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Aaron Ong

The people Yoki tried to rob were the Armstrongs! hahaha

KJ Gaona

Lol I think that backstory was one of the arcs that was in the manga and the 2003 anime but didn't make it into brotherhood until now because he just wasn't important enough.

KJ Gaona

The hair curl and strong jaws should have given it away lmao

Rachel Keys

The thing with Yoki happened in the original series so when they made Brotherhood they didn't dedicate an episode to it they just recapped it. But basically he was pocketing money from the miners, charging outrageous tax, and overall bullying them so Ed and Al stepped in to help the miners and gave the deed to the mine to the miners.

R'Mani Leavell

The wealthy family Yoki called upon for a charitable loan, were the Armstrongs. I don't know if you noticed, but they all had the cowlick. Also when Al mentioned his voice, he was telling Ed that they were Kimblees man, and they needed to act as if they didn't know who they were.

Francesca White

i'm surprised you didn't recognize the family Yoki tried to rob... they have a VERY distinct look lol


You’re gonna have to get used to hearing that Chimera’s bubble beam attack for a little bit.


Teenage Mutant Ninja Chimeras is the name of my punk rock band.


Did you figure out whose mansion Yoki robbed?


the mining town story actually took up ch 3 of the manga! to answer your question of why ed helped them, he did it because he wanted to, not because it was his duty as a state alchemist. The people in the town actually distrusted state alchemists because they used alchemy to serve the military instead of the people (when alchemy should be for the benefit of the people). Ed actually didn't want to help them at first, but he eventually found reasons to (w Al's prodding too of course :3) I thought the story was really funny and it did a great job setting up a few of the show's main ideas, so I'd recommend checking it out! Or checking out the whole manga lol, it's an amazing read especially after finishing the show


I did not! But can't believe I missed some classic Armstrong traits. Needs more orange sparkles I guess.


I am definitely going to watch the 2003 anime at some point, just to see the different take on it. And I should have known Ed was doing what he wanted, instead of his job haha


Okay nothing much to say here. This episode is a bizarre one. Luckily episode 40 is coming which I assume you’ve already seen, so you know it’s good. Or confusing. Or both. Really like what you said about Scar taking responsibility. When I first watched the show my immediate thought was: “why isn’t scar explaining at all?” but nowadays I think I definitely understand why what he did was the better choice


Have not seen 40 yet but now I'm intrigued :) About Scar, yeah there's really nothing he can say. His best move is just to accept what Winry is saying IMO.


*gets very bothered by his voice* "His voice is what caught your attention?"


I love how Mustang is so close with her he knew immediately something was up even over the phone, very similar to ed and al last ep


not just one of them, the very first! Yoki's story was the first pages of the FMA manga.


Just imagine what the VA for the frog chimera has to do to make that sound


So some of the scenes for the mining town story are taken from the 2003 anime, which is why it looks a bit more animated for a backstory of a minor character. I’m surprised you missed the girl lifting the grand piano. I thought that was crazy till I came to the conclusion it must be an Armstrong family member.