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In Full Metal Alchemist: Brotherhood 1x61 He Who Would Swallow God, Father can swallow God, but Kimblee can't swallow Pride's hypocrisy.


FMAB 61 Reaction Extended

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Itachi The Rouge

Yay!! I was worried we weren’t gonna get the vid tonight! Glad you were able to get it figured out Alex! :)


Sorry to hear about the Vimeo shutdown. Thank you for getting this up so quickly, best part of my night!


Yeah hopefully I can restore the Vimeo account, but at least we have a temporary solution :)


I think it was more like, if you were a god, what was your priority? And he said "abs". Okay, but seriously, Kimblee finally keeps his hat!


Omg you're amazing !! Thank you for this. I had already settled with the idea that I wouldn't be watching this tonight so you just made it 10x better. Thank you for getting this up 🙌


Friendship ended with Vimeo, now Streamable is my best friend. New UI keeping things fresh on the Goodwin patreon page, hopefully this wasn't too big of a deal for you. Vimeo are some salty bastards though ain't they, literally chatting you up just to fuckin perma ban your account LOL.


"Kimblee can't swallow Pride's hypocrisy" lmao nice. As has always been said, Kimblee is many things, but he is not a hypocrite.


Remember that in Alchemy, God is symbolized by the Sun. Remember when Ishvalan Elder said God would smite Bradley?

R'Mani Leavell

I was more happy to see Kimblee had one last hat more than anything


Lol yeah they were just a little too hasty. But I think it can be resolved, assuming it's not ACTUALLY a full deletion. I've been having bad luck with that recently. My Instagram got deleted for absolutely no reason. Not suspended, but a full delete.


I caught it later that Bradley seems to have interpreted the light flash as God's will, or a sign to him of some sort.


happy it’s working! also this is definitely the episode that made me realise this show is going to be remembered as one of the greats.


Slight correction: You said that with Pride's death, there are no more homunculi. You are forgetting about Greed, who is now the last airben- I mean homunculus. However you are right that Father no longer has any homunculi working for him.


God, this whole denouement is just so incredible. There's so much packed into every episode, it's relentless. The realization of Father's absorption of God, the countering of that plan with the reveal of Hohenheim's circle (the eclipse), the amazing conclusion of Scar and Bradley's fight, Bradley's dying words, the reveal of Scar's brother's reverse circle, Pride's defeat thanks to Kimblee. All in just 20 short minutes. I love this show so much lol


Even in death, his hat is still with him.


Basically we are all philosopher's stone of 1 soul.


Hmm... Somehow I must have missed the reaction to ep 60. I thought it felt like it had been a few more days than usual since I saw the last FMAB part. But unfortunately now with the Vimeo stuff I can't watch it. Hope it all gets resolved for you soon!


A beautiful part about Bradley's dying words was the sentiment that he had nothing more to say to his wife. She already knows everything he would have said to her on his death bed and that just resonates with me. Live with no regrets and never forget to tell your love ones how you feel, you never know when its you're time.

Ramon Cintron

I love how 'God' Basically blinded Bradley protecting Scar and giving him the opening to win.


Kimbley had his hat in the afterlife. The only times he got hurt were when he lost his hat. Clearly Kibley's hat is more powerful than God.


Eager to see how you feel about the next few episodes in the finale!


Also, remember way back in episode 26 when Ed translated the mural from Xerxes? It read "I will strike God down to this world and become a perfect being". Father's plan was dangled in front of everyone for over half the series.


Hey Goodwin! Only read this if you've watched the finale because I want to mention something that's talked about briefly at the end.


So the new principle of Alchemy that Al talks about in the finale (taking 10 and giving 11 back) is what Ed did right there and what he did when he got injured. Using the energy in yourself to bend the law of equivalent exchange. With that, they could have brought back Nina.


Update: This is also one of my favorite episodes from the show. There are just so many payoffs in 21 minutes, it's incredible; and the Scar vs Bradley fight reaching its conclusion is amazing. People have posted the full fight on YouTube by editing the clips together and it's marvelous to watch, just pure high octane animation and great dialogue. Sad that we're reaching the end, but I think you're really going to like these final 3 episodes. To me they are unforgettable. It was also really cool to see all the foreshadowing of the moon that you picked up on earlier in the show finally come to fruition lol.


In the theme of all is one, I love how the penalties for performing human transmutation are things that are supplemented by other people. Ed and Al lose their bodies which makes it hard for them to support themselves, but they instead get support from each other and the people around them. Mustang loses his sight, but still has the hawk’s eyes


I'm in the process of uploading all of last week's videos now. It will take a little while but should be back up by tomorrow

Tim Lawrence

This is my favorite episode of the series :) both my favorite characters Kimblee and Bradley going out like badasses sticking to their beliefs.


as crazy as that is indeed. I fell like a chapter of my life is over.

Joey Joseph Jojoson

Bradley is like a straight arrow sent out from a bow. His life is unrelenting, unapologetic, unyielding, no regrets, and at the very end looking back, he said "yep, my life was awesome!" How many people can honestly say that about themselves?


Kimblee's goals don't outweigh his beliefs. Sure he wants to see which side wins seeing that if the homunculi win it would be like a cosmic endorsement to his "insanity" over Ed's. However, when seeing "his side" betray their beliefs he deems them unworthy to carry on and tips the scales even though he was in the position to observe until the end as he wanted.

Jonathan Canfield

Lust is killed by Mustang using Havoc's lighter both of whom were flirts. Gluttony was killed by Pride by being Eaten. Envy was killed my Mustang whom Envied the fuhrer's power. Sloth was killed by Armstrong who was ashamed at his in action during the slaughtering of Ishval. Wrath was killed by Scar whom was deficiently the most wrathful character in the show. And Pride was "Killed" by Ed who is very prideful and hated being called short. Only Greed remains.


I always felt that Scar fighting Bradley was indicative of him once and for all fighting his wrathful nature/behavior. His win against Bradley ultimately feels like a conclusion to his character and like he has overcome his greatest obstacle. Also their characters are actually very similar and their arcs flow somewhat parallel ... also especially liked the shot last episode where their faces where shown back to back very fast haha ^^ awesome fight

Ruma Risto

Father's new appearance is a mixture of his five human sacrifices. That's why he looks like a weird lovechild of Roy, Izumi, Hohenheim, Ed and Al. Hohenheim and Scar's brother were the real MVPs of this show.


I'm really glad you liked Bradleys scene. This whole show has so many good moments and building up to these moments. I was waiting for your reaction to the pride/ed scene since way back lol

The Bird of Hermes

everytime I rewatch FMA Brotherhood it just reinforces my view of Kimblee as the best character

A Suresh

Alex, your unflappable calm in the face of adversity is downright inspiring. Amazing. Goodhood was shortlived, but I feel like "Sun in the palm of my hand" is just one of those things that will be engraved in my memory forever. Now we see why Hohenheim was never home, why Trisha died, and why his sons are estranged from him: he sacrificed it all so he could stop Father. What a guy. Wrath and Kimblee's deaths are among my favourite sendoffs for characters in media. It's so true to their identity, you can't imagine any other way for it to go. Great reaction, hope things settle down for you, and I'll see you for the next one.


Another funny and clever outro lmao. Also this was one of your funniest reactions for me I could not stop laughing at the "God has to be shirtless" part and all the Kimbley stuff. This show has the best character deaths of any show imo, Bradley's ending monologue gives me goosebumps, it really is "Complex".

Andrew G

Pride: Kimblee!? There’s no way. How could you maintain your individuality among this tempest of souls?! Kimblee: you swallowed a violent sociopath who gets off on the sounds of screaming victims of murder and respects nothing but the strength and pride of ones character. And that moment is where Selim realized... he fucked up

Andrew G

Oooooohhhh I didn’t even notice that . Idk HOW I didn’t lol because he’s CLEARLY not the same body young Hohenheim had