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In AOT episode 2x7, Close Combat, the meaning of the name "armored titan" is something everyone must discover for themselves. Reiner fights a vicious battle while Bertholdt... is nearby.


AOT 2x7 Extended

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The description sums up Bertholdt for season 1. He's just nearby, lmao. Makes him all the more innocent seeming


Oh yeah, just in time for lunch, but yeah Berholdt is my fav of the titan shifter trio


where in the world is it lunch right now? hawaii?

R'Mani Leavell

Fun fact, this was the last episode I watched. Somehow when I was watching on Crunchyroll it skipped from 2x6 to 2x7 and I didnt realize until after I finished season 3

hays collins

Now that I gotta wait a year for the next season of AOT I’m so happy I have this to get me through


Damn Reiner and Eren are really locked in Missionary position for a solid couple of minutes, good thing Titans don't have mega dongs (Or at least we haven't seen one...), but honestly everyone here would just like to see them fuck it out than try and kill one another (MikeTysonNowKith.gif) . Also I don't know why but I just love seeing Hanji standing on Eren's shoulder just having a chat about what to do. Its so casual and funny looking but of course Hanji would be the most comfortable human being alive riding on a titan's shoulder.

R'Mani Leavell

Mikasa: Oh Eren and Annie looks like their getting kinda close. Let me throw this 200 lb man at them.

Chaz Finch

You might have noticed during editing, but Bertolt isn't as big as he might seem during this episode. He formed the torso of the Colossal Titan atop the wall using extra ribs maybe? I think in a similar fashion to how Erin stopped the cannon shot during the battle for Trost. I guess he decided he didn't want to do a balance beam performance on top of a 50m wall. Reiner's secret is that he wants to be an Olympic boxer but he isn't allowed to because he is able to explode when he is injured. This isn't a spoiler, just my own head cannon.

Francesca White

not my feelings getting hurt every time there's Ymir slander 😭 jokes aside though great reaction i'm excited for the next ones


“Oi, oi, oi, oi, oi!” One of my favorite Connie lines lmao


lmao I mean that is wrestling I guess. I love Hanji's moment of delight at planning with Eren


truly iconic, no. 1 reason why the only real AOT version is the sub

a. tree

I feel like he might gain a deeper appreciation for Ymir over the next few episodes. Or he might not, we'll just have to see haha

a. tree

If you're interested in knowing, Hajime Isayama who wrote the manga apparently said in an interview that Annie and Mikasa's fight was interrupted by instructor Shadis. I guess the universe decided that Annie Leonhart and Mikasa Ackerman in a head-to-head fight would be too much.


Oh my god that cliffhanger was waaaaay worse than I remembered.


I love your way of analysing characters by their morality. It allows you to see a persons potential, good or bad, and I definitely agree that Eren has some worrying ways of thought. Amazingly you already picked up on that from the beginning episodes.


SPOILERS (rot13) Gung nanylfvf bs Rera'f punenpgre gubhtu... crbcyr jrer pbzcynvavat nobhg uvf punenpgre fuvsg va f4, ohg erjngpuvat vg naq npghnyyl cnlvat nggragvba gb jung ur'f fnlvat znxrf vg fhcre boivbhf ur jnf guvf xvaq bs punenpgre nyy nybat. Cebcf gb Nyrk sbe cvpxvat hc ba vg vafgrnq bs qvfzvffvat vg nf glcvpny fubara ureb fghss (juvpu V naq gbaf bs bguref zvfgnxrayl qvq)

a. tree

(By the way just a thought and I'm not sure if you've already heard this, but try to avoid googling Levi until you're a couple episodes into season three)

a. tree

(rot 14) zaocccc kvsb vs gowr "Sfsb awuvh ps hvs por uim" W qoqyzsr


Fun fact: The creator of AOT, Hajime Isayama, is a fan of MMA and often incorporates MMA techniques into the fight sequences. In season one with Eren's fights with Annie, we primarily see Muay Thai(striking) techniques being used. Here the primary mode of fighting seems to be Jiu Jitsu where we see techniques such as armbars and triangles.


Today’s Eren birthday! I don’t think I’ve ever had such conflicting emotions over a character before. Also if you haven’t heard: Season 4 part 2 is confirmed for next winter. Also, Isayama has just finished the final chapter of the manga, which will be published on April 9th. I know you still have some ways to go but it looks like you’ll be stuck waiting a few months with the rest of us for the anime to finish up.

a. tree

He finished the final chapter on Eren's birthday, how fitting


I liked your exploration of values in terms of Eren vs Reiner


the last episode (for now) of season 4 aired on sunday... and now we have to wait about a year for more aot... how cruel. at least this time you get to suffer the hiatus with the rest of us! welcome to the family :)


As someone who does martial arts including Jiu Jitsu. I really appreciate the quality martial arts shown in the titan fight. They showed Eren using moves but slightly wrong so that Reiner could escape. There are good couple videos on youtube of MMA fighters breaking down the fight scenes. It's really evident that Isayama-Sensei enjoys MMA.


Why it does feel so bad when Eren was breaking Reiner's armored body? I hate it. I won't even try to pretend I can predict what is going to happen is this show.


I never Google anything show related, it would 100% ruin the entire show in the first 3 hits


I was thinking in this episode in particular that it seems they paid extra attention to detail.


Thanks! I've never actually watched a show as it aired, and now I have two shows to look forward to doing that with, the other being Dragon Prince.


That throw in particular was done very well. I'm not very observant about visual details but even I was thinking about how detailed the fighting was in this ep


I remember when I watched this episode end, I legit screamed "WHAT!!?" They really cut away MID FALL??? And then the end credits roll and I'm sitting there like ☉_☉. Once I saw you start this one I'm like oh yeah LOL the fight's not even gonna be resolved yet. Notably for this episode, Eren fights best when he actually listens to his comrades' instructions, because otherwise he will fight ineffectively with just pure anger. He's learning that strategy is actually important.


Yeah it's similar to what Eren did when they had the cannons firing at them in season 1 by Wellman's orders. Creating only part of the titan corpse.


i think the reason we aren't seeing much of Levi at this point is because he's recovering from the ankle injury he got saving mikasa from annie

Ramon Cintron

That struggle was extremely sexual and I loved every second of it... almost looked like thrusting instead of pushing


I love how the end of this video became a petition for Reiner to replace Eren as mc


So you are saying you would trust a good Erwin? One could say a... Goodwin...? I'll show myself out.


Commander ErWin or Commander GoodWin? Which would you choose?


Is the audio and video quality worse when he uses streamable for anybody?


There should be a cog icon where you can adjust it, like on YouTube. I think by default it's set to the lower quality.


" And Barthalomew is ... a great... back up..." my favorite part of the reaction 😂😂😂


Me and Erwin have so much in common. We both have a W in our name. We both have an I on our name. We both have a N in our name. I could go on...


Is anyone else watching on mobile and has the problem that their phone just closes every couple minutes? Never happend before - just now with steamable :o

Alex Begley

The unnerving thing with Eren when you're considering the values and beliefs of characters in the show- and the key difference between him and Reiner- is that Eren doesn't allow for any nuance in his thought processing. He has an extremely aggressive black and white worldview (Which makes sense given the world they're living in). When he starts contemplating about Reiner, he stops from going deeper in thought by just repeating over and over that he's the enemy and that all Titans must die. He tries to simplify things. The irony is, he himself IS a Titan- the very thing he despises so much. People like this can seem great when their beliefs lineup with yours because they're so driven to get things done and unyielding, but like Alex brought up, once anything crosses him that's it for it. There's no middle ground. No room for mistakes. I'd definitely agree with Alex that he's probably the most dangerous person on the show

Nick Deano

god i love connie. he is such a simple and heartfelt kid. so worried for his friends. despite his clumsiness and despite his less maybe bellow average intelligence, He is like a loyal little puppy. so pure, so good.


Maybe I'm just a terrible person, but when Eren was in his whole inner monologue I felt for him. I was like "yeah Eren you get him!!" but when I saw Reiner get hurt I immediately felt bad. Eren, now looking back, is such a strangely charismatic character. At first he just reminded me of my brother and all other 12-15 year old boys who just seem angry all the time. And his character really annoyed me. He was always so predictably mad about everything.But for some reason the Armor and Colossal reveal changed my perspective on things. I think I mostly just felt sorry for him :( but the reveal made it more personal somehow. Eren's mom, to me, felt like a piece made to be moved along to start Eren's hero's journey, but after this episode I think I took Eren seriously for the first time. Because his rage had a directive. It wasn't just the titans as a collective anymore, there were people with names that Eren could put the blame on and it was so easy to get caught up in that I think. But at the same time it was tragedy after tragedy for him and the scouts. The Battle of Trost, the cadet's first expedition (when the female titan showed up), and the first time the gates were kicked open all of these events led to the deaths of hundreds of people including Eren's mom and to learn all of this happened because of Annie, Reiner, and Bertolt just hurt even more. Although they might have a reason behind it, they still knew the entire time why everyone was dying and it adds more meaning to Eren's anger and his mother’s death. It also makes his reasoning and motivations as a character more interesting. Disclaimer: of course the things he says are terrible I don't condone that. And his idea of right and wrong is very morally grey so please don’t take this as me defending Eren’s very questionable choice of wording or actions but yeah just some of my thoughts on his character :)


I have to be honest, I briefly considered not watching the show anymore after "Warriors" because the reveal caught me so off-guard and felt like a personal betrayal. I'm glad I kept going, but watching this brought some of those feelings back.


yes!!! there’s not enough connie appreciation he deserves so much more!! maybe because I relate, I’m the dumb friend in my friend group loll

a. tree

For real, Connie as a character is so underrated! (vague but could be considered spoilers) He starts out as this comic character who's just really glad that he and his friends have survived their first battle, but then he goes through so much loss and betrayal over and over and becomes so hardened over time, it's really sad. I sort of see parallels between him and Levi almost, but they have different ways that they deal with loss (probably mainly owing to the fact that Levi has much greater ability to impact his situation at any given moment than Connie does)


Hmm that is unfortunate but good to know. I'm still looking for alternatives to Vimeo (I have no choice but to switch), so hopefully I can find a solution without too many compromises. Maybe I can try other services over the next week or so as an experiment.


I love Connie so far. I think he's one of the most relatable characters (normal?) characters. He's just a dude, doing his best. Not pretentious, not overly ambitious, not hateful, not fake, etc


Eren is interesting to me because he has this clear capacity for greatness. That's something I felt even before I knew he was a titan ("get out of this guy's way" was how I put it at the time). BUT there's also this terrible darkness, and that also existed before any of the titan events happened. That's how I felt after the early Mikasa flashback at least. And it's also understandable why he has so much rage towards the titans, and towards Reiner and Bertholdt. It's all of that at the same time.

a. tree

You're totally not a terrible person! Eren's rage here is totally justified, and while I think probably played up a bit because of the whole "it's a shonen anime" type thin, the extent of what Reiner and Bertholdt and Annie have done is completely reprehensible. They're mass murderers on a horrific scale, and Eren's and his closest friends' lives have been completely changed by their actions. To be clear, Reiner and co. obviouslt did not wish of their own volition to become what they have, and their actions may even be, from our omniscient point of view, semi-justifiable. They may deserve some sympathy, but they *don't* deserve it or even have the right to ask for sympathy from the people they harmed. I think what Alex was getting at in the video is that the *nature* of Eren's rage is disturbing in some way. The things he says and his physical reactions to anger are not ways that a "normal" human would act. Even thinking back to when he met Mikasa — no normal nine-year old should be able to brutally murder two fully-grown men while cursing them to hell without even a shred of guilt, even in self-defense. TLDR; Yes Eren has no reason to consider Reiner's point of view at this moment in time, butttt he still has a screw loose


Eren's Rage was First shown after he unexpectedly stumbled on a brutal murder scene. His dad was just telling him that he had to be friends with a little girl he never met and right after putting that minor responsibility on him he realized she was in terrible danger. It may seem crazy but I have two kids around that age and they take those little responsibilities seriously. And they never respond to it the way you would think. His simple, childish view of good and bad were tested to the extreme and it formed his sense of justice. Childhood trauma has given him a warped since of justice and with the complex evolution of his situation all we can do is wait for the other shoe to drop.


I'm pumped for you to get going on this season, stuff really takes off here on out!


lol people say this about every show every 5-10 episodes further the reactor gets into the show


Your analysis is always impressively insightful and seems spot on. On a side note that explosive shoulder pat outro was even better than the episode.