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*EDIT* Closed, thanks for the questions!

Where did March go? Seriously...

Let me know what questions you'd like me to answer in the upcoming Q&A and catchup video :)


KJ Gaona

It would be super rad if you could just break down the exact dimensions and chemical composition of your body. Asking for an alchemist friend. Jokes aside, I know you're an Eva fan but like most of us you were probably teeny weeny when it aired. So around what age did you watch it and what did you take away from it? I was like 19 when I watched it and as someone struggling with depression it seriously messed with me by forcing me to look inward for the answers to some of those very hard existential questions. But I'm always curious about how other people took it all in since not everyone is looking at it through the same lens. Edit: I probably just outed myself for having notifications on lol 2nd edit: I think that first joke probably can come across as really creepy but I mean it rather sarcastically


When you started Avatar did you have any inkling of how much it would affect you and your channel in the future?


This is related to the poll you're preparing - care to share which series you already watched off-line so that we don't get our hopes up? Or even better, would you be interested in doing rewatches of shows that you already know from before? I think your ATLA rewatch is doing quite ok, isn't it? Are there any other shows that you'd personally like to revisit?

Ben Barringer

Definitely agree that a "list of things I've already seen" post prior to the poll would be great


You're really close to entering the grind for "phase 3" (congrats btw) but what do you have mentally mapped out for this next stepping-stone you'll undoubtedly achieve? Alphonse vs. Callum vs. Zuko(fire lord) who would win? Do you ever find yourself holding your breath during scene's where characters are trying to survive underwater, just to see if you could live the scene they're currently in? No? Just me?

Itachi The Rouge

Do you ever have to replace the watermelon and the cabbage heads? Or are those the same since day one? Also what’s your favorite type of show to watch? Anime or not. Drama, action adventure etc..? Last, Have you watched Rick and Marty yet?


I’ve seen some recommendations for let’s plays among other community members - would that be something you might be interested in trying in the future?


I heard you've traveled Asia, besides China, where else have you been in the world??