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Okay so looks like it will take some time to restore Vimeo, but in the meantime, I will use Streamable or other video alternatives as a temporary solution. 

That means the schedule should be fine from here on out, and I will also re-upload the extended version of videos for Cabbage Corp starting with today's video and going forward so that those are still available. 

The downside is, for the time being, past videos won't be available until I either restore Vimeo or have time to figure out a long-term solution and reupload everything, which may take some time. 

I appreciate all the kind words, the support, and patience! It means a lot to me. 


Hey guys, 

So huge problem! Vimeo decided to terminate my account due to high bandwidth usage, without bothering to resolve the issue with me (I was in the process of communicating back and forth with a rep). 

I am working to get this resolved but for now videos are unplayable. I apologize for the inconvenience. I doubt I can get the Vimeo situation resolved by this evening's video, but I will try to find an alternative way to post it. 

I'll update as I have new information. 

Huge apologies to everyone who has tried watching videos since the account got deleted, and thank you for bringing it to my attention. 


Dominic Caciappo

I am pretty surprised, I know quite a few reactors whom use vimeo for links including the Normies which probably have crazy bandwidth usage. I dunno but good luck!


If all else fails in the end, you could upload the video files, or something like that. Sorry this happened. I'm staying supportive regardless


Damn tough break! It’s all good, thanks for the heads up! Hope everything gets sorted soon 🙏


I'm wondering if maybe Vimeo bases it off of popularity? The normies are super popular, so they provide web traffic for Vimeo? Maybe that outweighs the cost of anything else for them

Cody Taylor

Wow that's crazy. Seems like they would want traffic but yeah that really sucks.

R'Mani Leavell

Sorry to hear that. I don't know if you would want to try to use another site but I do know that a few youtuber use Streamable. I don't know too much about it, but that is an option. In plus we still have the YouTube versions to watch, assuming you will still be posting them in the meantime. Either way, If there is a wait in uploads or you find a different way, well all be here waiting


maybe google drive? but dont sweat it, we aren't going anywherez


I'll never understand this things. Hope you can solve this without getting to stressed.


damn that sucks, maybe you can use dropbox as an alternative?


Oh man, that's pretty wild. Hope you manage to get things sorted soon! If you end up needing a replacement, either temporarily or permanantly, I can suggest a few alternatives: Uploading the videos to MEGA Breach.tv Streamable.com Bitchute.com Oh, and as some others have noted, Google Drive, too!


in a lighter note, you're only 75ish patrons away from your goal... better finding out now instead of when you're uploading way more stuffs in the near-future :P

Drake Chuckle

I've heard Vimeo are sharks in regards to this sort of thing, and ask for an arm and a leg if you wanna stick around. Maybe reach out to some other reactor channels. I think yaboyroshi is a bit of an advocate for his fellow reactors. I've heard there is a reactor channel discord for helping each other out with this sorta thing?


vimeo more like vimedumb amirite


Or you could use mega.nz. Google drive has playback limits.

Henry Law

Sorry you’re dealing with this! :( hope you’ll figure this all out!

Andrew G

Oh damn lol that’s rough buddy xoxo

Soren Monroe

Damn this really sucks sorry u gotta deal with this. I recommend having ur vids saved on Google drive and sharing the links to them here instead of using a video posting service


WOW! Fuck Vimeo all my homies hate Vimeo

Ruma Risto

That sucks, man. Could you perhaps try Google Drive?


That’s really frustrating, hope they can get it resolved or if not maybe there’s another video hosting platform that will be more friendly. DAMN YOU VIMEO!


Thanks for the quick reply man. We really appreciate it.


Man, it's like they don't actually want their platform to become popular. Maybe LBRY is the way to go?


Thanks for the update. Good luck getting everything sorted!


I have seen a few channels have really good success using Google drive, even just temporarily!


Some channels always have a Google Drive link just in case Vimeo removes the video.


Man :( I thought vimeo was better than youtube


It sucks that it happened. Can I ask what will happen with all previous videos for those members who maybe can’t maintain the membership for next few month..? Will be those still available somehow or will be those gone?


I have contacted support, and ideally I can come to an arrangement with them that restores my account and all past videos. Otherwise I will have to find another solution for video hosting and reupload all videos. Thankfully I have backups of everything, since I figured it was only a matter of time that something like this would happen. Everything will be restored one way or another, it's just a question of how quickly they respond to me, if I can restore my account, and otherwise how long it will take me to reupload hundreds of videos lol


Omg. What a pain in a a** it is all lol. Ty for replying. And more strength for ya with all of that


The man, the legend already reuploaded a lot of stuff omg. Love you Goodwin


"oh, this user is popular and generates traffic for our website, better delete his account without talking to him first"