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In Attack on Titan 2x6, Warrior, Reiner and Bertholdt create a meta-flashback event that forces everyone to go back and rewatch all their old scenes.


AOT 2x6 EXtended FINAL

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Sorry for the delay. YouTube version coming in a few minutes and ATLA rewatch a little later :)


Its time for THAT episode!


Reiner rolls up with "Eren, don't freak out, BUT-"

Nick Deano

Oh my GOD i cant believe i have to wait to watch this 😫 the iron paradise waits for no one.

hays collins

This show sure does make everybody paranoid.




I felt so betrayed after watching this as Reiner was one of my favorite characters up to this point. To think that the ones who broke the walls and basically killed Eren's mom and Armin's grandparents were his Cadet friends who they slept, ate, and trained with for years is so tragic and horrifying. Eren's tears while falling off the wall always hit me hard. Its the worst form of betrayal, but at the very very end when Eren begins to transform I get hyped as fuck hoping Eren kicks Reiner's ass in the next episode, already seeking revenge. Never before has a scene in Anime made me feel so many different strong emotions at once. This show is special man...

hays collins

LOVE how they did the revels not this big fight just a side talk. Leaves you confused as hell it’s so funny with the reactions.


I've been waiting for this ever since 2x3 when you said "i hope we get more focus on reiner this season he seems so principled" which made me laugh so hard i cried. So many people got annoyed at eren for being emotional but this is all happening around 24 hours after the Annie reveal so it's been a rough couple of days. there's so much rewatch value with reveals like this.for example you can see annie bertholdt and reiner as early as 1x2 in a wide shot of refugees after the fall of wall maria


It's probably one of my favorite reveals just because it's so understated at first. Listen Eren...

hays collins

Hahaha love how you went back and watched the scenes. That’s all we all feel while watching your season 1 reactions. We get to see the different light with all the revelations


*Reinholdt intensifies*

alexander rios

I just love how in a way you are just like eren not believing what he's seeing and hearing basically " They're too good to be bad right?"


*rubs hands together intensely* all of a sudden the sweat beads on annie reiner and bert throughout the show have new meanings


:) Great episode/analysis


Reiner is one of my favorite characters simply for his complexity. Can’t say much more to avoid spoilers haha


As soon as I update my pc this gets uploaded, oh the pain of waiting for an update. But yeah this is hands down one of my favourite episodes.

hays collins

Bro how do you still have a positive view on this show and it’s villains even after All you’ve seen. Haha you shouldn’t have a optimistic view on this show it’s just gonna hurt even more in the end


I love Mikasa just staring in such a haunted way around 11:33 of the reaction. And yeah, this show throws a lot of curve balls and lore. Loved the reaction and analysis as usual!


P.S love the edit of you just staring at the hands trying to figure out if there is a deeper meaning haha. You never know with this show!

Drake Chuckle

If you watch every single scene back from the beginning to now that contains the Reiner/Berholdt/Annie you will see the the signs. In fact - watching them again while knowing has been so much fun. Every line of dialogue means 2 things. Every drawn look at each other means 2 things. It's so good.


One of the best things about this show is catching some new meaning in past seasons, over and over again the more we end up knowing!

R'Mani Leavell

Before chapter 1 of the manga was released, Isayama and his editor went through the entire story beat for beat and planned out the entire story. That makes episodes like this that much more impactful in my opinion because all the clues were laid out to us from the beginning. I can give you a list of hints that were dropped up until this point that Reiner and Bertholdt are titans. Also you may be the first reaction I've noticed that is trying to understand everything from the opposing sides perspective and that makes your reactions that much more interesting!


That also makes the weird dream Eren had in episode 1 feel genuinely more important. Literally everything has had a purpose. I love this story lol

Jonathan Canfield

always love this reveal its done in such an uncaring way it is even more of a shock then ymir's reveal.


There’s a lot of subtle hints in season 1 about the Titans. One of them is Annie saying “I’ve failed to become a warrior” when the crew corners her and another is Reiner removing his hood before “attacking” titan Annie. He wanted to make sure Annie knew it was him. There’s more it’s kinda crazy rewatching all their interactions in season 1.

Francesca White

Reiner and Bertholt are 17, so they were 12 when they knocked down the walls... that's actually crazy to think about. i'm not far enough in the series to know why they did it but like that's just so wild lol.


Reiner is also my favorite character so I'm glad you took a liking to him as well

hays collins

I love how most fans of AOT in this are like “hell yeah Reiner VS Eren” and your like “don’t fight let’s just talk” hahaha


When Eren first transformed in Trost, Reiner was the one who suggested they should try to keep him alive and stop the titans from eating him. That can be passed off as the titan just being valuable to the fight, but now we know there was an ulterior motive. Remember after the attack in Trost was over, Reiner, Bertholdt and Annie were walking around the bodies in the aftermath, and Annie was saying "I'm sorry." I love this episode so much, it gives you a massive slap in the face and makes you look back on everything. If you focus on the imagery in this episode, there is a pretty big emphasis on reflections. Reiner is seen staring at his reflection I think twice, and Eren looks at his once. Or at least they're framed that way. And the flag snapping as Reiner says all of this, it's just *chefs kiss* I also really appreciate that you're thinking about the antagonists in a much more nuanced way than most people, it makes for really great insight (I think I've said this before though lol.) Also LMAO the face people make when Reiner says: "five years ago, we demolished the wall and began our attack on humanity" is always priceless.

Fabiola Macias

Lol I appreciate your love for Reiner. I think you’ll only love where his story goes!


id say his hair is more of a platinum blonde soooo.... hehe but its okayy


Great analysis per usual!!


Reiner is such a well written character. One thing I think is important to keep in mind is that Reiner, Bertholt, and Annie are not much older than Eren. They were roughly 12 when they broke through Wall Maria. Reiner himself says this episode that they were just kids.

Alexander Ortega

I’m so happy we finally get to see your reaction to this. I can’t wait for the next. Reiner and Bertholt’s reveal is definitely something people didn’t expect. It’s so mind boggling when they reveal it nonchalantly. Everything about this scene is great


You have so much sympathy Goodwin. Beleive me a lot of the fandom are so bloodthirsty and want the Titan trio pay in blood fo everyone the they've killed.


This episode was so tense in the beginning building up to the reveal. The rainy atmosphere, stilled conversations, the long pauses, it just put me on edge watching it the first time I was sure something insane was going to happen, and then it did... Plus the soundtrack!! probably the best use of music i've ever seen. Also I wanna commemorate you for being so trusting and kind towards Reiner, couldn't be me though. I was so betrayed and hurt I didn't even want an explanation I was just mad. I got over that pretty quick and was sad until the next episode. This whole season is just a rollercoaster of emotions. But the fact that everyone thinks of ReIner as their big brother hurts ahhh I'm never getting over this episode.

a. tree

I hate to break it to you... but the shoulder pat may have been kinda fake... I mean the emotion and the empathy behind it were probably real, but the reason he did that was likely so Connie didn't piece together the mystery of his mother and the titan on top of his house... Okay another major hint that was dropped and probably my favorite in the show because it's just so funny: in Season 2 Episode 1, when Sasha says she hears titans coming, Reiner goes "That's impossible, that would mean the wall has been breached," not out of disbelief, but because he literally knows that he and Bert are the only two with the capability to breach the wall, which they did not do. So when they're told to evacuate because there are titans coming, Reiner literally turns to Bertholdt, and asks, in italics, "HAS the wall been breached?" It's such a hilarious, Steve Urkel "did I do that?" moment for me upon rewatch.


I love the flag snapping part it felt like a flood gate was opened, like all the tension and pressure that was being built up in the episode and when the flag broke I knew something crazy was about to happen.

Ramon Cintron

Yea Reiner is my number one Husbando even if hes Armored titan it's funy cause when I first watched this series I had a huge crush on the Armored Titan then the only guy I ever found attractive was Reiner and when I found out they were one in the same it suddenly connected.

Ashley A.

This show. This show is something, man lol. Your current view of the show is interesting because I don’t remember thinking this was when I watched this episode the first time 😂. I felt so betrayed because it’s like why? What could possibly justify what you’ve done? This show makes it clear that nothing is ever that simple. Anyway, while you’re finishing up season 2, those of us who are watching the current season that’s on are getting ready to finish up the show!! 😭 I’m looking forward to your thoughts as you continue with this and see how the story plays out!!


Hange's leadership and maturity really shines in this episode and i love it


God I love this reveal. It's so casual it's hilarious. Reiner isn't that far off from saying "hey bro, it's us, we're the ones who got your mom killed, want to come have a sleepover at our place?" I had the exact same "WHAT did you just say!?" reaction the first time. So glorious to relive that vicariously.


Oh boy... Well he does have principles I guess lol After this episode a lot of past comments make sense about small details. Even in just the few instances where I've gone back and watched there's a lot more to pick up on.


Reiner is my favourite character so I’m really glad you love him too


One thing I've learned from this and Annie is that facial expressions are really important. Lots of guilty faces everywhere.......

Alex Begley

I remember I was so caught off guard by the nonchalant reveal that my first thought was that the subtitles had gotten mixed up with another episode somehow haha


Tempted to go back and watch it all right now but I feel like it's better to wait

Anders Pike

I swear like every episode you say something offhand that makes me really want to see your reaction to some future event, lol. Be prepared to wait a while for answers, but they are comming.


They sure do need more communication... frustratingly so... But I guess that's a pillar of drama lol. We'd all save SO much trouble and death by talking things out, seriously. Okay fair enough they don't look exactly like their titan forms but hear me out--Annie's titan face looks exactly like her's but without skin. Just maybe aged up. Something about Ymir didn't hurt as much as this reveal, maybe because we know from episode 1 that it was THOSE TWO who took down the wall of Eren's home, setting the entire thing off it seems. They're what Eren hated the most. Now I hope you see the rewatch value in this :) I say with a smile even though this show is agony.


And two episodes ago when Conny asked Bertolt if Reiner was always putting his life on the line when he was younger, and Bertolt said, "No he was more of a Warrior, unlike now".


little 12 year old mass murderers if you ask me


I mean up to this point in the anime why would you not want the titan trio to be killed...they literally killed Eren's mom and thousands of other innocent people.


Haha yeah I was thinking about that as I edited the shoulder pats in. It's different now knowing some of the things Reiner has caused. But the sympathy and emotion are really where it's at for me, and so the fact that someone who is able to feel that kind of thing for a friend says he wanted to wipe out humanity means there's a lot more to it. That is funny. Can't wait to go back and catch all these moments.


why does eren have to make such a big deal out of everything

KJ Gaona

*play Evangelion next episode preview music while reading for best results* WAHOO Another TERRIFYING TURN in your TORTUROUS TREK of TEEN TITANS and TRIVIAL TITLE cards! Will our TENACIOUS TEAMMATES TRIUMPH TODAY, or will these TOWERING TRAITORS TAKE Eren TO TASK? Find out in next weeks episode of Attack on Titan! Or don't! There's a decent chance you won't! You never know with this show! It might be a flashback episode! *music ends*


One of the things that always gets me is how everyone agrees that Reiner, Bert, and Annie didn't hang out all together for the most part, which is true for when they weren't in combat. But almost every single scene of the Trost arc they are grouped together. One of those things the viewer only really knows about since everyone was kinda too busy fighting to pay attention to where those three were at all times lmao


The episode is really well done all around. It's so atmospheric, and the music is great :) It does feel like a huge betrayal. But weirdly, as bizarre and amazing as the reveal was, I think the fact that he came clean about it softened the blow for me.


Yeah watching this back it was so weird I even didn't catch it the first time. He says that they tried to destroy humanity and it looks like I'm processing it but my brain rejected it. And then Hange says something and then Reiner continues and only then could I actually hear what he was saying.


Yeah the first line he says in his confession didn't even fully register with me.


Annie definitely does strongly resemble her titan form. In this episode I was waiting for Mikasa to say, "yeah and plus, Reiner kinda looks like the armored titan" so I could flip my table over in anger.


In hindsight I understand and appreciate all the recommendations to watch this episode ASAP


LOL Funnily enough I think he processed the first part of the conversation really calmly, and then Mikasa flipped out


By episode 2 of this show we already see Reiner literally killing thousands of innocent people by breaking through the walls, hundreds of thousands actually. So for me its impossible for him to be the "Good guy" at the end of this show no matter what they do with his character, how I see it is that their are characters that can be both good and bad like Roy Mustang for instance who committed genocide but now fights against those who ordered him to do it.


Is the vimeo link working for anyone else? I've tried Chrome, and FF, as well as mobile and it seems to be dead. I can only assume video got flagged, or everyone's trying to watch it.


Hug it out


I agree that "good guy" wouldn't really cut it. Those categorizations are always going to be wrong by nature of how oversimplistic they are. I also wouldn't say I'm on Reiner's side. I just know that he has qualities I admire and trust, and so I need to hear his motivations.


the music in the transformation scene at the end is so incredible. the soundtrack for this show is on point. also if you look at your 18:20 in your last aot episode on patreon you'll see bertholdt about to transform as the tower is falling down

Itachi The Rouge

“This is wind-bending all over again” lmao. I also thought the female titan was Mikasa when I first watched. I don’t get others arguing otherwise either


honestly its all fun and jokes whenever we tease goodwin about it, i dont think anyone seriously thinks hes dumb because he thought that. although there are probably some youtube hate comments i havent seen which is what he is referring to lmao.


I get why you think Eren and Mikasa overreacted but I think you're forgetting one important thing lol. They broke down Wall Maria which literally killed thousands of people including Eren's mom. And then when asked about their experience back during training proceeded to talk about being attacked by titans and tried to convince Eren they went through similar experiences....uhh finding out the same people basically killed your mom and the reason for the death of so many of your comrades is pretty devastating regardless of which side is right or if both are morally ambiguous.

Zac Rushton

They don't really make this clear, but it's a bit of information that's obviously there if you pay close attention. This whole sequence of events, from Annie attacking the Survey Corps on the scouting mission to Reiner & Bertholdt revealing. They fight Annie at the large forest, they return Erwin gets arrested and is expedited for the hearing about Eren being passed over to the MPs. They fight Annie in Stohess, they capture Annie and practically while this is happening Titans appear near Castle Utgard and the events we've seen from the start of season 2 take place. These first 6 episodes of season 2 have barely been a full day. We start on a morning with the 104th in the building with Miche and now we're here on the walls only one evening later. It all takes place in less than a fortnight, now that's gotta be crazy for Eren and the gang.


Man the way this episode was done was beautiful. The pathetic fallacy, the music, the lighting, the animation. Everything was just perfect. Easily my favorite episode in the whole series


As I'm watching the second season trough your reacting, we had the same reaction as me, and I had to watch it three times to fully grasp what I was hearing. And I don't know if someone commented this, Historia means history in Portuguese.


Also going back and seeing how Reiner and bertholdt talk to each other, there is so many double meanings. If you plan to rewatch anything like you’re doing ATLA this would be the anime. It’s almost like watching a completely different show because you see everything that’s happening in a new light


One thing I love about this AoT is that due to the titan's regenerative abilities, they don't pull punches in mutilating the shifters. Mikasa is wrong in the head. She is so willing to cut poor Berthold without a second thought. If I found out my nicest friend was an enemy, I'll still hesitate to hurt them. Eren and Mikasa are just wired different.


YOU ARE THE BEST FRICKEN REACTOR holy shit man ughh i love being here! also now daily reminder to not watch the Season 3 Part 2's Opening because its spoils the \entire season\ and that there's an end credit scene for ep 12 of Season 3


NOT A SPOILER!!! there are many short scenes in the battle for trost arc where R. A. and B. are standing near each other and saying seemingly harmless lines

William Abbott

This video and the last one didnt work on mobile,its unfortunate but I'll check again when I get off work.


Berthold is the tallest cadet, making him the Colossal Titan.


To be fair, Mikasa didn’t escalate the situation. She was listening in on the conversation the entire time, she could’ve attacked them at any point after they said who they really were, but she waited till it was clear that Reiner and Berthold were gonna transform into titans. The gang already knew that they were gonna try and take eren away because Annie had been trying to do the same thing. Eren is the biggest asset to the scouting corps, so it’s only natural that they would try to stop them before they would transform (making it a lot harder to protect Eren). From Reiner and Bertholds perspective it is also impossible to talk after the reveil, because everyone now knows they are the ones who demolished the wall and want to take Eren, making their mission (whatever it is) also a lot more difficult. Whether Mikasa attacked them or not, the same thing would’ve happened.


"They are complicated human beings." You are certainly right about that one.


This comment 100%. Mikasa didn't escalate anything, it was an unfortunate inevitable situation after the reveal. Reiner is the one who actually escalates things here, not Mikasa.


Everyone saying "Go back and watch X scene" and so to see how Reiner and Bertoltd were always a little sus during the episodes, but I recommend going back and watching Bertoltolt in Colossal form turning a cute little blonde girl in a dress walking down the street into a flying corpse. Or Reiner charging through a wall while the debris flies off and crushes a bunch of people to death, these would be good scenes to go back and watch imo.

Matthew B

I agree. It's always interesting watching people's reaction to the reveal. Reiner and Bertototli are actual mass murderers no matter how you spin it.


Mikasa literally says in the episode that she could’ve killed them right there on the spot, but she didn’t because of her feelings towards them. You should rewatch ;)


@Matthew Yay someone like me. I totally agree with everyone else that their is something else going on behind the actions of Reiner and Bertotototolda but that doesn't all of a sudden make them not mass murderers. I am very interested in Reiner/Bert/Annie and what they want and where they come from but I seriously can't grasp being on their side or wanting them to actually beat Eren and Co.


Sean is spoiling the bigger story by pointing out that Benj is spoiling the bigger story by pointing out people be spoiling the bigger story. You ain't gotta include that last sentence, G


@Sean LOL you right I deleted last sentence but Goodwin shouldn't read any of these reply threads talking about the show lmao.


it was announced that season 4 part 2 (the last probably 14-17 episodes of the series) isn't going to be released until winter 2022. with that in mind, are you going to consider reading the manga (which will be complete april 9th 2021) after catching up in the anime? or will you stick it out for the year and a half? to my knowledge the director of the anime is committed to keeping strictly to the manga so it'd be the same ending and details, but you wouldn't have the experience of seeing it animated first.


Wait so when they say winter 2022 they mean a year and a half instead of 9-10 months!?


yeah the end of 2022 was my interpretation of the news, but i admittedly haven't looked much into it. if anything i hope yous are right

a. tree

This is true that it was definitely going to escalate into a battle once it was clear Reiner and Bernard had outed themselves, but I do think Mikasa did let her emotions move her to overreact just a bit (very understandably!). Once she realized that Reinholt's next move was to grab Eren and run, she literally attempted to slit Reiner's and successfully slit Bertholdt's throat, and I can't imagine that she isn't acting against direct orders to capture, not kill, the Colossus and Armored titans. It's kind of ironic, the biggest thing they are missing is information but both Eren and Mikasa have come dangerously close to destroying their only source of information out of anger. Like if Mikasa was successful in her attack, Eren would be safe but the Scouts would have no idea of the situation beyond Wall Rose and no way of knowing until they forge a path to Shiganshina.


Yeah it makes sense. Eren has every right to freak out (actually I think he was remarkably calm at first). And Mikasa is doing what she thinks she needs to do to protect Eren. But as a viewer my feeling is that there's more to it and that MAYBE (big maybe) Reiner could have been reasoned with.


Haha thank you :D I appreciate the reminder. I'm guessing the opening starts at the halfway point of the season? (I apologize if this has been mentioned before)


Sorry about that. I'm not exactly sure what the issue is but I'm guessing it is Vimeo bandwith problems. They have recently been in touch with me about it.


This all makes sense. I think PART of my reaction to it at least is just me being emotionally affected by the brutality of what she does, especially what she did to Bertholdt who for the most part seemed to not be happy with the whole situation.

Noah Hoorn

In 2X5 when the castle tower is falling when Ymir in titan form jumps up to save them Bertholdt can be seen in the background about to bite his hand. So many of these gems throughout the whole show up to this point but this is one that happened just last episode. Love the reactions <3

Noah Hoorn

At 18:20 in your full vimeo reaction last episode is where you see Bertholdt about to bite his hand.

Andrew G

Man... you have so much insight lol. you being a negotiator would be absolutely monumental. In real life too actually lol


I'm unsure how to explain it but they cut the season in half? Part 1 happened mid to late 2018 and then Part 2 came back in April of 2019 I like to chalk it up to they were trying to do what SAO was doing and just splitting the season up to draw it out? So S3 ends on Ep 12 and Part 2 is Ep 1 but its also Ep 13 for Season 3...its really confusing XD when u get into Season 3 there will be more comments from people telling u when to not watch the OP hopefully