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The Attack on Titan reaction continues with Attack on Titan episode 15: Special Operations Squad: Eve of the Counterattack, Part 2. 

Eren escapes the castle basement for one night to learn about Hanji's two favorite plants, Sawney and Bean.


(No title)



After you're done with season 1, I recommend checking out the Attack on Titan OVA. It's a short prequel that shows the origins of Levi and how he joined the Survey Corp


there's also another important ova called ilse's notebook which introduces some lore concepts that gets explored in s2

a. tree

Not sure how far you are in the show compared to the episode reactions you've published, but if you haven't seen episode 17 yet now would be a great time to watch Ilse's Notebook! (if you google "Ilses notebook shingekinokyojin.tv" you should find the site that has all the OVAs) If not it'll still be relevant to watch at the end of the season

hays collins

“Even though they are very different people” MEOW “hello” hahaha


Btw. Hange and Edward have the same Japanese voice actress.

Francesca White

i feel like so many people don't really like Hanji cuz they're so crazy, but idk something about them makes them so lovable to me? like Hanji is one of my fav characters just from this episode


Same! Hange is one my favorite characters in general

Alex Begley

Hange is one of my favorite characters. Very refreshing personality in such a brutal and bleak world lol Also is uniquely skilled compared to most of the other soldiers


Hange is one of my favorite characters for sure! Takes a little bit to get used to, but they're great and such a valuable asset to the Corps. I like that Hange's so passionate about learning more about the Titans and is trying to see them in a different light. Pretty much no one else is willing to do it, so it's cool to see someone take the initiative and be so interested in the endeavor.


I agree! Hange is so much fun and a good relief from all the heavy stuff going on otherwise. Glad to see you enjoy them so much too!


Hange be horny for titans tho


I actually immediately fell in love Hange (Hanji) ever since this exact episode. Before this, I just thought she was weird (and she is). But after, as someone with a love of science, I understood exactly where she was coming from. And it got me so HYPED! And seeing other people in the comments who feel the same gives me joy, because my boyfriend didn't understand it so I was like damn it can't just be me. So no, it's not a defense mechanism, it's taking a hypothesis she believes and testing a new and unusual approach. We see her treating the titans more like human beings with personalities, for some reason that the audience doesn't know about but I could already tell is important. I figured the story wouldn't be showing us all this if there wasn't something about the titans that goes deeper than just "they're the enemy because they eat humans period." And then what Erwin said to Eren at the end... This episode was such a good turning point for me. It's clearly not black and white anymore.


No you shouldn't watch Ilse's notebook until after episode 3 or 4 of season 2. It ruins the surprises in season 2


Seeing all the love for Hange is so great! This episode has always stood out to me because of Hange, but also because you finally get some information about Titans which leads to a whole slew of new questions. Not to mention Erwin's comment at the end. My favorite part of watching AOT for the first time was trying to piece everything together, and this was the point where I was very intrigued and was itching to know more.


This episode does such a good job at breaking the tension and chaos from the last episodes for me. The first half is slice of life in many ways, while the second half is just conversation and getting to know Hange. Also you’re totally right many of the characters do not seem completely healthy, I think that’s intentional, because the story is more broadly about flaws in society. And people. At least that’s how I see it, especially later on Just go into AOT expecting characters to be strange lol


I fucking love Hanji her and Sasha are just the best


So as I've been going through this, I'll sometimes watch scenes back from the dub, just because I'm curious to see how they handle it and the differences are sometimes incredibly dramatic. I'm 99% sure they're not necessarily translating the Japanese and instead are taking the intent behind a scene (or maybe what they think the intent is?) and then adapting it to English. There are English idioms in there, things like that. So for a small example in this episode Hange's "But I'm going to do it anyway" becomes "Nothing ventured, nothing gained." Anyway, there's a really interesting difference in the last scene with Erwin. In the dub, he says: "What is it you think you see?" "Who do you think the real enemy is here?" "Ignore me. Loaded question." Cue mysterious walkaway. That's COMPLETELY different. I much prefer the writing for the subs over the English dub, but it's still cool to check the differences now and again. Sometimes it can clear up what they were maybe going for, or add a new angle to a scene that I hadn't considered. And sometimes, maybe even most of the time, like in the case of that ending scene with Erwin, I think the dub just flat out makes it worse. One last note while I'm talking about this, the VO in the dub is objectively...I mean, it's fine, but held up to the original VO, there's no comparison. Mikasa in particular really suffers in the dub. She comes across completely different, and it's honestly hard to take her seriously in the English version. Which is crazy, because in the Japanese, I think it's pretty much impossible NOT to take Mikasa seriously.

Ramon Cintron

When you said Levi and Erwin have their own little thing going explains perfectly why the fandom ships them together soo obsessively... like damm theres alot of stuff out there you hit the nail on the head.


I sympathize somewhat. I can imagine it's very difficult to translate things in a way that convey not only the same literal meaning but also the same tone. But there are definitely a lot of examples where translators/localizers go a little too far on the spectrum of creative interpretation to the point where it changes the intent. In the most infuriating of cases, it seems that sometimes translators don't even really understand the source material. The only perfect solution would be for me to learn Japanese, which I plan on doing :) And that's good to know about the dub. I'm sometimes tempted to switch, just because it would make the process of filming and editing these videos a little easier, but hearing things like that gives me a clearer picture.


Lol I can imagine! Credit to the writers for building such an interesting dynamic between them. It comes across really well even though it's subtle.


and that's the entire reason why i love her XD


Hange is not crazy and she isn't necessarily mentally unhealthy. She is extremely and highly intelligent. She chose to have affection from the Titans and view them as humans because that is the opposite of what people view Titans as. She realized as a scientist she needs to try other views or they do not gain any new information. I don't agree her affection for TItans is a defensive mechanism.


I love hanji honestly, Great character


The first time I heard Erwin ask Eren “Who do you think the enemy is?”, it left me so confused. But I predicted Erwin knows much more than we do, like how you did. This question’s important and was a real eye opener for me. It left me thinking.


Completely random but have you ever played the game or watched a playthrough of "The Last of Us". If not, it is a fantastic story/character based videogame that I would love to hear your nuanced opinions on, as the story is extremely meaningful and their is a lot of ambiguity to the messaging of the plot.


I'm so glad there's so much love for Hange being expressed. She's one of my favorite characters in anime honestly.


"How is she still alive?" That'll be because of Moblit the one who kept shouting at her for getting too close. He's definitely my favourite character in Aot

Jonathan Canfield

There is a thin line between genius and crazy...that line is named Zoe Hanji.


Hange in this episode reminded me of an idea/quote from World War Z that involved not following group-think and conformity. The tenth man rule. "“Following the recommendation of the Agranat Commission in 1973-1974, Military Intelligence established a Control Unit that was expected to play this role of the devil’s advocate. Its responsibility was to produce a range of explanations and assessments of events that avoided relying on a single concept, as happened in 1973. Brooks puts it a bit more dramatically: if ten people are in a room, and nine agree on how to interpret and respond to a situation, the tenth man must disagree. His duty is to find the best possible argument for why the decision of the group is flawed.” Hange is choosing to do things differently in the hopes that it can produce results since things haven't really been helping when they were going about it the same ways as always. Hopefully by trying something new there can be more answers found.


hazing in the military is done for a purpose. it can be negative and many people do take it too far. but it is a good way to see the character of people. when you are putting your lives in someones hands you need to know how they react under extreme pressure. of course the way your leaders haze you also inadvertently show their character to you. whenever i put my marines through something unnecessarily extreme I made sure i was right there with them.


That reminds me of a conversation I had with my friend and his parents. They had read something about how anytime you have an argument, at some point in the discussion, you should switch roles. We tried it for a bit and it was really weird but also a lot of fun.


It gets a bad rep and I think that's because when we hear about it, it's usually cases where it goes too far. But I don't think that it is intrinsically wrong, and in many cases there are clear benefits. Sounds like you're a great leader


I noticed the version of subtitles you use is different than what I've seen, alot of the translation is different/confusing for example instead of "wallists" its "wall cult"


I love Hange!! At first she was a lot to take in and I thought she was just going to be a comic relief because of her bizarre fixation on titans, but she is highly intelligent even though she can be a little goofy (like in this episode she ran straight into a closed door because she thought it would be unlocked). She also shows serious depth. In her monologue this episode you can see just how dedicated she is to uncovering the truth behind titans. She wants to go the extra step to understanding titans when almost everyone is focused on eradicating them. I do admit her level of interest in titans is very unsettling but I think that her view is necessary, if everyone looked at titans as the enemy and with hate no one would be willing to try and figure out why they exist and how they function. Hange decided she would be the one to open her mind to any and all possibilities even if it does end up meaningless. I love the writing of each character in this show. The character developments and arcs are like no other, there’s rarely a piece of dialogue included that doesn’t have significant weight for future episodes and it takes multiple rewatches to catch everything. I also love how there’s so many well written female characters that aren’t reduced to stereotypes! It’s sadly uncommon for a lot of modern animes to have this many strong female characters. Also all the dynamics in this show are super fun. I love Erwin and Levi’s friendship with their dedication and trust in each other but I also love Levi and Hange’s friendship because of how different they are from one another and their interactions are hilarious. This show is an absolute ride and a half and I’m looking forward to when you see all these character dynamics explored.


The more I watch the more I understand what you mean :) I watch the episodes again somewhat when I do thumbnails, and even just being 3 to 6 episodes ahead, I catch more the 2nd time.