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In Full Metal Alchemist: Brotherhood 1x54 Beyond the Inferno, Roy doesn't amount to much, but the people who care step up to protect him, as it's the least they can do for someone they love.


FMAB Episode 54 Reaction Extended

This is "FMAB Episode 54 Reaction Extended" by A Goodwin on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them.



Do you ship Roy and Riza? (ship name is Royai) You may have touched on this before but I forgot lmao.


That's a tough one. I feel like I'd be more into that if the stakes weren't so high all the time.


I understand your mixed reaction to the homunculi deaths. The villains in this show (except maybe Sloth) are very charismatic, albeit terribly evil. How can you not be disappointed to see the end of someone like Kimblee, Envy, or Lust when their appearances are always entertaining? Also, at least for the homunculi, they really are slaves to whichever 'deadly sin' they are created to be. If anyone is to be blamed for how they act, it's their 'father.'


"If I ever stray away from my path, shoot me right away". I'm kind of surprised that you were surprised when Riza pointed the gun at him.

KJ Gaona

I love the shot of Father from behind the flask, calling back to the origins he's trying to escape from by framing him as still being inside it. It's like they're saying he hasn't truly changed on a fundamental level, at least not as much as he thinks.


Okay so first off, one of my favorite episodes of the show ends up getting a nearly 30 minute reaction video lol. Thanks for that, I had a feeling you would have a lot to say here and you really didn't disappoint. I agree with you when you pointed out how Envy has been stuck with this existence. In a way, all of the homunculi are a bit tragic. They were brought into the world as manifestations of the sins. Envy has no capacity to change as far as we know, because he has been manufactured that way. It's a pretty cruel thing to do to create a being that embodies feelings of Envy and pretty much only Envy. Like a cursed existence. No idea if that makes sense. I still don't like Envy obviously but it is interesting that he was created to be how he is, by father. The only one we've seen with true agency is Greed, and that's because Greed naturally takes priority over any orders. Of course he's rebellious. I also love what you said about Mustang's philosophy on protecting the people he loves. I don't have a specific quote to cite, I just found your commentary this time to be really thought provoking and valuable. Also funny as usual. This concludes my thoughts, I'm excited for these last 10 episodes.


this was probably my favorite episode with mustang tbh, such a different arch that I'm not used to liking..


Father despite all his power chooses to identify with his limitations rather than his abilities.


I remember when Envy's death happened in the manga, people were pretty upset too bc he's a surprisingly (or maybe not-so-surprisingly) popular character. In the official popularity polls he always ranked around 5th, even beating out Winry a couple times, which is mind boggling to me


In a way it's similar to Envy too. Father thinks himself to be above humans, but chooses to walk in a human appearance and mask himself as one. Same as Envy, considering he could shapeshift.


The homonculi are very tragic characters. It is a cruel existence to be created to embody the sins of humans, they were all doomed from the start. On another note, have you seen Re:Zero? It has a fair amount of relationship stuff but its an incredible show. It counters a lot of the standard isekai tropes


Ep 55 Is next... 💪💪💪💪

KJ Gaona

Preface: I could just be talking out of my ass but I feel like I get why it was unexpected. I think it's just that a lot of us didn't see any problem with him killing Envy in the midst of his bloodlust because we're so used to that being normalized in TV shows and movies and treated like it's just par for the course. Writers don't always concern themselves with exploring the results that kind of extreme violence and hatred have on the human mind. If all of us had approached Roy's character with that kind of consideration in mind, I think it wouldn't have been so surprising. For my part, I had the same reaction as Alex. I wasn't expecting the show to delve into this at all but was pleasantly surprised and very touched by his moments with Riza. I don't usually ship characters, but Roy and Riza are among the few exceptions.


I recently started watching Re:Zero, I'm still in season 1 but it's actually really great. I think he could definitely get value out of it, but it's hard to watch lol. Very real emotions and a very flawed protagonist

R'Mani Leavell

I don't know if you remember or noticed, but in one of the previous episodes (I think it was the episode Hawkeye told Ed about is Ishvalan) but we see Rizas back and Roy did burn off the surface. But it was only part of it, probably because its something he didn't want to do anyway.


This episode was so much better than I remember because it was the stuff leading up to Envy being told he's jealous of humans that i forgot about that has made this episode stick out in my mind years and years later I feel way more for Envy now that i'm older, I used to always feel bad for him cuz he was smol and beaten, now...i just feel for him entirely...is this sadness??...yeah no i guess it is XD

Ruma Risto

One of my favorite episodes. Envy was an obnoxious bully and arguably one of the most hateable characters in the series, but the more you think about him, the more complex he becomes, and in the end, he might have actually been the single most tragic character of the entire story.

Ruma Risto

Wrath, lust, pride, gluttony, sloth and greed are all indeed bad things in excess, but I think what you said about Greed a while back was on point; desire and ambition are not such bad things, they can actually help you succeed in life. Pride is essential for a healthy self-esteem. Anger can make you more passionate about the things you stand up for (and I don’t even really consider gluttony a “sin” :D). But out of all the seven deadly sins envy is probably the most corruptive. It doesn’t really improve you in any way, it just consumes. Then again jealousy is so very human; it’s something every single person in the world has likely struggled with but I believe getting rid of it is one of the most important steps in achieving true happiness and a peace of mind. That’s why I think Envy was an extremely sad and pitiful creature. The shapeshifting ability perfectly represents his self-consciousness, his preferred form is an androgynous young person, genderless and ambiguous in general. He doesn’t feel comfortable in his own skin. Envy enjoys taunting humans for their weaknesses but is secretly jealous of their strengths. He is spiteful due to his own inability to understand humanity.


Exactly, it's a mix of enjoying their characters so much, and also feeling like there's a tragedy to their existence, especially Envy.

Joey Joseph Jojoson

I am so glad that we get to see this and last episode within the same week!! Envy is the WORST homunculus of them all, but we can't help but feel bad/sad for him. That's incredible writing for you! Also, Hohenheim "why do I need to bring my kids when I'm here collecting TRASH??" what a burn!! Roy needs to take notes.


It makes perfect sense. It's weird thing watching this show and having so many conflicting emotions about the villains. Why do I feel bad about Gluttony's death? And Envy? There is something tragic to it, and yeah I think a big part of that is the fact that they DID have enough human traits to feel for but they never really had a shot at anything different. It also makes me sad in hindsight that Lust died so soon.


That's really interesting. I can't fully explain it but I think I get it. I think Envy is real. I mean, yeah he is in some ways a cartoonish representation of a human sin, but that sin is relatable and I think because of that there's an underlying sadness to it that's compelling. Well, I hope it's SOMETHING like that, and not just that voters are a bunch of Envy-like misanthropes :)


Definitely one of my favorite episodes of the series. Seeing the culmination of Roy's arc, showing how much he needs other people, especially Riza, to ground him before leading Amestris, leaves us with such a heart-wrenching scene. We really see in this scene and the flashback how much of their past and future depends on each other. I also remember feeling sad for Envy's death. Even though I hated Envy. I felt bad for him and his sorry existence. Constantly pretending to be the thing that he could never be. Wanting to be able to care for others and to be cared for. Yet his entire life, even his closest "friends" or "family" in the homunculi didn't really care about him. When Gluttony swallowed him whole, Gluttony was more worried about what Father would do about a human sacrifice being gone than about Envy's safety. It's such a sad life that, even though we hate so much of what Envy has done, there's a pity that we feel for him in death.


It's sad for me too, as weird as that is :D Envy's whole existence is sad, ultimately.


Mentioning Jeong Jeong was very fitting for Roy's moment. Specifically reminded me of this quote: "But fire brings only destruction and pain. It forces those of us burdened with its care to walk a razor's edge between humanity and savagery. Eventually, we are torn apart." All Roy has to do is snap his fingers, it's easy as that, yet so powerful and dangerous.


Let's ramble: I once said Master Hawkeye gave me Oppenheimer vibes? Yeah, he created "the most powerful alchemy", and entrusted it to his daughter. She, then, gave it to one man, and this man killed so many people with so much efficiency he was called a Hero of the Ishvalan War. On Envy: I've laid all my thoughts on other comments, except we know the scene is sportant when the guy don't yell FULLMETAL ALCHEMIST on the midcards. And there ain't nothing better to lighten the mood than some extra Armstrong Sparkles. Trust me, the fight is just beggining... Izumi is pure gold though and though, and honestly has my relationship goals.


Have you, or anyone reading this, read the Artemis Fowl series? Alex boxing the lights out of Sloth reminds me of the scene with Butler and the troll every time tbh.

Ramon Cintron

I think that the whole point was that if Roy started killing out of self interest or revenge rather then duty or necessity he might just keep doing it rather down the line justifying it he needed to learn to let go of grudges.

A Suresh

I had a realisation with this particular rewatch of this episode. Throughout the time he's torturing Envy, Roy is... grieving. He's still not over Hughes' death and it's been 44 episodes. It makes sense, but I'd always thought that Roy was lost in a mindless rage and thirst for vengeance this whole time. But rewatching this bit, when Roy reflects all the little moments with Hughes I realised that grief was actually a significant part of what Roy was expressing here. Great reaction, and I completely agree with your thoughts on Envy. It's a well written death and executed tastefully. See you for the next one!


It's making me really happy seeing this shared reaction to Envy's death. That's some great writing to make this possible :)


I love how pride and envy are portrayed in this show as 2 of the strongest or most deadly of the 7 sins as they are often talked about as being the most dangerous of humanities vices.


Wow I definitely felt the poignancy of that midcard but I didn't realize part of it was the absence of the "FULLMETAL ALCHEMIST" line. It felt like a goodbye to Envy. Very well chosen


Thanks! That's a great observation. Yeah we see rage, and that's real, but at the root of it all it's about Hughes, and so I love the Hues montage as Roy struggles to get himself under control.


Yeah that feels right to me. Many of the sins can be problems, but pride and envy feel dangerous at a different level... They go deep


I love how it frames father in a flask in the credits scene tons of little details


I don't think envy is entirely bad. If you look at the evolutionary psychology of envy, you see that there are benefits to it. https://labs.la.utexas.edu/buss/files/2015/09/evolution-of-envy.pdf Excess of envy on the other hand is deadly and maladaptive for sure.

Aaron Ong

Such is the case for all of the 7, and a lot of "negative" emotions can also be very beneficial in moderation.

Purple Dawn

Small thing that I like is Ed no longer reacts to being called a pipsqueak.

Nathan Jarrett

If you think Gluttony isn't that bad then I recommend watching Rezero. There's a certain interaction that highlights the importance of Gluttony and the dangers it can bring. I won't say anything else so as not to spoil in case you do end up watching it.

The Bird of Hermes

have you noticed that when a character is dead and if they are in the mid card picture the announcer doesn't say fullmetal alchemist


the dubbing for this episode really stands out. like wow all their performances were incredible. that being said, there's one line I like better in the sub version -- in the dub, envy says they are ashamed that out of all people, it has to be Ed to "see through" them, but in the sub, it's translated as they are ashamed that Ed is the one to "understand" them. This hit a lot harder for me because understanding implies empathy and emotional connection, and I think it's that connection that Envy is so afraid of. They were so afraid and ashamed of sharing a connection with a human, a "weaker being", that they took their own life. I mean this comes through throughout the scene, regardless of how that one line is translated, but it hits differently when envy actually articulates that


I always love that theoretically, Envy could have actually saved themselves. Envy bit Ed's finger and that means Envy should have been able to take control of his body but nah, the humilation was too bad, better to kill oneself out of sheer pride (which is funny, because that is an emotion that technically shouldn't exist in Envy :P)


Only time envy called ed by his name


wait no you are right. he tried to keep ahold of him with his left


For sure, I think that on some level envy is an aspiration to be better. It's something like greed but for self-identity.