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In AOT episode 2x4, let the man have a drop!


AOT 2x4 Extended FINAL

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hays collins


hays collins

Ok after watching the OVA did you have any suspect about YMIR?


I knew that she would know more and be more connected to the titans than most characters, but that was the extent of it I think.


Lol that thumbnail

Andrew G

I’m here so fast


I haven't watched this vid yet, but I'm wondering... have you seen past 2x6 by now? It's okay if not, just want to know so I can regulate any spoiler aspects to my comments properly Will update after watching as well


I love the way the patreon schedule for AOT worked out for this week. Episodes 4-6 go so well together.

Francesca White

man i love Ymir so much i hope that you end up liking her too 😭 she can come off grating but we've seen her be nice in her own way, when she told Sasha she should be herself and talk in her own accent, her making fun of Connie to get his mind off the stuff that might have happened to his family, and the stuff with Christa. she's one of my favs cuz i think she has a lot more empathy than people think


Your 3 episodes per week aligned perfectly for season 2


What's sad is that the reason Gelgar's alcohol bottle was empty was because Christa used it to disinfect Reiner's arm


i agree, the pacing this season is great, and it doesnt slow down. ymir is my favorite character in the entire series, and when you learn more about her, you'll see how good a person she is. her comments towards connie were to help him get his mind off his parents. this season does a very good job of giving you a nice slice of answers off a big fat cake. a slice is a slice, however. also, the drink gelgar found before dying was the bottle christa used to treat reiner's wounds LMAO so if youre gonna blame anyone, blame goddess christa


Yesssss! The next 2 episodes are fire and can't wait for your reaction to episode 6. I always tell you this but I really love your analytical skills. You have a pretty good understanding of the characters thus far. Ymir can definitley be grating but she's written that way for a reason. I think you'll come to appreciate her more after next episode and the rest of the season. Thanks again for another great reaction!

R'Mani Leavell

I see the drink seen really got to you lol. Blame goddess Christa, she used up all of it on Reiners wound ;D Also the creator, Isayama's goal in the show is to get everyone pissed. He initially does things to get reactions out of people, and in my opinion that's what makes the show great. Too many show creators try too hard to cater to fans and some things just turn out worse, than if they went ahead with their initial plan.


*Ymir intensifies*

Nick Heiney

God, knowing what we know. Every conversation is very interesting when re-watching. (Those who know, know).


How small is the screen you are watching it on, you are always squinting. He didn't get his alcohol but was passed out when the titans ate him.


Absolutely. Every little detail of this series is so well thought out it's almost scary.

Drake Chuckle

I find it interesting that you are enjoying the pacing - this show is better watch binged. When it was coming out I actually hated this show because every single episode ends on a cliffhanger and it felt slow as molasses.


Hmmmm interesting. I'll keep an open mind about Ymir :) I blame the writer for making that 1 drop of liquor hit his chin


Oh Nanaba, the coolest character for a single episode.


Lol it being empty was one thing, but the final drop hitting his chin was just too much!

hays collins

Love how you point out so many things about Reiner the last couple episodes since you already seen episode 6 you can see how funny it is to us that you pointed those things out haha


I sympathize with those who watched it as it came out. I've been hearing a lot about the 4 year gap between seasons... At the very least, season 2 at least feels like it has chosen a plot direction and is headed that way (even if it's somewhat slow), as opposed to season 1 which to me felt like almost all questions.

Jonathan Canfield

I mean this is a pretty big reveal so its unlikely there was be anymore big reveals for awhile. ;)


18:36 Nice prediction Alex. :)

hays collins

Man we get his reaction for 4-6 AND we get the AOT finale on Sunday. Man this week is amazing


Counting the days till episode 6 haha

Stephen husuc

Love the flcl shirt man you should do a rewatch on here some day... I glean something new every time i watch that masterpiece


I was thinking about that actually. I've seen it a bunch of times and have the same experience. It's only 6 episodes so would be totally doable


The most wild thing about this show is how they portray the horror of being eaten alive. Nanaba just straight up reverted to some childhood memory of her father. Like they gotta dive deep into their imaginations for that. No doubt me and Gelgar would like to be passed out drunk.


That was indeed horrifying. That and the sound effects, and everyone else hearing that. And the whole thing entirely


That is an awesome shirt

Ramon Cintron

I mean i still dont think Reiner has interests in women but Christa is a Goddess you can't compare normal humans laws of attraction to someone as great as Christa. Also hes my #1 Husbando I have to keep faith man


This episode and the next two are probably my favorite of the show. The pacing, the character building, the music!! so many great things and it shows just how much thought has gone into the show and made me trust that the creator knew what he was doing. I totally agree about season 1, it felt like a show created mainly for shock factor and gore, that didn't really have a clear goal, and raised questions that it didn't seem to have answers for. But season 2 disproved that!! so excited for the next few episodes!!


Now that you have seen ep 6, you can notice the double meanings and cues in every reiner and bertholdt scene since season 1, even their reaction to titan Eren in S1 was different than the rest


Why would Reiner not have interest in women? Lmao, is he gay? If its a manga spoiler don't tell me


@Benj Ymir said a line to him about how she didn't take him to be someone interested in women. I've always seen it as her just implying he doesn't have time to be interested in romance, but I'm not sure. Other people probably have better answers.

KJ Gaona

lmao you had it right though, Gerger's suffering is a metaphor for the whole show. T'ain't right, t'ain't fair, t'ain't fit, t'ain't proper. Since I know you've seen 2x6 I don't mind sayin' I can't wait to see your face in that reaction. I feel like I need to offer my face PTO when I'm watching this show because I remember seeing that reveal for the first time and my jaw muscle went and took a vacation. And that's halfway through the 2nd season of a 4 season show. To think after all that we never did catch a break. Not one :(


I got spoiled on what was going to happen and exactly how it was going to happen, and my jaw was still open lol


I was wondering about that as well. One of the crazier ideas that crossed my mind later is that he, like titans, doesn't have the necessary tools for romance, if you catch my drift


So I went back and watched the Annie training scene at one point and saw it totally differently


This is a spoiler please delete ASAP

Henry Law

Like why would you need to say that, just let them man watch the show

Anna Lena Ciplajevs

"Do they have canned goods?" Good catch. Reminds me of filmbuff with his "herring" catch


I read the manga after season 1 finished. Unfortunately even before I got to that part of the manga it was spoiled for me. The way the reveal is done is so casual it is so funny. hehe

Anna Lena Ciplajevs

You should also watch the episode where Armin tries to talk the one guy out of killing Eren. When the transformation happens initially, Reiner, Berthold and Annie are the first people to go check it out. Also they’re in a scene from the second episode, posing as shiganshina refugees. Honestly this has such great rewatch potential


you gotta be that guy huh


Hey mate, been a silent viewer for a while and don't usually comment on youtube/patreon videos etc but just wanted to share my support. Appreciate the insight and virtue you bring to these reactions. Keep up the great work! Also fun side note: there's a dark spot on your wall located on the right side of the screen which I try rubbing off every video. Gets me every time 😂


ymir is best girl <3


OMG thats what that is. I have been wiping the same part of screen for months now, but it would never go away!


MONKE SCREAM ROARRRRRRRRRRR, also you'd be a great leader in this world "Alright we're all out of options, everybody bite their hands and pray" lmaoooo


On the Ymir/Reiner scene: my read is that Ymir is just giving him shit about hanging out with Bertholt all the time, and Reiner just rolls with it because giving people shit is Ymir's natural state of being and turns it around on her. I think it's safe to say they're both into women. One in particular.


Before the canned herring scene, the writers were toying with the idea of Reiner learning the truth by seeing Ymir's driver's license.


Lmao that is good to know. I just cleaned my wall so let me know if it shows up in videos next week. And thank you :D


When I was a kid I tried to go Super Saiyan like Goku. Glad I grew up with Dragonball Z and not AOT.

It just be like that zzz

None of them were allowed to have their gear, because they were under suspicion of being titans, they didn't want another case like Annie in the forest