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I tried to watch this show a few years ago but couldn't get into it, but I just binged the whole thing so I could watch your videos on it and ended up really loving it so thanks for the motivation haha.


Totally missed the end credit sequence in this reaction, the one where Envy checks on the doc. And wow... Did not expect that. Can't expect Scar to change overnight I guess, if ever.


This episode is an entire volume of the manga


Did you catch Isaac and The Penguin?


God man this episode is so heavy. I’ll update after I watch the reaction but looking forward to it

Ruma Risto

Disobeying orders during wartime is a serious offence. Mustang, Hawkeye, Hughes and Armstrong did indeed choose to be a part of the military but they just did what they were told to do. It still hurts to see them killing innocent people, though.


Ohh I can't wait until Monday. Never thought I'd say that sentence, but I look forward to every reaction of this series.

Francesca White

i think this episode kind of goes against that view though, that soldiers are "just following orders". i think the whole message is that they ARE responsible, whether it was orders or not. With Roy's plan for the government he plans for all of them to stand trial as war criminals, which is the right thing to do


This episode is definitely a heavy and complex one. I really enjoyed your reaction and your perspective on it. I'm looking forward to your next reaction.

hays collins

Bro same!!!!! I actualy suggested he watch AOT after he finished book 2 of dragon prince. So I was so happy to hear he was watching it


I was wondering if you forgot to watch it, glad you remembered.


I don't know if you noticed, but Basque Grand was the first guy that Scar killed, and the one who lost his leg was the peg-leg spinning top guy that, also, Scar killed. Great reaction and looking forward to the next!


Solf J. Kimblee, the psychopath realist hahaha

Jason Serrano

I'm both excited and also dreading the day when you'll start watching AoT. It's got some deep themes but also can be very gratuitous with the violence. It's like what you said with the Korra Q&A you don't need violence for a show to be mature.

R. Lewis

Man, seeing that wall so much hurts, but it really hits different when you find out Armstrong is the one who made it. I think the most important thing this show has done is flat out state that many of the characters we root for, if they win, will be punished for their crimes, and that the ones we care about the most know and freely accept that fact. No matter how much we like them, they're war criminals. And even still, we root for them.

Ben Barringer

@16:30, It should be noted that Amestris was NOT at war with Ishval. Ishval was annexed some 14 years ago, and lots of the Ishvalans that occupy that area grew up as Amestrian citizens. Roy was being ordered to butcher his countrymen. Amestris has lots of (intentional) parallels to Nazi Germany. See how the Amestrians are portrayes from the view of the Ishvalan's during the War, Blonde hair, Blue eyes. One of the movies makes it a bit more... explicit.


This sums up why I love this show so much. It challenges people to think about humanity and morals in a difficult way, but it’s a way that I think most people need to do it in. We have a lot of “this person did this bad thing so they are now permanently bad, and we will not allow them any opportunities to change” nowadays, and it’s hard to see unfold. I recommend this show to so many people because I think it definitely challenges that way of viewing others. We’re all extremely complex individuals and at the end of the day we’re only human.


Armstrong and Mustang were both Majors (as state alchemists) in the Ishvalan war flashback. But because Armstrong deserted his duty and refused to take part further in the war, he was never promoted and remained as a Major till now.


Okay. Late update. What you said about viewing other people as just purely bad or good being problematic seriously resonated with me. That’s definitely one of the reasons I love this show. It puts characters you love doing horrible things and forces you to look at it, making you form your own opinion. No matter what a soldiers reasoning was, they still carried out the order. But that doesn’t mean they’re just an evil person with nothing good in them. What Riza Hawkeye said about how they accept full responsibility and will go on trial after the dust settles, that’s the right move to make and it personally made me relieved that she and Mustang were willing to accept that.

Elijah baker

I keep saying it I can’t get over Alphonse voice 😭😭😭

Elijah baker

I like that Hawkeye takes responsibility for the actions she took on in ishval like yes technically they didn’t start it but they still did horrible things just because we love these characters dosnt make the lives they took any less important then say someone we care about like huges both acts of murder are wrong


alphonse's voice actor is one of the best on the show dude!


Yeah but I think AoT is also a horror show too and it is definitely an example of gory and disturbing horror instead of something like psychological or jump scares or whatever


Didn't the show mention though that there were numerous skirmishes in the area between Ishaval and Amestris even after they were annexed? (I think I gotta rewatch cause I'm not sure) So there was always tension and stuff between both regions and then the war broke out after Envy shot that child. I agree about the Nazi Germany parallels too, and I think they came in more heavily once the ep mentioned Bradley's executive order. Cause that was the point where the war blatantly became an attempt at genocide.


Interesting, that explains why someone as highly esteemed as he is doesn't advance.


I'm really curious as to what you will think of Kimblee when he finally enters the picture for real. For being a psychopathic bastard he has some surprisingly thought-provoking beliefs, like shown in this episode. He's utterly unbound by the laws of society and morals, yet at the same time is incredibly steadfast in his own twisted beliefs. He's the kind of person who can wholeheartedly respect someone yet still kill them with no second thoughts if the situation demands, all the while still holding them in high regard. He was utterly fascinating to me the first time I watched this show.


The avatar resemblances are plentiful lol love both of them


I love how you pick up on tons of details other people gloss over or don't notice at all.. the value of episodes or every scene.. instead of just an emotional response the analysis is top tier.


In defense of the mid-episode cards: one is young Riza, and the other is current Riza, with the tattoos on her back covered by burn scars.

The Bird of Hermes

Kimblee is such a great character for me the best par none


In the war flashback the guy who yelled about his leg getting taken was the silver alchemist scar fought in an earlier episode. They also showed the freezing alchemist from episode 1 sitting with everyone, and the iron blood alchemist was killed by scar in episode 4... I didn't catch them in my first watch through - just in case you didn't either