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This was a tough one!


00:00 - 2x14 Reaction

26:23 - 2x14 Summary

28:26 - 2x15 Reaction

54:31 - 2x15 Summary

57:11 - Reacting to my reaction



I'm really sorry to hear about your breakup man. Definitely been there. Admire your ability to keep your composure though. Keep your head up. :)

Alex Begley

Your fight story was a very Zuko thing to do ("Honor!!") Also, I love that you accidentally called it "Appa's Day Off" haha I don't think he would agree with that Lastly, I've seen Iroh's Leaves on the Vine segment I don't know how many times and it still never fails to at least get me teary eyed. Just like you, I even started the second time in this video and was saying to myself "I just watched it" lol The Zuko and Iroh reunion also does it for me every time I watch it


I am focusing my mind on sending you a psychological hug. Let me know if you got it. Might be a delay due to Rona. Your fight story is so cool haha!! Good on ya for taking it like a champ. Such a guy thing to do. Hehe! Unfortunately, that girl was not worth it but ya both got played and that is a good thing because you became friends. Simp can be beneficial it seems. If you don't cry during that Iroh scene then you are a psychopath. So congrats! You are not a psychopath. :D


For some reason, 12:37 cracks me up everytime. Little moments like these are so fun.

A Suresh

That's rough, buddy. I think these episodes came at a pretty serendipitous timing in that case. Weird. I was thinking watching City of Walls & Secrets that Aang makes for a better juggler than Zuko, not realising that Tales of Ba Sing Se was next. Zuko really could have said that he was a stunt swordsman in the circus and that would have been a WAY better cover than going... "...yES." lol I enjoy your discussions about having nuanced discussions and how challenging it is to tackle practically anything as it is with all of its complexity. It feels like our brains are almost wired to try and simplify things and add layers and layers of abstraction. Loved your reaction, and I'll see you for the next one.

Jamie Morgan

Not gonna lie, the way you told the story of you challenging someone to a fight made me literally cry with laughter. It’s so odd to imagine you being that person! Sorry to hear about your break up, dude. Hope the healing process is as swift and painless as possible.

R'Mani Leavell

Sorry to hear about your break up. But hopefully if you keep moving, you will come to a better place

R'Mani Leavell

Its funny to hear references to moments in shows we havent seen reactions to yet lol


Was the a FMA episode 53 reference? A little ahead of releases I see.

Soren Monroe

I’m sorry about your breakup but I hope these episodes helped smooth out the wrinkles of your rough day. I was especially excited for this reaction because I remember the day I found your channel I started binging all ur avatar reactions and I remember wanting to just finish tales of ba sing se before going to sleep and by the time I did it was like 4a so it was a nice memory for me haha and I’m glad you’re enjoying your rewatch (even through all the tears). Also what you said about rejecting authority due to feeling let down by it really resonated with me, I didn’t quite understand what you were saying last time but I get it now and I think I feel kinda the same way.


We are all here for you buddy <3. After watching leaves from the vine a lot, nowadays I get more teared up than cry, but still huts a lot.




Personal head-canon is that Sokka actually was enamored with the poetry when he first arrived, as the first girl was reciting a haiku about Yue.


the tears just get stronger every watch


"This was a tough one!" My dumb ass clicked it being like huh what? Tough to edit? And then I see Tales of Ba Sing Se and I'm like "OHHHH... oh no." And you're doing it multiple times. Yo, I tear up every time I watch other people's reactions. To me, Ju Dee sounds exactly like talking to AI, which in a way I guess she is because she's essentially programmed. But her smile falling into a terrified frown feels so striking to me because it cracks into the human interior, and then I actually feel bad for her. Like, what even is your life Ju Dee. It's kinda funny that the last time Zuko sees Jet is their sword fight, and he has zero clue what happened to him until they see the Ember Island Players. Imagine working together with some guy, then fighting him, seeing him get taken away by authorities, and finding out he died shortly after. Long Feng is suchhh a bastard for threatening Aang with Appa's unknown whereabouts when he's literally the one who captured and chained him. "iT wOuLd bE a sHaMe" man shut up. Going to Toph and Katara's mini-episode, by now Toph also understands that Katara cares about her, but she doesn't really admit it until she's talking to Sokka in the scamming episode later. I just liked having that spoken closure. They all feel like such a family and it's beautiful. I just noticed Iroh says "How was your night, Prince Zuko?" like he continues to address him by his royal title even though they live as humble refugees. Your talking about how to know when there's still more to go in life vs when to settle in reminds me of a book I just read called The Alchemist (which I feel like you'd like?) and it was a question that came up for me too when I was reading it. The main character has a clear goal but he's constantly tempted to forego it when he encounters chances to just fall into an easy life. But I personally don't have a clear goal so it's hard to know when to draw the line. I just live day by day and have some vague idea of what I want to do, but mainly it's to be a better person today than I was yesterday. I'll never feel like I'm "finished" with that in mind.


whats more likely: Iroh can't style hair, or Iroh knew that Jin would playfully ruffle it up? Iroh: Ultimate Wingman


I'm really sorry to hear about your break up man. I know a strangers words on the internet won't mean much; but I am genuinely wishing the best for you, friend.


My first atla rewatch episode of yours. I didn't realize I was missing out this bad Also I hope you're doing alright. I share the same sentiment everyone else does


yeah the atla rewatch has been amazing.


Nothing says "honor" like getting your ass kicked by a total stranger Yeah the Zuko and Iroh episode will be another difficult one...


Thanks! Yeah the timing was either great or terrible, depending on how you look at it :D


The Ju Dee breakdown moment is so horrifying to me. I have a whole thing in my head for her, that her whole demeanor is just her trying to survive, and she realizes immediately how much danger she's in. I loved The Alchemist when I read it, but it's been a while so I can't remember the details too well. I should give it a re-read


Although breakup is another event in life that will be a brick in your experience, it ephin' sucks. Best wishes for ya mr.Goodwin


Really wishing you the best and hope you're hanging in there. Thanks for the great reactions, always a touching episode to watch again.