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Levi and Mikasa prove that you don't need to have faith in your group, just in Levi and Mikasa. Then the female Titan stomps on our hopes of having a triumph this episode.



I'm only a few minutes in and I am shook. I can't say why I am shook but your reaction so far is fantastic. I really want to say why lol, when you get to the later seasons I can explain. I'll update after watching


Haha good I'm glad, hopefully with time my quadrupling down on Mikasa = FT will be long forgotten...


I posted this comment on a previous video in the youtube comment section, but I'd like to post it again just to be sure that you see this: after the season 1 finale you should watch the OVA called Ilse's Notebook, it has information that will give context to certain parts of season 2. It's not 100% necessary to watch but it is definitely worth seeing.


I'm so hyped for this season finale! Also, I love the respect and empathy you've shown to Levi and Erwin, they can look so cold/uncaring at times but that is the burden of their experience and responsibility. The weight of all of those people's lives on their shoulders would break people with lesser willpower than them, but I'm sure that they are conscious of each one of those lost lives and it hurts them even more than most because of their direct responsibility in sending them to their deaths, specially since Erwin genuinely respects those soldiers who truly "Give their hearts" to the cause. Thank you for the shoutouts at the end, btw! T___T


If you'll notice, Levi said the patch was Ivan's when Ivan's body never made it back to them. It was Petra's patch. I love how Levi handled the situation and did what he could to give the kid some closure even if it meant giving up the last thing he had to remember his squad by.


Personally I've been enjoying a lot more the videos this way because I'm able to stream them to my TV. But if the other format works better for you (maybe for copyright problems) I'm perfectly fine. Do you think Levi's ankle would have any impact (I know that at this point you probably already finished the season but I'm curious). The punish for that guy it's that he has to live with the consequences of his selfish decision. AOT is great at showing both sides of the coin.


I think the Wagon info card was shown because those wagon's travel faster than what you would expect for their civilization's technology, due to the more advanced suspension system.


Thanks! I'm hoping to watch both that and the Levi OVA before starting season 2 :)


One thing I didn't talk about much that's been weighing on me a lot is Levi's reaction to Petra in this episode. I think it's understated but the more I think about it the more I think is going on internally for Levi.

Ashley A.

What always gets me when I watch them coming back is Eren’s reaction. You realize that these regular folks will never understand what the Survey Corps is experiencing unless they go through one of these expeditions. The townspeople who look down on them for “wasting tax dollars.” The children who look up to them for fighting and view them as inspiring. No one will ever understand the trauma of that experience. Oof. 😭 Looking forward to your thoughts and reactions as you finish this season and for what’s to come in the following seasons!!!


That's good to know. All Patreon uploads are Vimeo uploads, it's just usually I can embed them here, but that hasn't been working lately. Hmm ankle impact... I could see that becoming a big problem


Yeah there was some show-specific information there. I just think the cards are amusing sometimes, especially with the timing.


It's so crazy to think that your decision to go clubbing has had a net result of +1 humans in the world. It makes me wonder about how many of those butterfly effect chains one might impact and have absolutely no clue they've done so.

Alex Begley

The thing that hits the hardest to me about the focusing on the families of the Levi Squad members is that the members were all so elite and had come home so many times before that the families' worry had seemed to fade, only to find out the entire squad got wiped out at once. Really shows the fragility of their lives that even the ones who seem untouchable can be killed so easily


Levi and Mikasa: the titan-fighting dream team. What a depressing episode overall though. Petra's father saying she's young and has so much to experience still... in the context of marriage is one thing, but in the context that she'll never get those experiences in general... I mean she knew the consequences of her role, but I think somewhere deep inside we all kinda hope "well it's not gonna be me, right?"


It was a great choice starting off the series by seeing the Survey Corps. returning, and then having us return WITH the Survey Corps. towards the end of the season. Totally different feeling... And different reaction from Eren too.


I've been thinking about that scene a lot since watching, and Levi's reaction to it becomes more tragic the more I think about it. He doesn't really express anything but there were moments that showed that it probably affected him deeply, and so for him to be dealing with that AND Petra's father's marriage talk is awful.

Itachi The Rouge

You know, it’s interesting watching the 4th season alongside rewatching this with you.. it’s making it 10 times harder and more emotional for me watching season 4 and even rewatching season 1. It’s so hard to take in. I’m loving it.

Aaron Ong

Hey, as you're probably into Season 2 right now, I wanted to remind you to check out the No Regrets OVA soon, as this would be a good time to watch it!


I really like the way sadness/emotion is drawn in this show with the dark vertical shading over characters’ eyes. Even on stoic characters like Levi and Erwin, you can tell how much they’re holding in by how dark the shading is. It’s really simple yet effective


Nobody: Literally No one: Mikasa: ERRRRRRREEEEENN!!! x26


Haha that's such a good description of the feeling of the show. Man this is tough, I love it!


Awesome, I haven't started S2 just yet so I will watch 2 OVAs before I do so

hays collins

Really pumped to see you reaction to who the female Titan is. Even though I know you already know I’m still so weary to give out spoilers like that haha


Eren is to Mikasa what Honor is to Zuko


Erwin wanting to list the soldiers who's bodies weren't recovered as MIA is a shitty thing to do, you know they are dead, at least be real with their loved ones about it, maybe it would be alright if no one saw them die and you couldn't find their bodies, but the two friends saw Ivans body, labelling him MIA doesn't feel right. Its also quite ridiculous and almost disrespectful of Levi to say they are just bodies and it doesn't matter after they spent all that time gathering every other body that they could. You can see later its not actually how he thinks because he is obviously upset when Petra's body is left behind, so why say it to begin with. He redeems himself later with his sympathy, but I think if he had approached the situation like that earlier it could have all been avoided. I just wish the two of them had been honest with those guys.

Alex Begley

I've tried to figure out what Erwin's intention would have been to list them as MIA and I couldn't think of anything beyond giving families hope, but even that's cruel since it would be false. I'm a little less critical of Levi though as, while he's a bit blunt, he's right that they at least have the confirmation of death, unlike someone who IS actually MIA. They collected what bodies they could but it wouldn't have made logical sense to put more lives in danger for the others. His fault was in forgetting that the soldiers were thinking from an emotional stand point and not a logical one. To his credit he at least corrects it the second time around which really makes for better character development giving him that flaw in the first place only to change his course of action later. I can't say the same about Erwin's MIA decision. Very strange writing choice


Also, the emblem badge Levi gave to Dieter wasn't actually Ivan's, it was Petra's. Earlier in the episode Levi was about to cut it out for himself

Aaron Ong

Levi was simply trying to hide his disgust and sadness for dropping the bodies by being as cold as possible towards the idea. They had to do it, if they wanted everyone else to survive, they were forced to unload the bodies. Levi pretended not to care, in order to make giving the order to save everyone's lives easier.

KJ Gaona

I think Aaron is right on the money. Levi's cold exterior is his way of dealing with the pain, but when it counts he shows his compassionate and understanding nature.


how could mikasa do this to them...

mapo picker

Idk if people mentioned but after you finish season 1 you should react to "Attack on titan in 9 minutes" by Gigguk. It's an amazing parody I'm sure you will love and it contains spoilers only from season 1. Great reaction as always!


Interesting. My impression was that it would create some kind of problems for them to show up without the bodies but declare the soldiers dead. It seems like they go out of the way to bring back proof of death usually, like in one of the first episodes where the soldier brings the mother back her son's arm. In this case, they couldn't return because it would put soldiers in danger, so Erwin made the choice that would avoid further casualties.


Like your thoughts as always!


I'll love if Goodwin will rewatch the series. Rewatch has so much value and it's a Goodwin's reaction too