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In AOT episode 2x3, everyone who thought the female titan was Armin's mom feels somewhat validated when they get to Connie's house.


AOT 2x3 Extended

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Shoutout to Vimeo for the perfect auto-generated thumbnail once again. It's almost useable as is.


Reiner is my favorite character.


Legit Reiner is in my top 3 characters for the entire show. Even in Season 1 just from his introduction lol.


Cant wait for the pieces to start connecting. I'll advise you to pay attention closely and return to parts of episodes if needed (assuming you are at least a few ep ahead). Lots can be figured out ahead of time, and personally it was so much more enjoyable when I started really paying attention and not just watching for action and relationships.


Reiner giving Connie that extremely emotional shoulder pat of comfort after he tells him his hometown had no survivors is probably extra meaningful, if you remember he and Bertholdt talked about their own hometown in Season 1 and how it was attacked. So he probably has common ground with Connie there. Will update after finishing the video

R'Mani Leavell

I just realized at the end of your ending its revealed to be madame christmas inside the walls. 10/10

a. tree

My feeling was that Eren didn't seem to have too much growth as a person in the first season, but over the course of this next season and a half I feel like his growth arc gets really good. Also side question which I'm not sure is relevant anymore depending on how far ahead you are, but... what do you think was the deal with the message from the Commander that Sasha just delivered?

hays collins

Ok I know you were a few episodes ahead from your upload. Is that the same this season?


Man I never realised just how much AoT is based on Norse mythology. Giants aka Titans and the castle they're in is Utgard castle, which is a reference to Utgard and Utgard-Loki, a dwelling place of giants and its ruler. And some other things, but I had to delete them from this paragraph because they were spoilers lol. If you know you know.

Aaron Ong

I love your observation about Levi! People tend to misinterpret his character as cold, and badass (which he is), but he is so much more than that. To me, Levi is one of the most complex characters in the show just because he is very representative of his experiences, and you can tell he has been through a lot of teaching moments that he now passes down to the ones under him, who you can really tell he cares about.

a. tree

Isn't Ymir the name of a Norse goddess as well? That makes it kind of ironic that the survey corps member Ymir is in love with Krista, who is considered to be a "goddess"


Honestly not sure what to make of it. Like the characters I was caught up in what the Wallist guy was saying.


great reaction as always! quick question; once you finish fma:b, will you start a new series or will you make aot your main series? personally I would love the aot focus because I look forward to your reactions every other day, would be amazing for it to be daily. but i understand if you start a new series, either way whatever you do is going to be great :)

Francesca White

i'm SOOO excited for the next few episodes, they're some of my favs in the series! Ymir and Christa are also two of my fav characters so i'm glad we're seeing more of them now than season 1

Alex Begley

No Regrets really helps dive into his character too but even without it, I agree that he's much more complex than just a cold badass haha


Erwin is definitely the hype man of the scouts but damn Levi's speech at the end was really powerful in his own way


OMG! That ending was terrifying! Warn a guy next time before you jump scare with Madame Christmas. Unsubscribe.


I think he said he plans to be up to episode 6 around the time the first episode of season 2 hits YouTube? But that might change


Update: You've been picking up on a lot of details that I'm seriously impressed by. The only other reactor I've noticed that has approached the show in the same way is a youtuber called Filmbuff. He's been reacting to AOT, although he's on Season 4 now. You might like some of his videos if you ever want to watch other reactions, he gets very invested and analytical like you (mainly in his post-reaction discussions) But yeah, I think this show is really good at showcasing your skills as a commentator and content creator overall. I've found myself having my own inner dialogue based on some of the things you've said during this series. Although that's really how it goes for any show you discuss lol


Reiner being a bro


Thanks! So I'm going to base it on a poll here on Patreon. One of the options will be AOT only so that's a strong possibility.


Same, it's early in the season for me but I'm already excited that it seems like we're getting a renewed focus on a bunch of the cadets.


An accurate way to describe Reiner for me is just a brother figure in my opinion. Like a big brother. Edit: aaaaand I made myself sad by saying "big brother" because it reminded me of Nina from FMAB. It haunts me just as much as it haunts Ed and Al lol.


Love the Reiner love. He is my second favourite character after Jean. I don't have much else to say, just that these next few episodes are incredible and I can't wait to see your reactions.

Yourboy Gman

Is your ATLA rewatch going up tonight?


"Dammit, I had hope....that was my mistake, as always" don't let AOT catch you hoping! That's a sure fire way to get characters killed! xD Also, thanks for the Reiner appreciation, he's literally one of my favorite characters from the show and you can tell he genuinely cares for his friends. Also also, I love how Levi emphasizes restraint to Eren just like his mother once did, and the way Hange shut Armin up just because she wanted to be the one to say the conclusion yet at the same time it was a sign of her acknowledging his intellect.


Yes! Uploading now. But only one episode today because it didn't make sense to split up the 2 episode season 2 finale.

Ramon Cintron

Yea Reiner is my fav character too He's Top Husbando material for me he is the best and the person Id trust the most to watch my back over every other person there! Reiner is soo good and such an amazing Soldier!. Also glad you noticed that both Connie and the titan had the same eye color.


After I said that I found myself looking at all their eye colors and wondering if there's a pattern there...


Wow very perceptive of the hints of more than friendship from Krista and Ymir, a lot of people just put if off to close friendship. I'm very excited for the coming episodes!! and Krista and Ymir are both my favorite characters and of course Riner. There's so many good characters it's hard to have favorites. Also I'm pretty sure Isayama said at one point that Levi is actually the most emotional character in the show but because of his upbringing he doesn't know how to show it. But on a lighter note about Levi's character, Isayama confirmed in an interview that Levi has to regularly force Hanji to bathe because they will go days without bathing and they'll smell so bad that Levi has to intervene. I think Isayama said it as a joke but it's pretty funny to think about and pretty on brand for both of their characters.


She slapped him because she knew what he was about to say would be genius lmao.. I love thinking about it in that way


I can't believe I thought this was a slow season on my first watch.


God why is Moblit just like the best background character, he's always so caring. I just can't get enough of him.


this show does a lot with eyes if you couldn’t tell before


the next episode after this is one of my favorites and im SOOOO EXCITED AHAHAH!


I think its cuz there's just a bunch of talking


Reminds me of Sokka doing that to Kotara in "Avatar Day".


Lack of expression of emotion =/= being emotionless. Something I have learnt after being judgemental of people who lack expression of emotions. I personally didn't find Levi as a cold-hearted person, especially after he witnessed Petra's dead body and talking about how many people sacrificed themselves for Erwin's female titan capture plan.


I feel like Hanjie doesn't appreciate him enough.


It's funny how your theories and ideas are not so far off and yet you feel you have no idea what is going on. The next episodes are about to get wild!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Lol the amount of people talking about 2x06 since the season started. There definitely isn't any expectation building up for you right?! You're probably just hoping its not another Appa's Lost Days moment where all the hype builds up for just pain and sadness.

Karsten Hase

i cant wait for this Flag to fall


It's taking a while but I feel like I'm gradually closing in this season :)


Although I'm sure the rug will continuously be pulled out from under me lol


Haha indeed there was some hype, but I have seen it and was still very much caught off guard.

Andrew G

omggggggg I cannot wait for you to get to episode 6 so that I can continue watching season 2 alongside you and actually bounce ideas around because ALL my friends have either not seen the show or they have seen everything and I don’t want to run the risk of them spoiling shit if we talk about ANYTHING

Andrew G

P.S. Completely irrelevant but I laughed: remember that ep where in the comments you had made a portmanteau of Reiners and Berthold’s names and someone said you have no idea how funny that is and I asked if the reason it was so funny was because it looked like a ship name because of how desperately I want them to be gay together? This is so obnoxious of me and I am SO sorry but the look on Berthold’s face when Reiner was comforting Connie lmao it looks so jealous and angry. I mean it’s obviously just drawn a little funny and I’m messing around but I thought that was so funny after that other comment I had made about them being an item lol See now I’ve got myself looking at every little thing between them and I’m DEFINITELY making fun of it every time it happens

Andrew G

(<<- Not seen the last half of season 2 yet so if this is relavent I have no idea that it is) those eyes are DEFINITELY something I noticed too. like, go back to that last episode with Sasha and that little girl. That Titan that was eating her mother had the exact same color eyes as the girl does just like Connie and his Titan do... and it’s making me feel like... that that Titan was her dad.... and also...I noticed that the blood Sasha got on her from shooting it in the throat and stabbing its eyeball that let her slip out of his grip... didn’t evaporate? I mean I guess that could have been the woman’s blood, but I feel like that blood would be too dry to assist slipping free. the blood would have to be pretty fresh for her to slip out of his grasp like that. dude was DEFINITELY a Titan but... that...mm. idk. The eyes. I’m never gonna stop thinking about everyone’s eyes now lol