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In Full Metal Alchemist: Brotherhood 1x45 The Promised Day, everyone gets a statue!  

Alex fights Olivier, Greed fights Bradley, Greed fights himself, Greed fights Ed, and the network fights back.


(No title)



Bradley and Greed's fight in this episode may be short but it's my favorite in the show by far. The animation is buttery smooth and Bradley looks so badass when he's going for the killshot to Greed's neck.


Don't you love a show where everyone who came up in the show has a role to play?


oh boy oh boy. these like next 5 episodes are absolutely insane. so many twists and turns I cannot wait to see your reactions

Ruma Risto

Noooo, you should have watched the end credits :D! I do think Olivier's treatment of Alex is way over the top but I can't help but understand her. She's the oldest sibling, she outranks her brother and is probably way more competent of a leader than Alex.


Remember the miners that Yoki was stealing from and Ed helped? Now we can see that they are truly great people trying to help Mai without even knowing her


I love this ending song. It’s called Shunkan Sentimental, definitely one of my favorite ending songs to any anime. It fits the resistance vibe so well, just makes me hyped lol There are only 19 episodes left in the show, so you are definitely close to finale territory I also forgot that Grumman scene happened and now I want to remove it from my memory again


Selim looks like a kid-version of Mustang. Speaking of looking alike, I heard somewhere that Sig Curtis (Izumi's husband) and King Bradley are related by blood, but I have no idea if it's true. In the OVA flashing back to Izumi's alchemy training, he looks exactly like Bradley.


He did, with Roy burning the slip of paper It’s just a bit later after his post episode talk I’m pretty sure


Now you can see that the house Yoki tried to steal from was the Armstrong household. The youngest straight up threw a piano at the guy, as any Armstrong would.


By the way, how far ahead are you? There's a comment I want to make regarding episode 47, but it would be easier to remember if have seen episode 46 first. Its not a spoiler, the anime does something confusing where someone else's thoughts are narrated by a different person, therefore the person you hear isn't actually thinking this and it kind of changes your opinion of them if you take it at face value. If you miss this comment, that's fine also, since they try to clear this misunderstanding up at the end of the conversation, but I've seen a lot of people miss it.


Yeah, at this point in the show, every episode is packed and it's almost impossible to wait for the next episode.


That Grumman scene does hurt. But anyway, yeah it's crazy how close to the end we are! I don't want it to end


So far this is the latest episode I've seen. I will probably watch 46 & 47 tomorrow. I'll try to keep that in mind :)


It gets harder and harder to not finish the show in one sitting the closer you get to the end. I watched the last 12 or so episodes in one day lol.


Lots of people miss that the butt touch was him putting the note in her pocket. It's weird but it's how he uses his old coot ways to slip the note on there.... it does look weird tho and no one picks up on it.

Joey Joseph Jojoson

There is a time skip from this episode to the next one, it's winter in this episode. Episode 46 starts several months later, it's already spring. It's a tiny detail, but I thought you should know.


This moment on, it's finally the Finale. And just like you said, everything and everyone is coming together -- just like that scene in the opening, where Ed and All start off all alone in a wasteland that eventually starts filling up with all the people they met and connected to. To me that very scene summarizes the central theme of this show. All their journey was never meaningless, and now everything comes full circle!

Ruma Risto

@A Goodwin TV I meant the actual end credits, not just the post-credit scene :D I can forgive you this time but please, at least watch the credits in episodes 54, 63 and 64! There's going to be a small time skip between episodes 45 and 46 so the end credits were definitely worth watching. @Nick, I didn't mean the paper burning but the end credits showing Al and Hohenheim hatching their plot, Izumi and Sig traveling to central, the homunculi preparing for the promised day etc.


I just went back and watched it, and it was awesome. Good to see Kain is indeed alive :) I'll be sure to watch the end credits from now on just to be sure.


I think Olivier hates Alex for the same reason Alex dislikes himself, they both see him as a coward for fleeing in Ishval. She'd probably have more respect for him if he stayed and fought against the military, as futile as that would've been.


Apparently in the manga Ed calls the two chimera Donkey Kong and Lion King. A funny reference. Side note: Not sure if it's been mentioned but Grummen is actually Hawkeye's grandfather on her mother's side


The saga of Greedling and ed begins. So excited to see the dynamic between ed and greed again, It feels like so long since he has been a part of the plot


Maybe I'm remembering the show wrong, but I feel like this is the first fight where Bradley looked really angry, made it feel more personal. Also the fight was badass :D


It’s all coming fullmetal transmutation circle


In brotherhood they skip over a lot of the beginning chapters in central when Ed is training to get into the military and dealing with being a newbie on the block, so when he talks about being used to "rolling over like a dog" he's referring to a lot of stuff that happens in the manga/2003 FMA and a little bit in brotherhood towards the beginning of the story. Roy in particular in 2003 is constantly placed as "in the way" sorta to the brothers and multiple times gives them orders they don't want to follow but are kinda forced to anyways.


Gotcha. That was how I THOUGHT things would go when I first saw how Mustang recruited Ed. That explains a lot