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00:00 - Intro

00:21 - Is there anything Ehasz did better in Avatar than DP?

03:02 - Favorite Arcanum? Favorite Elves? Favorite Dragon?

03:41 - Did the dark tone of later seasons benefit the show?

04:37 - Thoughts on Soren x Rayla romance?

05:12 - Thoughts on Rayllum?

07:19 - Parallels between ATLA and DP?

08:20 - Do you think Harrow is alive?

09:05 - Where can the show go from here?

10:10 - Favorite characters?

11:26 - Should Claudia be redeemed?

12:11 - Do you prefer dragons speaking or not?

12:53 - What would you like to see in S4?

13:12 - Thoughts on the Claudia Viren cliffhanger?

13:38 - Did you find the comedy dragging at times?

15:15 - Do you want a timeskip in book 4?

15:39 - Viren and Aaravos' dynamic going forward? Pros and cons with the show?

16:32 - Favorite ship?

17:10 - What part of the lore are you most curious about?

17:52 - Thoughts on Ezran x Rayla

18:16 - Favorite episode?

19:04 - Quality of character building?

20:30 - Feelings on animation quality? 

20:36 - Is the show rewatchable?

20:44 - Can humans and elves have kids?

20:54 - What side characters would you like to see more of?

21:13 - Favorite and least favorite things about the show?

23:06 - How do you feel knowing people like Lujjane exist in real life?

23:55 - Least compelling character?

23:58 - Would you recommend DP?

24:11 - Human Rayla or Elf Callum?

24:47 - Best Soren one-liner?

24:54 - Thoughts on same-sex relationships?

25:32 - Who's the best warrior and why is it Soren?

25:48 - Least favorite plot thread?

26:17 - Is it true that Aaravos never lies?

26:26 - Who is Callum's father?

26:34 - Who will die in future seasosn?

26:58 - Favorite season?

27:07 - Is Viren a bad guy?

27:45 - Why does Nyx say Zym has his mother's eyes?

27:53 - Will you react to future seasons?

28:07 - Who will be the final boss of the show?

28:34 - Ending


(No title)



Apologies for the super late upload orz

Soren Monroe

Ayeee I’m in the thumbnail😎😂


Haha I noticed that. Its perfect that it starts with "here's my question for the Q&A"

Soren Monroe

Are you going to do a second Q&A after the 4th season or nah


At the end there when you were predicting final boss fights, instead of Callum and Aaravos I was thinking Callum and Claudia. Imagine how wild that would be. Two mages with history, but both have chosen their sides and now have to fight or at least face each other after everything. And maybe Claudia still can be redeemed who knows, maybe Callum plays a part in that? Imagine if Callum uses dark magic to beat Claudia


Haha that's a good question... Depends on what else is going on and also on interest :)


Those are some great ideas. Rayla versus Aaravos does make sense. So... Callum - Claudia Soren - Viren Rayla - Aaravos seems solid

Aidan Pullen

I'm bringing hay. To the horses. Horses like hay.


Hay is the best! That's my favorite piece of Sorin dialogue with his inspirational words in the last episode


Thanks for answering! These shows really offer a ton of opportunity for analysis. Also I agree that Viren is a stronger villain than Ozai (no offense Mark Hamill).


I would say that he's more fleshed out than Azula too, though she's still pretty badass.


I think you'd really like Psychopass. It's pretty crazy.. Or maybe inuyashiki. I think I sent you a list of thought provoking anime at one point.. probably in a comment that will get lost.. oh well, hoping others will suggest them too or ill make a list to send through dms sometime.


When I do a poll for the next show I'm gonna either gonna ask for a list for what to put on there first, or do it on YouTube since they allow write in comments while Patreon does not (for some reason Patreon doesn't allow editing poll options either, which is unfortunate). Can I make polls unlisted on YouTube? I'll have to figure that out


I can think of a Viren/Aaravos ship moment! How about when Aaravos asked Viren if he was his little bug pal? Huh? Huh?😁 And while I understand your problems with Lujanne, my explanation for why she tends to give people miss leading information is because she is at her heart and illusionist. And what is an illusion if not something misleading? Don’t know why I never recognized the parallel between Claudia and Azula’s story. But you are right. Maybe it is because Azula was so superior acting and rather mean to everyone. While Claudia is such a caring person. But it is interesting when you consider that each of them is following in their fathers footsteps. And I agree that Viren seemed to begin with some good intentions (or at least convinces himself that they are) and Ozai was cruel and power hungry from the beginning. I really hope we don’t have to wait too long for season four. But I haven’t heard any official release dates yet.


Bread sandwich is up there for favorite Soren dialogue


I just realized that Rayla and Human Rayla have never been seen at the same time😱😱