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In Full Metal Alchemist: Brotherhood 1x59 Lost Light, Roy's seen enough of Father's lair, and he can't even see.


FMAB 59 Extended FINAL

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Remember when Lust said "I look forward to the day those eyes will be filled with agony... it's coming" before being killed by Mustang? I always love that detail, I like to think it's foreshadowing this episode Also ironic that Mustang, who has always had a clear goal, loses his sight/vision I haven't finished the video yet I just wanted to mention this lol


I had forgotten about that. There are a lot of details it seems with Roy and eyes / vision


Always here for a good arc of an angsty boy with a facial scar joining the protagonists to defeat the Big Evil. "Hello, Scar here."


No video description? i feel robbed D:


I always thought it was cool that they used Pride as a way to draw the transmutation circle. I know the show already established that the circle doesn't need to be chalk (Roy's and Armstrong's Glove for example) but still I thought it was crazy.


The plunging the world into despair thing isn't that deep. It's just that all is a sacrifice and since he went back he can now be used by father

Jonathan Canfield

Yep some difficult decisions but they aren't the last the show has to offer.

R'Mani Leavell

"...I look forward to the day those eyes would be wide with agony. It's coming, its coming." -Lust

Ghengis Don

I believe the implication about Al going back is that if he rejoined his body, he would have remained whole WITHIN the portal, robbing Father of one of his sacrifices with just minutes to spare before the eclipse. However, Al's soul returned, allowing Father's plan to come to fruition, presumably. Even if he had returned with his emaciated body, his status as a sacrifice remains unchanged, but with even less of a chance of stopping Father than they already have.


One of my favorite scenes in all of anime, and this episode plays a huge part of that. My man burned his own wife to a crisp.


Yoki's car was super effective.


The smartest thing he could've done was play blackjack with his real body until the eclipse was over.


Father had said earlier that they were waiting for Al's soul to return from the other side. So body Al was basically saying that because he returned to the real world, Father now has all 5 sacrifices he needs.


About what Father and Ed said about Roy. I think it's interesting that Father compared bringing back a loved one with changing the world for the better. It's as though Father believes that the two are equally as unobtainable and that is what he defines as Truth. But what Ed says is that there is a difference between the two. Though he doesn't go into detail as to what he feels the difference is (or if there's another Truth he believes in) that assertion is still nice to see.


I honestly believe even if Mustang didn't think he had a choice he wouldn't have willingly transmuted life there. I think it's been building up to that with him moving on from revenge and also with Hawkeye saying in an early episode that if he ever went too far she had permission to shoot him. It may not seem like 'going too far' in that situation, but it's breaking the taboo, and would have been putting everyone at risk for that one person or thing and I feel like he's matured beyond that at this point. Of course they were going to force him anyway, but he can't control their actions or didn't know that was a possibility possibly.

Sam B

Roy losing his eyesight was such a punch in the gut. The funny thing is, his foresight has been his strong suit, and that doesn't require vision.

A Suresh

About the comment about Al's soul's return potentially plunging the world into darkness; it's because if he had accepted, Al's soul would have rejected the armor and died. Thus they would permanently be missing a sacrifice and the eclipse would have passed, leaving all of Father's plans ruined. However, Al being Al, he chose to return and since his soul is still present, there's a connection to the portal that Father can still use, which means all 5 candidates are present. Therefore by choosing to return, Al is actually allowing Father's plans to complete, which may plunge the world into darkness. I'll be honest and say that this is just more of a setup episode between bigger episodes. Great reaction, and I'll see you for the next one.


the way the body says "My Alphonse" at the end always gives me chills and I can't explain why


I really wish I could binge the last 5 episodes with you but I can’t just NOT watch them as they come out 😩😭


07:12 ah yeah totally the facial expression of an infuriated Bradley lol


I also think that he knows the result of human transmutation, since he saw the Elric's result, he would not do it to Riza.

Soleil (edited)

Comment edits

2022-01-31 12:04:22 That hug from Roy. <3 If you didn't ship them before, you absolutely know it's canon now.
2022-01-28 16:03:55 That hug from Roy. <3 If you didn't ship them before, you absolutely know it's canon now.

That hug from Roy. <3 If you didn't ship them before, you absolutely know it's canon now.


I would have demanded the doctor heal Riza first, especially after seeing her signal. Help was on the way; Riza knew it, and then Roy acknowledged it. So, at that point, he could have both outcomes: saving her and not opening the portal. Roy didn't have to be a man of his word because he'd stall so reinforcements can get into position. Had help not arrived, I'm mostly sure that Mustang would have respected Riza's wish. From then, the doctor is at a standstill. He didn't have the power to force Roy to open the gate. Someone would have to make a move, and I think it would have been Scar during everyone's distraction. Though the fight isn't in their favor anymore, help would eventually arrive given Mei's group heading toward them anyway. As for Roy's condition, he didn't open the portal out of his own volition--even if he'd taken the deal with the doctor and he had "voluntarily" opened the portal. That decision was literally life or death for someone else. How is that classified under "free-will"? I'm not sure Al or Ed would have had the strength to refuse that choice had it been them in that position. Because, unlike Roy and Riza, their morals are anything to keep others alive at the cost of themselves. I think it's entirely unfair every way you look at it, but the show made the best choice. LOL