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Huge apologies for the blur for most of the video. My camera thought that cabbage bro's face was more important than mine (and maybe it's right)

hays collins

Welcome to the real AOT!!! Had to skip to end to see your reaction


it may be a sign that they want more spotlight who knows...

hays collins

I know you said you thought AOT had a surprise box writing and I will tell you season 1 does feel that way but trust us it is all paid off in the later seasons I’ll tell you this this show has one of the best lore’s I’ve EVER seen


That music when Mikasa hugs Eren and cries is perfect. I mean we already knew this show has great music but the composer is seriously on another level. He’s like the Hans Zimmer of anime


Each season you watch just adds more value to rewatching the older ones lol. I finished season 2 and I was like “what” and I’m currently on season 3 like “what” consistently, remembering how they set so much stuff up. Then I read up on some manga spoilers and my mind exploded


this is so great im so happy you are watching this show

hays collins

I’ll tell you this the creator of AOT is sooo smart for “killing off” Eren cause for entire show you have this since of dread that your fav charecter might have a chance of dying. Has shown by you consistently saying that you were worried they were gonna die haha

Andrew G

The way you interject “where’s Eren” kills me every time


This definitely felt like a pivotal episode for some of our secondary characters particularly Jean and Armin who had always thought pretty low of themselves and that they weren't capable of much/wanted to live a cushy life in safety being able to step and discover that they have hidden talents. Not to mention the big eren reveal of causing all the carnage as a titan but the arm and leg that got bitten have grown back!


Dont worry every single question you have will be answered.

Kyle Chong

Idk if this is a spoiler, but here are the names of some important characters to help you remember them, as I had no idea who they were on my first watch. Don’t read ahead if you think this is a spoiler. Ymir, christa, Bertholdt, Annie, Reiner, and Marco

hays collins

Ugh I wanna talk to the other AOT fans on season 4 in the comments about the subtle moments in season 1 that relate to the later seasons but I don’t wanna spoil it so maybe one day you can be that same person haha

Francesca White

man Marco's speech to Jean was so sweet, i love how he sees Jean's weakness as a strength for him as a leader.


Definitely, and it's the first episode where they actually have some kind of victory thanks to those traits


Thinking about it some more now, it probably is. The fact that he's unsure of himself might be a good sign that he'll think carefully


I'm curious if Goodwin is watching the TV broadcast version or the BD version? The BD improves the animation quite a lot and add scenes wher's there is only dialogue stills.

Andrew G

omg the outro hahaha

Stephen husuc

Ahh Im so happy you instantly saw the eva comparison... I truly think this show is influenced by eva to a crazy degree and I love every minute of it 😂😂😂😂


I'm surprised you didn't guess that titan was Eren earlier! There were little hints like eye and hair color. Also what Mikasa said about humanity's rage in him, of course.


Update: First off I totally thought you knew Eren was the Titan for a while, so the fact that you didn’t completely expect it was pleasantly surprising. I love that Armin gives the monologue about not wanting to cause another friend to die, but then also backs that up by devising two plans in one episode that save everyone. After the last 3 episodes he needed a win lol, they all did. And you can tell it lifted their spirits. Your reaction to the plan actually not failing was great too and what you said about Jean at the end


If you remember Mikasa said last episode that the titan embodied the rage of all of humanity, which is definitely a nod to Eren. I love Marco so much, from his introduction he is so eager and willing to serve. Then he gives Jean a pep talk and boosts his confidence, he calms the people with the shot guns, etc. he is a very genuine person. I am picking up on so many new little details with the knowledge fron future seasons its crazy.


If you jump through a previously smashed window you are more likely to get cut


Also he had the fighting stance that Annie taught him when he was killing the titans.


Yes. It shows how the author planned out everything from the beginning!

Tenzin Dikyikhangsar

Been rewatching this show along with your reactions its easier to stomach! I recently learned that a lot of alt rights have claimed this media and i hope that majority of viewers truly don't believe or align themselves with that group since it feels like this show is trying to get at something bigger and beyond that but just wanted to make sure you were aware incase anyone starts anti Semitic/fascist rhetoric.... especially on YouTube....


Thanks for letting me know :) So I actually got some comments about that on YouTube when I posted episode 1. Idk, people will do all sorts of things. The show is the show, regardless of who other people say it's for.

Dominic Caciappo

Bro don't tell him when questions are going to be answered...

Rudy Strother

Bro you don’t need to tell him when answers will come.


Eren was definitely an angry titan boy these last few episodes lol.

Henry Law

Yeah seriously, just talk about the current episode. Or at least be discreet about it. This is Goodwin we talking about here, he is so god dang perceptive like chill and just enjoy the show.


Hello mister Goodwin, hope you're doing well, was waiting for you to open patreon, very nice.