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In My Hero Academia Season 1 Episode 5 What I Can Do For Now, the first day of high school is always a challenge.


MHA 1x5 Extended.mp4

This is "MHA 1x5 Extended.mp4" by A Goodwin on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them.


Francesca White

i actually usually dont like the whole "protagonist with the ultimate power thing" but i do like that deku wasn't just born with it, it was given to him because he earned it. he wasn't just born special which i think makes the story a lot better


Looking at it in reverse helps me with that. Rather than the protagonist just HAPPENING to be the chosen one, it's something like: in the whole world there is only one person who has a special power, and the story would naturally focus on that person since he/she would have one of the most interesting stories. Even though this is just a slight perspective shift, it helps me a lot because there ARE actually great people with truly rare stories in the real world. And we do focus heavily on their stories. That being said I also like the idea that anybody can achieve great things, even if they are not born with advantages. And so earning the power is great as well.


Haha the guy with the naval laser beam likes to include French phrases in his sentences which might be why you can't understand him

Aidan Pullen

I identify with Aizawa on a really deep level. Like, it was a running joke among my friends for a while how alike we are. Long stoner hair? Dry eye? always tired? disdain for bullshit? stoicism? etc. etc. He's probably my favorite anime character in general.


I haven't seen all the seasons yet but I will say that the over-explaining does stop at some point, aha. The constant flashbacks and explaining bugged me for the first bit but when that stopped I enjoyed everything a lot! Another thing I like about the show is the creative problem-solving, which I think you'll like a lot as well considering your reaction to this episode.

KJ Gaona

Aside from All Might, I think my favorite character out of the adults in this show is definitely Aizawa/Eraser Head


Dude I love your over analysis. It's the reason why you're one of the only people I support on Patreon. It's like the best parts of the video!


I think the big thing with Aizawa is, from his perspective, Deku has had at least eleven years to learn to control his Quirk. We know he just got it, but the assumption is that he's had it since he was a small child. So I think Aizawa pretty much has to assume that Deku has simply never bothered learning to control it up until now, instead relying on just the complete brute strength of it.

Aidan Pullen

I think one of the things that I dislike most about anime (especially the shounen action genre) is how the characters need to explain exactly what they're doing every time they do it -- and that feels like super lazy storytelling to me. If you can't have something that is intuitive and easy to comprehend without constant exposition, then maybe you need to re-examine either the writing or the thing in question. Idk just a personal thing of mine.


Lol I get the overexplaining part but that is not just it. This show actually will remind you every episode who a character is and what their quirk is. I suppose it helps when there is such a huge ensemble cast.


I've seen this come up a lot recently. For example Natalie Gold reacted to Infinity War and she dislikes how Marvel always puts big text of where they're located, since they explain where they're going to be. I personally don't mind that as much but I understood where she was coming from. She prefers media that doesn't hand hold. I think it's a valid discussion to be had for sure!


I'm very curious about that high school story you mentioned lmao what Pokemon did they call you


They asked me what my name was and I said "Ben" cause I knew nothing good was gonna come of that interaction, so they gave me the name "Benachu." Very creative....


Yes bakugo is VERY smart he just presents his flaming dickishness first and THEN throws the smart out there when everyone turned to look at deku i literally squealed "MY BABIES!!" not me acting as if i haven't just finished S4 XD no u don't understand Aoyama is one of the many goodest boys here just not Mineta (purple hair shaped like balls so think grapes) he's not very useful


Is Aoyama the "navel" beamer? He's hilarious Looking forward to getting to know all these characters more :)


Two things: 1. I love how Yuga Aoyama is basically just a Jojo character within the MHA universe 2. I love the line that All Might says about how Deku is cool because it's a similar line that Deku used for All Might as well. Deku has been so put down throughout his life that he finds it hard to believe that people would genuinely admire him, but little by little our boy gets his confidence. <3


"Your power completely wrecked my body" It's ok. You can laugh. I give you permission


Izuku I-break-my-bones Midoriya. I've never broken a bone but I can just imagine how the pain feels by just looking at Deku's finger and limbs. Ouch... Also, we got more screen time for my boy Aoyama! He's a little different but I love him for that.

Carlos Salazar

Introduction over analysis and crackers info card rant are officially my favorite segments I think you're gonna like all these "secondary" characters almost as much as the ones in FMAB, especially Zuko, I mean, Todoroki Outro is amazing

Anna Lena Ciplajevs

Aizawas is my favorite. In his Defence, he had no way of knowing that Deku just recently received his quirk, so thinking that he has no control over it after years of holding it would make it seem that he doesn’t belong there

Itachi The Rouge

See I disagree with Aizawa here saying life isn’t fair. At least when I bring that idea to the real world. I hear a lot of people thinking or saying that about the world that it’s not fair. And sure some things aren’t like good people getting cancer per say. But in general I think life IS in fact fair. If life is really really good you know at some point it’s gonna go bad and if it’s really really bad you know at some point it will go good. If that isn’t fair, idk what is. Idk. What’s your take on that Alex? Like you said, change is inevitable just like aging, sometimes it’s good, sometimes it’s bad. It’s not hard to accept if you ask me. (Only half way through so I’ll likely post an edit) edit #1: lmao you’re trying so hard not to comment on the sexual word play or innuendos 😂 okay update #2: I’m glad you mentioned that this show is a lot deeper character wise and that you’ll enjoy breaking it down. Like a lot of others I saw in the comments, I was concerned it would be a dull or not very in depth show to break down the way AOT or FMA is. But like usual you are looking at this stuff on a whole other level than me! This episode got me pumped to watch this series with you!


You can’t say this for people who always get the short end of the straw albeit the number of such people are few and this is true even for folks who always have good stuff happening to them. Life isn’t fair or unfair I feel, it just is. Fairness isn’t a factor that really makes sense in reality, it’s just us who perceive fairness as a factor and hence try to force it on life and reality.

Itachi The Rouge

He’s the only person I support for the same reason. Blows me away every time. Applies to my own life every time. The best parts are totally Alex just ranting and talking about it.

Itachi The Rouge

It works well in this anime simply because there’s so many characters. You kind of need to be reminded all the time during the first season to get it down

Itachi The Rouge

He feels so much cooler to me in the subbed version. I just can’t handle Deku’s voice acting in the dubbed. I feel like it makes him sound weak or less serious about it all. Idk. Like the line “I’m still standing” is 100x more badass in the subbed.

Itachi The Rouge

I’ve broken 13 bones in my life as an avid skateboarder and it is very painful. I couldn’t imagine completely shattering a bone like Deku here.

Itachi The Rouge

@paul I 100% agree with that. “Fairness” is a concept heavily controlled by perception. It’s not a real, just like money. Some people are born on the lucky end of life and some people on the unlucky. We don’t have control over these circumstances. So what you perceive to be “fair” (if you even believe in the concept, like you say) is exactly that. Just what you perceive that as. Which can be different for everyone. “It is what it is, and to each their own” right?


I just cant look at Allmight without thinking if Deku will at some point eat his head bald xD

mapo picker

I agree with all that you guys said. The way I see it, life is actually incredible as a 'system'. Everybody is unique, everybody gets to live differently even thou it's just small deviations. So when people live differently this idea is born "alright but which life is better, mine or his". On top of that there are so many things in life that we don't and can't control. So people end up being resentful. Why am I unlucky. And those things are true. There are lots of things that you don't have, things that lots of people might have. But are those defining the fairness in life? In my opinion life is perfectly fair because every single one of us has the same chance of reaching happiness and fulfilment. Those 2 things are not related to any of the rolls life gives you. You can be poor and have nothing or you can be born blind. You will still have the same chance of 'winning life' as anybody else. It will be just different. A different 'win condition' but reachable none the less. If someone lived their whole life in a cave and know nothing of the outside world then their entire world is that small cave. Compare them to someone who has the entire earth. Can go everywhere, can experience so many things. He has so many more things. But the one in the cave needs a lot less to reach happiness or fulfilment. It's not about the absolute value of things that you have so that you compare them to others. Everything is relative to your world, to your reality and what you have. Nowadays it's just so easy to look at other people, to see what you don't have and what you're missing. It's not the fact that we're missing them that makes us unhappy. It's the fact that we have that point of reference that we're so obsessed of.


It is good to get kids interested in learning, and I think your style is really good at showing people something new. They may perceive school or learning one way until they come across someone like you. I can't wait to hear more about your thoughts on this show in relation to being a teacher. Haven't finished the reaction, just felt the urge to comment now :P

Ruma Risto

Aoyama said "I'm here, chérie" :D (Chérie is French meaning "dear" or "darling")


Damn... a huge life event missed by not showing up to the park to fight other Pokemon named freshmen.

J Valentine

Everyone has pretty much already said all the relevant stuff to the episode so I will point out a ship you might never have considered: Bakugo and Azula.

Richard Lucas

Bakugo would be too poor for Azula. A young Bruce Wayne might work. She would underestimate him at first because of his lack of bending, until he had defeated her a few times...


I think Bakugo and Greed would be friends


This is a really great thread. I don't really have anything new to add, but I guess to summarize my thoughts, it's clear that circumstances are wildly different from person to person. I think the idea of fairness takes that fact and adds a judgement to it, or contains an idea that circumstances SHOULD be made more even through action. And I definitely understand that feeling, the perception of unfairness. And I think it has its purpose, because I think it can be seen as a tool for measuring appropriate action in the event that we would like to improve circumstances for other people. That being said, I think there are some fundamental things that are the same for everyone, the search for meaning and answers, connectedness to one's own life, making it through adversity, etc. And no two people will have the same life but on some level all people have the same potential.