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That moment you realize you shouldn't be scared FOR Selim, you should be scare OF Selim.


Haven't watched the video yet but it's been so funny seeing you scared for selim and wanting to protect him knowing this episode was coming


LOL yeah never saw it coming. But I'm also relieved that my sweet Selim isn't going to have some undeserved tragedy befall him


Loved your reaction. I've been waiting for this episode since you showed your interest in Selim's wellbeing.


I definitely always thought the talk in the car ride with Kimble was mostly genuine, he seems to take pride in his work whatever it is so it makes sense he would respect doctors who refused to quit helping people in need


Seing this specific episode reaction makes me want so bad for your to watch Baccano! ^^' There's a character in it that I would love to have your opinion on. Other than that, amazing reaction, as always!


A detail that is left out of the anime that's in the manga its implied that Kimblee was sent to assassinate the Rockbells. So in his story, he's telling the truth and I do believe his admiration for them is genuine. He seems to respect people with unshakable devotion to their beliefs


Yeah feels genuine to me too. He doesn't really need to butter Winry up like that I don't think


Thanks! Just looked up Baccano and it looks really familiar. Looks interesting


Neat detail, when Selim was talking to Bradley so many episodes ago, he said he wanted to learn alchemy so he could help Father. Practically everything he has said has been hinting at it God I love the foreshadowing


Interesting. Yeah I feel like he would respect exceptionalism since he's sort of rare in a similar way.

Joey Joseph Jojoson

"My father is a good man, he always listens when I talk to him." "You never know Selim, maybe you WILL help me someday." "Was that a threat? ... Selim will never serve as a weakness in my life." "He's the Pride of my life..." Looking back at all these instances, and we still didn't see it coming! Also, I am willing to believe what Kimblee said to Winry in the car was genuine. It make him more interesting. Kimblee whole-heartedly believes and stands by what he does. Which means he also holds admiration and respect for those people who would die for what they believe in. It's just what Kimblee believes is super messed up...


I personally view Kimblee as an utterly amoral Existentialist. He doesn't put much worth in any traditional, societal or even ethical values, but he holds great respect for an individual's own beliefs and the willingness to stick to it, regardless of whether he agrees to it or not. He also values strength, because to him that is the only way to prove an individual's beliefs against the world. Unlike most other characters with this kind of philosophy though, Kimblee is also completely willing to face the consequences of his actions should they catch up to him (because that would be a choice made by the "world" itself). That's what makes him fascinating, really; if you take out his amorality and murderphilic tendencies out of the equation, Solf J. Kimblee is almost admirable in his steadfastness.


Ahhh you didn't let me down with the Pride reaction! And yes, that was a pun, though by the writers, not Hawkeye. :)


That's what's so great about his character, is that in some ways his beliefs feel more consistent and fully thought out than most people. He's exceptional in his way, but also terrible, which is confusing and not common for characters.


Very interessting you mentioned his connection to the moon. I never noticed it but it is definetly something to look out for in regards to later episodes. I am so pumped haha :D


LOL finally I can enjoy your reaction to Selim. It is hilarious you got fully played by the show, a lot of reactors already know/have it spoiled or just figure it out/predict it before you did, and you are always 10 steps ahead of most of these shows in analysis so it was great to see a true surprise.


Fuher's wife: He's the pride of my life


your reaction to the kimblee/winry car ride scene was, in a way, quite satisfying & refreshing because most reactors don't really understand how truly complex of a character kimblee is. folks usually just assume he's totally making things up just to get on winry's good side & don't really try to look any deeper than that. really appreciate your take on the conversation, it's pretty much spot on with what me & many other longtime fmab fans believe!


What happened to episode 34??


most people (not kimbly) see themselves as good even when there is somehow still so much suffering brought upon others by their actions.. I think kimbly's perspective could come partly from rebelling against caring about who is good or pretending, and he justifies taking out people through a flipped perspective seeing people as mostly bad.. There are a lot of different paths that could have brought him to where he is now.. I'm not sure about any of this though lol. Haven't slept, writing this on impulse. Kimbly may also see himself as smarter or above others like monculi leading him to underestimate everyone. I also like how Pride has always been prideful when we've seen him.. ether about the country, his father, etc.


Your face when Selim sneaks up on Hawkeye literally had me in tears. 😂😂😂


I'm glad :) It's a great scene and it's way more interesting and to me way more plausible that he's not trying to trick her or anything. He basically has her right where he wants here already anyway.


Haha I just realized I posted this out of order for the Cabbage Corp tier. Thanks for bringing that to my attention. Episode 34 will be out tomorrow

Aaron Ong

From personal experience with a younger brother (our age gap also being the same as the Elrics) who's been my best friend since before my earliest memories, I can confirm that often you can communicate with each other with a simple look. It only gets better as you get older. They were on the same page as soon as Edward said "I know, Al" lol The sibling energy in this show is very real and it's why my brother and I loved it from a young age. Such great characters.

Jason Serrano

Kimblee respects those who stay true their convictions. Not only those who talk the talk but walk the walk.


i've had this thought for awhile, espeically since Alex said at the end maybe the shadow of glory is the sin of pride, and hopefully others can add more persepctive for me, but i don't feel like the sins are as strong without religion. the idea of the seven deadly sins is exclusive to christianity (as far as what i could find) and while we're introduced to a religion in fma/fmab, the sins aren't portrayed concepts in that religion. the only reason why the sins are considered "deadly" within the church is bc any of those traits in excess, turn people away from God. for example, you could argue that greed is another word for ambition or something along those lines; there's nothing inherently bad about being ambitious and wanting more for yourself, but the church believes there comes a point where wanting too much becomes selfish, goes against the church teachings, and takes away from worshipping God - same with all the other sins. i think they're even refered to as the "sins of man" in fmab, but in a society that values sience and alchemy and doesn't have a strong, central religion, why do sins exist? sins are violations against divine law but there is no widespread belief in a divine being in their universe so why would the sins as concepts even exist to be manifested into hommunculi? imo, the hommunculi as sins work fine as villains but they could've been switched out for any other seven villains with different names and it wouldn't change the story that much. i hope any of this makes sense and doesn't sound too pretentious i'd really love to hear other people's thoughts bc none of my friends are really into fmab and all of them are tired of me talking about it😅

The Bird of Hermes

I love that you recognized that Kimblee was most likely not lying to Winry, if there is something Kimblee loves it's devotion to ones true nature and calling and to the Rockbell's that has always been to help

Ruma Risto

The supposedly cute scene with "Selim" reading the essay about his "dad" was actually Pride passive-aggressively reminding Wrath about where his loyalties should truly lie; with his "family". Earlier in the same episode Wrath was talking to Pride about how he is getting used to living as the leader of Amestris and confessed how he enjoys living among humans.


i mean, lust(character) had really very little to do with the sin, she was just a very interesting and compelling villain.


Oh crap! All those double meanings. That's some good writing.


I think he sees his morality as beyond good and evil, and is more of like... a high value on raw experience and ultimate living.


Haha they were able to communicate a whole plan with just a look. It's satisfying to watch