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In Full Metal Alchemist: Brotherhood 1x44 Revving at Full Throttle, we avert our innocent eyes from Winry's sexy bath time and look to the sky for answers. REVVING AT FULL THROTTLE


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Craig Stanley

Lol I never even realized Winry in the bath was a fan service thing. I'm gay so I never thought about it, twice.


Excuse me we did have fan service in this show! Every single time Alex Armstrong took his shirt off! Also, YOU NEVER KNOW WHO'S GONNA BE IMPORTANT IN THIS SHOW! YES! Also, also, I'd love to see your rewatch!


yeah this winry fan service gives me code geass flashbacks hahaha. though not as bad as that.


Are and Ed and Al technically Xerxians?


I really enjoy having Al and Hohenheim rebuilding their relationship amongst the rebuilding of Liore which holds an important meaning to the characters and a nice check in with Rose. Also fun fact: Rose and Hawkeye have the same VA Colleen Clinkenbeard (the coolest name ever). She was the adr director and hawkeye for the 2003 fma and rose hadn't been cast yet. since in the beginning Rose was a minor character she jumped in to voice her (which ended up backfiring as when 2003 went anime original rose became a much bigger character) and she reprised the role for brotherhood

Francesca White

yeah i always feel weirded out with fanservice in anime, especially with a character that's 15 like Winry lol, but luckily fmab doesn't really have fanservice besides a few small instances


Only a handful of episodes left until the like, 15 episode finale. Such a stark contrast between the brothers when they meet Hohenheim again; Ed is immediately hostile and Al is immediately welcoming.


I really have to watch that again. I remember loving it but my memory of it is nonexistant.


I always forget that they're so young in light of everything they go through and how well they handle it lol


I wonder how much of that is Ed being the oldest and feeling more responsible for the family and therefore resenting Hohenheim leaving (also he probably remembers that time in childhood better). But mostly it seems like it's just Al being his kind self lol. Although there's probably a big connection between both of those things.


Fullmetal throttling. Cycles of nud--CYCLES OF NICENESS!


Holy shit I died laughing when you were talking about naked Winry and then immediately jumped into "This is what I meant about cycles of goodness". Totally thought you were about to go all philosophical on us about big ol anime tiddies.


i got this new anime plot. basically there's this high school girl except she's got huge boobs. i mean some serious honkers. a real set of badonkers. packin some dobonhonkeros. massive dohoonkabhankoloos. big ol' tonhongerekoogers. what happens next?! transfer student shows up with even bigger bonkhonagahoogs. humongous hungolomghononoloughongous.

Itachi The Rouge

Now hopefully they do some fan service in AOT and give us a Mikasa bath scene. Also fun fact: in the Japanese subbed version of FMAB Ed’s VA also voices Hange/Hanji (depending on translation) in AOT.


Hey man, no spoilers for whether or not there is a Mikasa bath scene. That's like...easily the no. 1 thing Goodwin is anticipating for the show!

Ruma Risto

I actually really liked the Winry bath scene (as a feminist literary scholar). Even though I generally hate the oversexualization of underage girls in anime, Winry is a strong and independent character with her own complex arc and bold personality. She doesn’t just exist for the pleasure of a male viewer nor does she have to go through sexual assault (like Asuka in Neon Genesis Evangelion) to be a well-rounded character. She is one of my favorites in the whole series.


omg the new outro is GENIUS

Matthew B

I'm old so my memory may be failing me, but when was Asuka sexually assaulted? Unless you just meant being a pleasurable view for the male gaze in general.


I had literally forgotten about that amazing Greed and Ling conversation at the end of this episode. Come to think of it, that interaction makes me think of self isolation. Ling is basically lecturing Greed on how he pushed all his friends away, probably because at this point he perceives that they make him weak. It resonates with me in some sense because in my past I would create distance between myself and friends out of complex emotions like not wanting to be a burden. Obviously Greed’s situation is very different lol, but the meaning of what Ling is saying hit home for me Also I forgot that there was fan service in this episode. When I watched it, I honestly didn’t even think of it as fan service. Weirdly it just felt like a bonding moment between Winry and Rose, I think the reason it doesn’t come off as incredibly distasteful is because they’re actually having a conversation that is meaningful to their characters Some shows will just shove gratuitous fan service for the sake of fan service but I like that it’s not like that here. Additionally, I agree with you that the show feels very hopeful despite throwing tragedy at you. It makes you think the series is going to be edgy, and then pulls a 180 with positive messages about humanity


I think ultimately, that's what it is: a chance for bonding between Winry and Rose and a moment of reflection back to the beginning of the show. The fan service is fine. It doesn't feel distasteful to me, just surprising!


Not expecting fanservice?! Alex Louise Armstrong is all fan service. The author of FMA knows what they like


His biceps have been passed down the Armstrong line for generations!

Aidan Pullen

"Woah! What am I looking at?" *smiles*


bro, delete. its completely spoilers

Ramon Cintron

Well Considering how many times you Noticed the Moon and how you keep referencing the moon in your videos I Wouldnt say you've been looking down. Maybe just during the day you never bother to look up I mean who wants to look right at the sun I dont blame you.


These last 20 episodes are gonna both feel like forever and gone in an instant at the same time!

Stephen husuc

Haha hey to be fair we have already had ed in the shower... He even got seen by envy 😂😂😂



R. Lewis

This show is really good about fanservice, which is helped by the fact that FMA was created by a female mangaka. So none of the female characters are over-sexualized, but they're also drawn and animated like real women. The only real instance of "anime boobs" is Lust, which is deliberately played for laughs.


The rewatch of this show is amazing. So many things come together and are foreshadowed amazingly. It's what makes this show one of my favorites of all time. Live action or animated.

A Suresh

Everytime I see the Ed recovery scene, I'm reminded how oddly terrifying it is. Just imagine you've heard the two other men with you get taken out in quick succession and then suddenly a steel limb smashes through the wall and starts strangling you. I'd be shitting my pants lol. Great reaction as always, and see you for the next one :)


I still get chills when Ling yells at Greed


Ed in a titan? He wishes.


That scene is so funny because it's set up like a scene from a horror movie with tense music and everything... all because someone read the word "short" out loud