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hays collins

I’ve never seen this I’m excited

hays collins

Geez usually I cancel patreon after the reactor finishes the show but man you are keeping me around especially because you are watching Attack on Titan next. CANT WAIT!


There have been rumors of a timeskip between Book 3 and 4, so if that's true, I'm assuming there will be flashbacks to show Rayla's journey. I'm not really sure where she's planning to go, maybe back to Ethari? Sounds likely that Book 4 will drop in a few months since they started the VA recording recently, so thankfully we don't have too much longer to wait!


That's great news. A time skip makes sense, especially if they are in some ways starting new "arcs" for the story.

Aidan Pullen

The thing I latched onto that you said was "I don't think they have their minds wrapped around the Aaravos thing yet". I honestly don't think Viren does either. He honestly just let this strange old (hot) elf man tell him what to do at the promise of power all the while it seems instead of actually giving Viren more power, he's growing his own power, supposedly becoming some monstrosity? Idk all I know is Viren is so power-hungry he stopped balancing risk-reward very well along the way, and it will be kinda funny if/when he gets what's coming to him. Can't wait for s4


One fact that was comfirmed, is that Rayla left the night before Callums 15th birthday


He's definitely getting something! And yeah he won't know until he tries to pull back and finds out it's too late. Like an addiction


The creators poked some fun at the fan base as well by basically answering a question about Callum and Rayla with “what makes you so sure they will ever see each other again” lol I thought that was pretty cruel.


ho boi am i late to so many videos i watched ur AOT video and it looked like u got a better camera??? its a lot brighter there o.o