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Hange!! Honestly one of my favourite character intros. I really like how her friendship with Levi is established in this episode too - imo you get the feeling that they'd be "those two guys" in a friend group. Also dunno if you know but: Hange is presented as a woman in all anime/supplementary material, but in the manga has a gender up to interpretation + is only ever referred to with gender neutral pronouns in the official translation. You'll probably see most people treat the character as a woman, but a not-insignificant group treats Hange as non-binary, and a small subset will treat them as a man. Not that any of this really matters since Isayama's character writing keeps things fairly gender neutral anyway, but there has been confusion with some reactors.

hays collins

Ok there’s some horrible nightmare fuel moments but it peaks when Eren is in the stomach

Aaron Ong

Just to clear things up for you, the outfit Eren was wearing upon emerging from his Titan is what all soldiers wear under their jackets. It is a complex system of harnesses and buckles that allow soldiers to maneuver mid-air, or secure their backs during high-speed flight (so they don't break them, of course.) Seemed like you might have been mistaken that he emerged in a different outfit so I wanted to keep things clear for you lol


One of my favorite things about Levi's introduction is that they show he hates filth such as blood on his swords and hands. Yet when the dieing soldier held up his bloodied arm, Levi immediately grabbed it and made him feel as ease before he died.


"the answers are right around the corner... in season 4" lmao

hays collins

“...that their not a devil” hahaha you got no idea

R'Mani Leavell

One thing I am sure I forgot to mention, but I'm sure you've heard before: Attack on titan "fans" are notorious for spoiling things, so be careful when in comment sections, especially when you get to later seasons.


Damn I completely forgot about that one scene with Levi. What a call back that is in the future! That is all I can say.

Jabin (Aelic)

And the wait continues lol. btw I'd be careful looking at comments even on patreon, because I've seen people spoil a lot of crucial AOT events, even past what the show has as of now. The manga readers especially like to spoil it.


"The answers are right around the corner, in season 4." Lmfao. Eren knew how to use the power because it was he remembered by the key flashback.

Francesca White

i love how they show Levi's hatred for dirtiness first (with him saying "filthy" and cleaning his blades with a cloth) but then when one of his men are dying, he takes his hand that's covered in blood without a second thought. really good subtle characterization there

a. tree

Just want to point out a couple interesting things I noticed: (1) Right before the scene where Levi comforts the dying soldier, he expresses disgust at getting blood on him. But then, he grasps the soldier's hand and allows the blood (probably a mixture of human and titan blood) to drip onto his hand. The theme of Levi hating uncleanliness is one that will come up a bit more later, so that makes his moment with the dying soldier that much more impactful. (2) When Mikasa was carrying Eren away she was fully about to ditch Armin LOL


What's in the basement? Imagine waiting nearly a decade....


Got it. I wasn't looking at the outfit so much but something about the way he was attached made it seem Eva-like


That's a great point. That moment was a relief to me because I partly expected him to tell the guy he was useless. Good character building for Levi.


"Armin you've come a long way these past few episodes. I'll leave you to your character development."


Thats why I broke down and read the manga, i had a few major events spoiled and didnt want any more :/


When you got Levi that hates filthiness and dirt holding a dying soldier’s hand covered in blood... That is some great development


Day 6 of appreciation for Godwin’s commitment to these series by the way <3


the part when you say "it will be answered on season 4", not quite. by season 4 you will have most answers already, but they come slowly as the series progresses. I can say tho that Season 1 its mostly a box full of questions, and very little answers, Season 2 starts to add more questions but also answer very important ones, by season 3 (wich is a huge season), A LOT its answered, by season 4 you have most answers that you could have right now. so yeah, don`t think you have to wait so much for answers, although first season just brings question after question, slowly the series starts to answer them, by where the anime is right now you will have everything figure it out that you you could have wonder now (including future question that will inevitably come, because there is so much mistery still haha, even these future questions will be already answered by then). The pacing of the answers its VERY slow at first, but it gets momentum and the answers are worth it !


Cool detail: When the flashback of Eren breaking out of the Titan (as a Titan himself) happened, Armin can be seen in the background sitting in the exact same pose (for a very short amount of time), but he’s in so much shock that his best friend ‘died’ because of him that he didn’t even notice a Titan bursting out of another Titan. Armin needs therapy he really does lol. Also, the second half of season 1 is better than the first in my opinion so I’m excited to see what you think when you get there. Thanks again for the uploads


Lol I wanna go back and see that now, that's terrible. Can't wait to see what's in store!


So happy that you've met the Survey Corps now! Most of my favorite characters are in the group just introduced, and I can't wait to see what you think of them as you get to know them more!


Oh my these reactions/episodes just fly by ... It is so hard to wait for the next one - but for you it must be worse :D so thank you for doing that in order to provide us this wonderful content, man ^^


Not really a spoiler but.... That yellow flash what came from Eren transforming, do you recall when you saw it before?


Not a spoiler if it appeared in a previous episode. I'm not talking about anything past this episode so it isn't a spoiler.

Anna Lena Ciplajevs

"What’s in the basement" Yes. You will ask this a lot. XD but don’t worry! The show actually does answer everything eventually!

Henry Law

The thing is, is that this is a mystery show, there are a lot of details in this show that are out there but not revealed until later. Nobody knew all the signs until later when more information is revealed. This is different from avatar because avatar is on a episode by episode basis, even though it’s an overarching plot, it’s easy to point out stuff that’s on the current episode because once the episode ends, that episodes done whereas there are a lot of moving parts in AOT. I’m not trying to be rude but like I think it’s best to just let him figure out the details of the show, instead of giving him clues on things where he will end up figuring it out himself. Maybe if there was a small detail of that episode that the characters won’t really go back on then sure.


"How'd he go from tha- Oh." LMFAO the timing. Casual massive titan arm coming out of another Titan, you know, as one does.

Aaron Ong

If anyone sees this, let's try to do a little less handholding during these reactions. Goodwin is perceptive, and tends to pay close attention during his reactions. Fun facts are cool, but some people are getting waaaay too close to spoilers, or even spoiling indirectly. I just don't want to ruin this experience for him, and we'll get better reactions too if he is going in as blind as possible. AOT is super exciting, and a really fun experience, but let's try to tone ourselves down a bit (myself included) and help Goodwin experience it as good as it was when we experienced it many years ago!




hey i noticed you're using the tv version i recommend switching to bluray for better experience

Rudy Strother

Dude what is it with people man. I know you mean well, but if he thinks he won’t get answers until season 4, then let him think this and be surprised. You don’t need to hold his hand and tell him what to expect and when