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In Full Metal Alchemist: Brotherhood 1x60 Eye of Heaven, Gateway of Earth,  It all returns to nothing, I just keep letting Winry down, letting Winry down, letting Winry down.


FMAB 60 Extended FINAL

Watch "FMAB 60 Extended FINAL" on Streamable.


Ramon Cintron

First Maybe?! Woot I timed it perfect


I guess you could say that both Bradley and Scar have finally arrived.


Welp, end of the series, Father wins. On to the next!


"I didn't think she would get hurt...because she's a child." In that moment he knew he fucked up.


well that got weird


This was a great episode of Evangelion:Brotherhood, actually an evangelion rewatch would actually be sick as a main or patreon weekly thing, it would really fit your channel and i still remember your posters from when you were uploading ATLA


You should really have discussion with a theologian. Catholic Church has a long history of Philosophical Traditions inspired by the Greeks that discuss the teachings in the Bible. Many seem to think literal interpretation of everything in Scripture is what the Catholics beleive when it's not. Many of your philosophies are in line with Catholic teaching. You're comment on man being created in God's image is very close to Catholic Theology.


No more Winry... Man, that's really heartWrenching... ...sorry, but also not sorry


Here's my best guess for what Father was doing. I'm not sure if he was able to open the portal of Truth initially. Pretty sure the only reason he can even use Alchemy is because he creates his own using Philosopher's Stones (explained by Mae Chan when talking about the movement of plate tectonics and how Alkahestry is used). So I think in order to understand the Truth, he needed others who had already opened it. Noticed on a second watch that there are hands coming from the sacrifices' eye stomach portals. So it's kind of like feeding him enough so that he can go through with his ultimate plan.


I've been thinking about doing that for a while. This episode brought it to mind again. I'd love to do that and FLCL


I would love that. I feel like for a lot of my life I was getting religion-lite but only recently became aware of that.

Ramon Cintron

Remember what Ed translated in Xerxes 'I will strike God down to earth and become a perfect being'

KJ Gaona

Can't wait to see Al strangling May on a beach with Father's face splitting in two across the horizon after Ed busts out of his eye in a blaze of glory and orange Fanta. #JustAnimeThings


That makes sense to me. He obviously can't do it himself, it seems reasonable that those who had been through the portal would make the connection easier.

Ruma Risto

Have to appreciate the amount of faith you have in Bradley :D

Sam B

Consciousness has always had such an elusive definition for me, in that we ourselves may not be "conscious" but rather every action we take is dictated by neurons in our brains. That sounds a lot like predetermination, but we may be experiencing just that. Our perceived consciousness could simply be an evolutionary step to allow us to make order of disorder.

Sam B

All that said, our experiences are what we make of them, regardless of the truth.


15:00 You've done it, you've deconstructed (and reconstructed?) a major theme of the show. There's like one other short anime I watched where the Earth retains some kind of memory, so now I wonder if that's a common idea in Japan or something. Like the whole planet as one spirit maybe.


I can think of examples from games as well. This kind of ending is also really common, and I often wonder what that's about. Sometimes it seems to come out of nowhere, like the show will be about space travel and the end it's a unified consciousness.


I love FMA but tomorrow... Tomorrow the flag finally falls. I have been dying for you to get to this episode of AOT since you started.

Emma Root

How did I watch all this three years ago and not remember anything lol. I'm realizing my main concern for most of the show was just whether or not Ed and Winrey would end up together and also thinking Mustang was hot. You'd think I would have cared whether or not the world ended.


I haven't commented as of yet I do not believe on these reactions, but I've really been enjoying your discussion on the themes. I'm studying writing and religion and a lot of the topics you discuss, as well as how you discuss them, feel a lot like my discussions in college lol. I'm also not religious, but it's series like these, as well as pretty much every other story ever I guess lol, that makes me feel studying religion as a philosophy and literature is incredibly worthwhile, and it's very refreshing to hear you pick up on the philisophical themes of the show, as well as all the great literary techniques, as it goes along, whereas pretty much every other reactor I've seen is purely visceral, which has its place, but I've been really enjoying listening to you actually analyze this as a piece of art, and you've even noticed things I've failed to in my couple of watches/readings.


See, and you can tell I'm a writing major because I used "discuss" three times in one sentence and followed it up with one paragraph-long run-on sentence lol. I'm tired, but I'll leave it as is.


Sort of off-topic but I absolutely love that piece of music that plays right after Father activates the center of the world. Just a perfect mix of mystery, eeriness and despair that lets you know immediately that whatever's going to happen is not going to be good in the slightest.


Wouldnt fathers idea of creating immortal people allow for us to evolve more as living and dying gives us very little time to learn or grow in the world. Grow morally and scientifically? Loved your surprised reaction throughout the end of this ep lol. Also, just curious about how you say you're not religious but find something divine and that we were made in gods image? I'm guessing you would mean that in a different way than others use it, but just interested in what you mean.

Scott McKennedy

This show goes so deep into all those philosophical questions, its insane. I remember my mum always saying it's just cartoons for kids...

Ruma Risto

It's called "Ante Meridiem" which is Latin meaning "before noon" (ironically indicating it's still morning at this point).


This show is amazing with making you grow attached even a little bit to a bunch of characters outside of the mains - and then in this episode, they rip all of them away from you

R'Mani Leavell

This episode made me want a shake weight


I mean, to be fair, Mustang is pretty hot. In both senses of the word.

A Suresh

Father taking a page out of Sephiroth's book I see. And the horns in this episode really do remind me of One Winged Angel. Both of them are arrogant to a fault so I can't help but see some overlap. Both Sephiroth and Father were a result of human experimentation, both believed that humanity was inferior to them and both try to harness the Planet as a whole to achieve some sort of ultimate actualisation. I really do enjoy the perspective you bring to these reactions. I don't think anyone else has quite captured Father's nature quite like you have at this point in the show. And yeah this episode ends on bated breath. It's a giant pause, we've reached a peak, and now, it all comes tumbling down as we ride to the end. That was a great reaction, I'll see you for the next one :)


Father is such a tragic character. I can't help but remember at this scene when Hohenheim asked him what he wanted in Xerxes and he said "I think I would be happy... if I could just leave this flask." In that moment there wasn't any malice or evil in his voice, it was just soft and wistful.


Thanks! I'm glad :) I love shows like this that make me think, and I love that I can keep finding new things to engage with. About religion and philosophy, it's a newer idea for me but I'm realizing that ideally there is not that much of a distinction, they are both just pursuits of truth. It's just that sometimes that pure pursuit gets lost, and that's true for just about any pursuit I think.


Immortality seems alright to me honestly :) The desire to be "more than human" is what seems off. And also... you know... all the death. The more I think about religion the more I think I've misunderstood it. Taking the idea of "man was made in God's image," the way I always interpreted that was in reverse, that God had the physical appearance of a human being, or that our physical stature was the key detail in that statement. But what is probably closer to what is meant by that saying is the idea that man is a reflection of "existence." We were not created in a vacuum, we are the result of a long process that has its roots in natural law. Adding to that is the fact that we can be conscious of that fact, and we can use our understanding of our connection in that way to make willing actions, to create, to discover, to shape, etc.


Lol I understand the struggle. I think for many people, cartoon always equals "for children."


That's a great comparison. You're right! He is trying to merge with the lifestream :D


You've got really interesting ideas on what it is to be human, the intrinsic benefits it may hold, and the relative value of that to other power(s). Have you seen the Reimagined Battlestar Galactica, by any chance?


That's a show I've been interested in for a long time but havent watched. I think I heard something negative about it that put me off but can't remember what. Something about the ending maybe? Also I'm not sure I've heard of the reimagined version


There's a good deal of controversy about the ending. People on both sides. It's still one of the best sci-fi shows out there for most of its run, I'd say. Great tale about humanity and belief and survival-all in a sci fi setting that allows that exploration. As far as the reimagined version, it's usually what people mean when they bring it up these days since the original super campy 80s TV show hasn't uh...held up so well haha. You may have heard of the premise (post robot revolution, initial armistice, robots return years later with near genocide, humanity on the run, looking for a safe haven, human looking robot threat, the human condition in these scenarios, the question of what it really means to be human). There's a quote that I was reminded of this episode --it has definitely stuck with me over the years and your commentary really connects with it. Sans spoiler story context "In all your travels, have you ever seen a star go supernova? ... I have. I saw a star explode and send out the building blocks of the Universe. Other stars, other planets and eventually other life. A supernova! Creation itself! I was there. I wanted to see it and be part of the moment. And you know how I perceived one of the most glorious events in the universe? With these ridiculous gelatinous orbs in my skull! With eyes designed to perceive only a tiny fraction of the EM spectrum. With ears designed only to hear vibrations in the air. ... I don't want to be human! I want to see gamma rays! I want to hear X-rays! And I want to-- I want to smell dark matter! Do you see the absurdity of what I am? I can't even express these things properly because I have to-- I have to conceptualize complex ideas in this stupid, limiting spoken language! But I know I want to reach out with something other than these prehensile paws! And feel the wind of a supernova flowing over me! I'm a machine! And I can know much more! I can experience so much more. " [Spoiler spoiler spoiler. I'm cutting off the rest but you get the gist] This is just a single speech from a single character without any context so don't read too much into anything about what the overarching plot is or any one group or individual's position from it. Still, it's indicative of some of the depths there. And some of the great writing to be had. You can decide about the ending on your own. I didn't personally *love* it but I can accept it for what it was. It doesn't have to be a reaction series but if you have time and want to watch a powerful human drama set in space with robots and deep philosophical questions and space battles, Ronald D Moore's reimagined BSG is no slouch.


And in a way, that's still his journey. As he sees it, the laws of the universe are just another flask that he must escape. He wishes for freedom, for independence, and the ability to do as he pleases without being controlled or limited by something else. He's an exceptionally tragic villain in that regard.


I am religious to an extent and your thoughts at the end talking about what it means when people say that we are created in God's image was really accurate and meaningful to me, especially considering that you aren't a religious person. Did you come up with that on the spot? Lol "We are a reflection of the natural laws and natural order of the universe, and not only that we're a conscience part of it, so their is something divine about humanity". You just don't hear people authentically talk about things like this in anime reaction videos, god its so refreshing.

Andrew G

I laughed so hard at “I thought she would never get hurt, because she’s a child. .....Oh no! what am I saying!? How could I make that mistake?! Especially in this show!” That really got me. among all the fighting and tension, I was NOT expecting that comment hahah


Thanks, I get what you're saying but I have a different understanding of the word religion, I think it's hard to divorce it from the baggage and people will assume you mean something else, but that's just me. This has little to do with our previous comments, but what you said at the end made me curious what your response or thoughts would be about Sam Harris's challenge to free will, and what he says about things being determined.