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00:00 - Episode 2x19 Reaction

27:45 - Episode 2x20 Reaction

53:53 - Reacting to my reaction 2x19

1:14:32 - Reacting to my reaction 2x20


ATLA Rewatch 2x19 & 2x20

This is "ATLA Rewatch 2x19 & 2x20" by A Goodwin on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them.


A Suresh

I just remembered that I didn't wind up catching the last bit of the previous ATLA so I went back to finish that off. Your comment about not having to keep up the fragile illusions and have to continually break down and build yourself up really made me want to see you react to Houseki no Kuni. (I haven't watched this reaction fully yet, will add more as I watch through)

Alex Begley

If only Bosco had been a chimera maybe then his animal instincts would have kicked in, but alas even the great Bosco can't be completely perfect

hays collins

You know I just came up with a theory. All the other temples were relatively fine but the eastern air temple was destroyed. What if they took a stance agaisnt the fire nation and fought for their lives and that’s why it’s so destroyed. Also maybe the eastern airtemple if where the “fighters” are trained cause they were about to send Aang to the eastern temple before he left and froze himself

hays collins

Are you gonna do a korra rewatch after avatar is over???

hays collins

“I’m not some being of light” that ironic since the avatar is part light spirit haha

hays collins

Well technically she didn’t get her head squashed she blew up her own head. Haha

Alec Campo

I find it amazing some people don’t understand why Katara is so against Zuko joining the team later. He was literally responsible for Aang almost dying directly after she started to have faith in him. I’m honestly surprised she ever forgave him.


How do you personally do the chakra exercises? So I just finished reading a book called Pachinko (which I'd recommend), and with Azula's exchange with Long Feng she just oozes Imperial Japan vibes. They really nailed it.


I second this. Anyone with a brain who watched the show pre-2020 Netflix completely understood Katara's behavior towards Zuko after he joins the team. The final scene of The Western Air Temple where Katara goes "You won't have to worry about your destiny anymore, because I'll end it, right than and there, permanently". Shit is COLD AF and one of the best scenes in the entire show imo and most people I talk to irl who are longtime Avatar fans also love this scene and Katara's character.


Ive seen this show dozens of time as a kid and adult and have now realized when iroh says destiny is a funny thing it wasn't the first time he said it to Zuko. The first being at the western air temple. And yes, these two episodes have it all when it comes to story and real world influence. The only time I can think of something close to it in season 1 would be the storm and the blue spirit for action, story, character dynamics etc. Love the commentary keep it up!


Ah, another finale, another Zuko/Katara duel. You know what's kind of interesting? Azula seems to have a weakness to waterbending. Aang was giving her a real hard time for a second on top of the drill with his water whips. And here in this episode, I think it's fair to say that Katara was straight up handling her and it wasn't particularly close. Without Zuko to back her up, I think Azula loses to just Katara. And of course, it's Katara who ultimately defeats (comet powered) Azula all by herself. Zuko actually does much better against Katara than Azula does. He has the advantage of having faced her in this kind of pitched battle before, but still. The dynamics of that last fight are a lot of fun. Aang seems to have Zuko's number, Azula has Aang's, Katara has Azula's, and while Zuko might not have the edge over Katara, he definitely keeps up with her and fights her to a bit of a standstill.

Aaron Ong

It's always interesting to me how Azula tells Zuko that he restored his own honor, because saying that actually worked against her in a way she wouldn't understand unless she really knew Zuko. For so long, Zuko sought to have his honor restored by his father for capturing the Avatar, and yet Azula reinforces Iroh's statement that Zuko could restore his own honor, causing Zuko to really evaluate Iroh's teachings, and his own understanding of who he is. She may be smart, but Azula definitely didn't catch that.


The chimeras crossed my mind at that moment! Glad I'm not alone. But yeah Bosco just lives in his own beautiful world.


I wasn't planning on it, but I definitely wouldn't mind. I feel like with Korra, I was in sync with it pretty well the first time through :)


Just listening to Patik talk is an exercise in itself :D Really, that is the extent of my knowledge about Chakras. But thinking about it in terms of my own understanding about myself, I think as someone who overthinks things and who is maybe more on the sensitive side, my mind forms these kinds of "grooves." What I mean by that is I'll have a thought, and I've had that thought so many times that it has a life of its own, and so I'll ruminate and dwell on things as if I'm on autopilot. The benefit of these kinds of exercises is they force me to become aware of those "grooves" or mental channels I'm running on, and once I'm aware that that's happening, it's a lot easier to let it go or re-channel them into something else. I think that's partly what Guru Patik is doing with Aang. Aang, like me, goes in circles with his thoughts throughout the show. And Guru Patik makes him look at that and asks him to look at it through a different lens so that the thoughts lose some of their impact and toxicity.


That's a good point and it definitely seems like Azula not only loses to Katara here but recognizes that and displays a rare moment of concern. I also for some reason don't think I put together that Katara and Zuko fight in the season 1 and season 2 finale, but fight together in the series finale. Very cool


It's a really great moment because Azula is actually right and it's eerily similar to what Iroh has said, as you pointed out. It caught me off guard a little at first.


I think you're spot on with Azula actually caring somewhat about wanting Zuko to join her because they are family and he also stands on that ground of "divine right to rule". I think you'll see quickly watching again in the first half of season 3 that this is true as there are a lot of scenes where Azula is genuinely interested in Zuko's wellbeing or at least how Zuko is transitioning into living at home again as the Prince. The Awakening (S3E1), The Beach (S3E5), and Nightmares and Daydreams (S3E9) all have scenes in this nature between the two of them, I also like to believe deep down Azula wants Zuko to be more like her (Evil and accepting of Fire Nation's actions) and just be part of the family, vibing at the palace ruling the whole world and dating Mai etc.


are the videos down for anyone else?


Hi, I was trying to watch this video but it is giving me this message: "This video does not exist".


i love your cat

Jamie Morgan

Oh thank god, it's back!


I'll always ship Zutata. 🥰


You're thinking WAYYY too small about the illusion of separation, but I can't blame you because they understate it so much. Yes groups of people, yes places, and those are important; but also, art. The most influential artists of all time (music, visual, culinary, cross-categorical, etc.) see through the illusion and transcend genre to create new work. Also science and engineering; we make distinctions between different fields and specialties, but the most exciting work happens when we realize the connections. The point is you can apply it to everything, down to the molecules in our bodies. Remember in FMA, when Edward is talking about how the universe is all one big cycle of destruction and reconstruction? It's animals and plants, it's ideas, it's knowledge, it's our very bodies. So when the Guru talks about this illusion, he's not saying "if you don't realize this you can't live a healthy life". He's saying it BLOCKS INSIGHT. Example from in the comics: Remember how Aang and Zuko fought about what to do over the Earth Kingdom colonies, return them to the Earth Kingdom or let the Fire Nation keep them? The solution, creating a new sovereign territory, was blocked from Aang's mind because he wasn't seeing that the people there were not separated the way he thought they should be.


It's oddly satisfying watching you nod with agreement of your old self.


I think had Zuko sided with Katara and Aang, there could have been real potential for Zutara. At that time, Aang's crush had been mostly one-sided. Katara liked him, but I truly don't feel that she had romantic feelings for him until after Zuko tried to initially join the team--when she was so firm in her conviction that she would end him (or anyone else) who hurt Aang. By then, she had evaluated who exactly was important to her. Aesthetically, I love the idea of Zutara, and I think it has many parallels, which is the hallmark of a great love triangle, but his journey with Katara started in the middle of season three, maybe a month or so out of Sozin's Comet whereas Katara has had a significantly more time and growth with Aang. Even though Katara forgave Zuko for his past transgressions, I think it's a stretch to ask her to love him considering that he didn't show romantic feelings toward her. I think one reason the ship is so popular is because of their journey to avenge Katara's mother. But I have some issues with this episode (even though it is one of my favorites) in that Zuko encourages Katara to take revenge, or at the very least, doesn't even challenge her to reconsider sparing Yon Rah. She literally has to stop herself. It's *her* moment, powerful, yes, but weak for Zuko, especially considering people use that adventure to ship them. We know taking revenge on this scale is wrong. It's morally corrupting, and it does not help. Katara, from everything that we know about her, would not want to be this type of person. She doesn't want to kill *unless* it's in defense of a loved one. Premeditating vengeance and condoning/cooperating is another story. I think this is one of the worst showings of Zuko's character. His motivations could be construed as manipulative and selfish. I don't think Zuko was necessarily these things, but he *wasn't* going on that trip to build a bond any deeper than getting into the 1st level of friendship.