main series but it's still a good watch.


Where do you watch the OVAs?


Just in case you plan to watch ahead, season 4 opening and ending can be watched right away. The opening perfectly encapsulates the anxiety filled season that Season 4 is. And the ending is the best song out of all of them imo


you should watch wall sina, goodbye ova too!

Keegan Brakhage

i don't know for sure, but i don't think mikasa's abilties include talking to dogs. i think in that scene they left because this was her fantasy world where she can mold it how she wants.


Ok, a thing that people have told may have twisted your resonning , overwise i think you would have figured it out on yourself: That whole "dream" thing ISN'T A FANTASY. Saying what it is would essentially spoil you the rest of the serie so i will abstain. Also , disregarding this OVA as "just" an introspection for Mikasa would be a really huge mistake, as some elements of it surprisingly became relevant in the very last chapter of the Manga. Also , a cool detail is that the tree where Mikasa found Armin is the same tree Eren was sleeping at the very begining of episode 1 season 1.