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In Attack on Titan 3x14: Thunder Spears, Eren and Reiner practice hugging some more. Betholdt wins humanity's most important game: hide and seek.


AOT 3x14 Extended

This is "AOT 3x14 Extended" by A Goodwin on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them.


Dominic Caciappo

Best Notification of the shitty day!


So I've been thinking about this lately: you have a really great way of finding value in certain shows. Like with MHA or ATLA, you use the shows to help reflect on your own life, people or on the world as a whole. I've wondered a few times if you are able to pull similar value out of AOT. It has positivity here and there, but it's much more focused on telling a story with tragedy for a specific reason. I'm wondering if you find value in a completely different way for AOT? Does it diversify your way of thinking towards people? For me, AOT felt like a smack of reality, but a refreshing one. For all the tragedy, it has great warnings about humanity, and even good messages sometimes. The Reiner reveal forced me to step back and rethink several opinions of mine regarding people. The story overall has basically allowed me to form some more nuanced beliefs for myself that I feel more content with. Similar to some of your commentary! Primarily season 4 and 3 of AOT stick out to me, but every season has affected my beliefs.


Alex, Couldn't help but notice your potato friend is either falling down and/or starting to make a break for it. I hope he can be safely returned to his post before anything untoward happens. Sincerely, - A concerned viewer


The “Erwin smile” outro is fantastic 😂

Aura Y

The Erwin imagery will always be one that sticks in my mind. It speaks volumes of the incredible darkness that Erwin keeps inside, the incredible guilt that probably comes with leading the scouts. I think he really is one of the best written characters in the series.


Uh, almost there! The next few episodes will be so fun to watch damn

Keegan Brakhage

I really liked Erwin's speech in this episode too. His "greatness" as you put it is very inspiring to me. I feel similarly to him often in that I consider what I am losing when working towards my life goals. It is not 100% the same, I am not sacrificing real human lives in pursuit of my goals, at least not yet.. But he keeps moving forward whether he can justify everything or not. The only justification I need for all the time, effort, and money I spent towards getting my dream career is that I can do nothing but improve my skills, and that can't be a bad thing. Little bit of an odd rant here, but that's what happens when you're an Erwin fan I suppose lol

a. tree

I really feel your sadness/discomfort for Reiner when he gets The Survey Corps's Backyard 4th of July Party Special. Unfortunately I think this is the point in the series where Isayama shows who are his favorite characters and who he just wants to suffer 😂 I don't know how far ahead you are right now so interperet that how you will

Keegan Brakhage

I'd like to add that I don't mean to suggest that I'd be on Erwin's side if he suddenly became evil just because it's required to attain his goals, but so far given the circumstances he's done what's necessary for himself and humanity I think, as selfish as it can look from an outside perspective.

R'Mani Leavell

I'm surprised that Connie was able to attack Reiner after the shoulder pat


I wasn't expecting you to get there this early but yeah, I agree this ending symbolizes coming of age and losing innocence. Just everyone hesitating to shoot the second thunder spears at reiner, even after all that he is done is very sad(especially with the ending images). About Erwin, I agree that the core of his drive being selfish doesn't matter. I think that is the case because he has a very strong moral compass and set of values. I think that is the key part where Erwin and Eren differ. Both characters have an insane drive, but because Eren still lacks a value system he is very susceptible to succumbing to darkness, where Erwin is so resilient that his actions almost seem perfect from the outside. This is the second time we've seen Erwin doubt himself and I think that clearly shows even if he is driven very strongly by his dream, he doesn't let that drive turn to actions that violate his values. I really love Erwin too :D


I mean I think Isayama makes his favorite characters suffer more than anyone else lol


I'll say it till I die, that titan shooting the finger guns is my favorite titan


That's a really good question. Short answer, yes I do find value in it, but it's more difficult than usual. IMO anything that is real is important to understand or at least to accept as a reality, and that includes tragedy. Tragedy also raises some important questions like, "sure I'm trying to become who I want to be and all that, but would I still adhere to my beliefs if everything was going wrong?" So in that sense there's a cautionary tale element to stories like this. What makes it difficult for me is it partly that it's unrelenting, and partly that I think there's something else going on besides an honest look at tragedy in the world. I've tried to articulate this and I still can't quite put my finger on it, but I feel like the author's focus is not only on telling a story, but on eliciting specific reactions from the audience. In that way, there's sort of this meta thing going on where some of the most disturbing elements of the show for me are not the events of the show, but the way I see the show being PERCEIVED by the audience, which in some way VALIDATE some of the ideas of the show. That has been very interesting to me and I'm still sort of grappling with what that means.

Francesca White

btw i think you said something when they showed the cart titan about them having someone else with them, but that person with them i think you're talking about is the mysterious bearded guy with glasses that we saw before is the beast titan. idk if this makes sense lol but yeah we don't know who the weird titan with the cart is


I think that's a great way of putting it. He does feel anchored to values towards which he is unwavering. As a result, to me the circumstances and results seem somewhat secondary. I think one of his primary values is to seek truth and in that pursuit to prioritize honesty. That is something the world of AOT would to well to draw inspiration from lmao. While that may seem like a minor thing, to me it makes a world of difference. For example, in the case of the dead soldiers, it ceases to be him sacrificing soldiers and becomes soldiers willingly sacrificing themselves for him. And they do so because they see the importance of the values he embodies, values which he is not faking.


Can you please make the next 4 episodes into one video? I can’t wait every other day 😭

Alex Begley

"This arc is topping my favorite previous action arc"- this may well top almost every other arc you've reacted to in any series so far (at the very least action wise), but there's definitely a lot of great stuff to come!! It's going to be a fun time seeing all your reactions 😂 All I kept saying out loud this episode was "just you wait" 😂


If you already feel this is the best action sequence of AoT, oof. you are in for a ride on this next episodes.

Christian Medeiros

Still holding out for a triple upload of 16-17-18, its something I didn't fully take in when I watched it for the first time so now I force other people to fully appreciate it LOL


WELL when i said u missed something from the previous episode it wasn't anything super big nothing that like \this changes everything\ just a neat thing that most anyone would miss if ur not looking for it


Reiner is definitely an interesting one. With all the things laid out about him, it seems impossible to not like him in a way. I also heard Isayama said that Reiner was his fav character! :D


Rip Reiner. AOT without him will never be the same.


as far as can openers go, I'm willing to bet metal is a precious resource within the walls. it's not like they can import any


Would be cool if you could make sure you are watching the Bluray version. There were quite some improvements there. This looks like the TV version to me right now

Chaz Finch

23:28 This isn't a fanfic sir.


Trust me, Erwin isn't a villain, he's a Devil.


@benj The devil comment is a reference, they're not bashing erwin


Erwin showing mad Griffith from Berserk energy in this ep