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In AOT episode 2x5, a major crisis for humanity is averted when Daz is rescued (phew). Ymir borrows from the Armstrong household in a very special flashback within a flashback, as Eren sets the record for fewest titan kills.


AOT 2x5 Extended FINAL

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It was nice seeing Marco vibin in this episode. His off screen death in the first season comes out of nowhere and is just weirdly sad, especially cause we barely get any screen time with him before he’s eaten in half. He really meant a lot to everyone in the 104th, especially Eren and Jean.


Finally i can call her Historia again felt weird having to go back to calling her Christa. One thing I love about s2 is getting focus on more of the secondary cast that really keeps fleshing out the world and the lore. The Ymir x Historia relationship is an unexpected yet pleasant surprise as we get more depth given to them beyond Ymir being snarky and Historia being cute and nice

Rudy Strother

I’m really glad you recognized Daz. My man has a perpetual look like he hasn’t slept in days and is always freaking the fuck out. I like him because I feel like he represents even though we all like to imagine we’d be cool like Levi or maybe smart like Armin, most of us would probably just be like Daz lol. Or maybe that’s just me... 😟


Lol that's so funny to hear since where I am right now Historia feels weird :) I am enjoying the cadet development this season so far. I think that it's really important for me, especially with characters like Ymir, who for most of the show so far just gave me the feeling of "what's her deal???"

Francesca White

Historia didn't know Ymir was a titan, Ymir said "when i reveal my secret to everyone, take your old name back" so HIstoria didn't know the secret until Ymir transformed at the tower. Also i believe Ymir was spot on in analyzing Historia, all we've really seen of Historia is what others see, this cute, kind girl willing to lay down her life. but Ymir can see past that and realize it's a facade, and Historia really just wants to die and be remembered as a good person or a hero.


Goddess Christa wasn't really my favorite character but Historia on the other hand, she's amazing


I lost it at Erin’s first kill


Its nice to be able to call her historia now, you just said it like 10 times in one comment lmao. HISTORIA!!

Francesca White

yeah no i'd definitely be Daz, i love to think about being a hero but in reality i'd NEVER join the military or fight titans in a MILLION YEARS lmfao

Chaz Finch

One of the things that I love about watching reactions to this show while I'm caught up with anime is the amount of subtle foreshadowing that is included in the dialogue. No spoilers, because I hate people who spoil. But there are bits of action and dialogue within every episode that carry much more meaning having seen everything that is released. I feel like this may deserve an ATLA-like rewatch once you finish. It's a great show and I love your reactions to it.

a. tree

I've gotta say, you have the craziest moments of just guessing completely random things that turn out to be true LOL Of course, I'm not going to say what that is or when you'll find out, but whatever you're doing to generate such occasionally on-point guesses about details of various levels of importance, keep it up


Eren got his arm and leg chopped off and he was fine. Titans are durable. As durable as.....a wall....

KJ Gaona

L ..... ol? You don't know what op is referring to because Alex says so many things in each episode that this could be referring to anything. I don't know which one he means, Alex doesn't know which one he means, and so it's pretty unlikely that this spoils anything, I think.

hays collins

It’s funny cause when you started it was wierd calling her Krista. Finally we can call her HISTORIA!!!!


Historia revealing her name is one of my favorite moments in the series. The animation and line delivery was just really nice. Ah, yes. The good ol' training days. It was nice to see Marco and briefly go back to when we only had 1/3 of the questions we have now. You noticed Mikasa's try out the spinning attack but her entrance was also similar to Levi's when Eren had just sealed the gate at Trost. The both have their backs to the audience and display the Wings of Freedom then turn their heads over their shoulder. Can't wait till next episode. It has another one of my favorite moments :)

KJ Gaona

Titan folks like Eren and Ymir can regenerate so I think Ymir is fine. But they really did Jet us again with that because they treat it so dramatically that you think it's a death scene. I'm glad you're the type of person to look critically at characters and not take everything at face value. You get a lot more value from this show if you're able to recognize the ways in which they're growing. Especially in the case of characters who still need to develop and can't yet represent themselves accurately to each other or to the viewer.


This show is absolutely insane with the subtle foreshadowing. Since I know you're past the point of this being a spoiler, go back and look at the scene where the tower is going down and a certain someone is in a very questionable position :)


Yeah glad we don't have to deal with Christa anymore, she was the worst. Historia is great so far though


Thanks :) After I watched the following episode I did go back and watch certain scenes again and was shocked


Awww Marco :(( I'm glad we got to see more of him even though it was just a flashback he's such a pure and kind person. Also I have to agree their bond is very meaningful and in the previous episodes it always looked like it was them vs the world. They were always hanging out together and even though they argued a lot they really did seem like they both relied and trusted each other. And it also brings in a new perspective to the Sasha flashback. Ymir told Sasha to stop pretending to be something shes not regardless of what other people will think of her and Historia told Sasha that, "Sasha is who Sasha wants to be even if her words are not her own". It reflects their two ideas on how they live their lives. These two are my favorite characters and they both have such strong development in the past few episodes alone.


LOL I just went back and looked. And yeah someone looks like he's about to take a bite of something...


There's nothing like sharing a secret with someone for bonding. That's a good point about the conversation in the Sasha episode :)


YES GOODWIN! Welcome to best girl Historia. Honestly it was so hard to refer to her as Christa watching your reactions. I'm really interested to see your take on Historia in the upcoming season/episodes. She's one of my favourite characters.


I never noticed that the song from episode 6 (YouSeeBigGirl) played in this episode too, albeit a variation of it. Yes that is the song title by the way, the composer for AOT is known for giving his songs extremely bizarre names. Some of the tracks in AOT literally look like WiFi passwords lol. At the risk of spoiling anybody for next episode I can't describe the scene, but it plays pretty much at the end of next ep, for maybe the last 3-4 minutes.


So excited for next episode!


Armin punching the air right now with his 0 titan kills


Took me a couple tries to see it, yeah it's pretty subtle and easily missed.


god I'm just so excited for the next episode can't wait to see ur face


On this rewatch, I noticed that they play variations of the song a lot. There were a few times in season one, this episode, and the next one which is the most notable. It's such an iconic song for the show. I love it.


@Valeri Yeah I noticed it's played before, but associating it with this Ymir scene, where everyone is wondering if they can trust her... it's very fitting. Good choice for them to put it here

Matthew B

some of yall comments are pretty bad with the spoilers lmao. I hope this poor guys has a mod. Like just chill and let him watch it.


christa/historia didn't know ymir was a titan until now. in the flashback, ymir told her "WHEN i reveal my secret" meaning she didnt do it back then. she made christa promise theyd both reveal themselves at the same time - now. that was the promise


man, ymir's dialogue when jumping from the tower hits a lil different once you've seen the rest of the story (at least what alls released). may be worth just saving that clip for later lol

Anna Lena Ciplajevs

I know that you’ve already watched 2x6, so please look at what Berthold is doing at 18:22 xD


Yeah it's insane because things have been foreshadowed since first episode. It's always so interesting to rewatch first season.


So much double meaning with certain characters! I can't wait for you to see it. I think you already other secrets since you are ahead. It's crazy watching it back and seeing things quite differently!

KJ Gaona

If you've got an eagle eye (or ear I guess) you'll find that the entire show is constantly re-using different edits of the same track/song for various scenes. They're very deliberate about making it not sound too obvious so it doesn't end up like FMAB. Much as I love that show and the music, they really do repeat the same tracks ad nauseum.

Meruka Hinaru

Wow, the subtle things this show does, i've seen this episode at least 3 times and I didn't notice that until now haha