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Norrin Radd

The end of this episode is my favorite moment in the whole show!

Francesca White

it was mentioned in an earlier episode that Pinako and Hoenheim were "old drinking buddies" so i wouldn't see them as romantic, they were just good friends.


probably one of the episodes i rewatch the most, it's such a good summation of what FMAB is


It genuinely illustrates the way I overcome my depression each day, haha

hays collins


Francesca White

also wow this episode makes SO MUCH MORE SENSE when u finish the show lmfao

Meruka Hinaru

Right? I don't know why there was people even suggesting to skip it. I know it's a recap but it's still important and meaningful.


I love how both anime and manga at this point is making us question Hohenheim's identity

Itachi The Rouge

After this is where the two show’s stories really start to deviate from each other more intensely. You’ll LOVE all the new characters. I can’t wait for you to meet the people at the northern wall you *didnt* see in the new intro. No spoilers I’m just excited for you to meet them!

A Suresh

Welp, it was the cruelly placed Hohenheim acid trip episode. Yeah, it definitely brings to the forefront his internal conflicts. It's all a tease for the upcoming episodes though, but I promise it'll all make sense eventually! See you at the next one! :)


This episode does have a lot of things that you'll need to connect the dots. I'd say most (but not all) of it's there. You're not even halfway through the show yet! If you're doing every other day it's going to go until... March??? Yeah, there was no way I could've held out that long to be at the same pace lol. I'm internally screaming watching your reaction because there's still so MUCH. But yes this episode also does have a few clues that were not present before, so it's not 100% pure recap. Anywho, I love the mom's speech. She just brings him to his senses with kindness and caring. It's things like that which slap me out of my existential dread.

Ramon Cintron

My understanding is that Pannaco in the dream represents his own humanity while the other one is his arrogance and the main one is nihilistic or the rational side


Yeah, since it's a dream it ends up feeling like him having an internal struggle about where he stands on humanity, the pro human side represented by her and his wife


Anime makes no sense when it comes to how people age the adults shrink when they get older and the kids sprout up like freaking weeds in a year and go from looking between 8 and 11 years old to almost 20 year olds make it make sense XD


I don't know if you give any thought or merit to the Myers-Brigg 16 Personalities Test but I am curious to what your 4 letter personality is if you have ever taken the test. I just thought it could give some insight into your thinking and how you'd view the themes of this show and others.


I had 0 clue what was going on when I first watched this episode, but revisiting it, it’s like everything clicks


Hey Alex, this is random but I started reading the GTO manga recently because of you. I'm only like 10 chapters in but I am really enjoying it. It's funny but those moments of sincerity are really nice. Also, is this what made you want to become a teacher? Were your motivations the same as Onizuka, you wanted to hit on high school girls 👀 ? lol I kid, I kid.


Haha I was actually in HS when I watched the anime so that would make more sense I guess, but no, hitting on high school girls was not my motivation. The show itself may have been inspiration for teaching in some small way though. I liked his candidness and the fact that he's an outsider in education (something I felt as a student) but still managed to make a meaningful impact. I had always wanted to travel, and teaching abroad always seemed like the easiest way to do that, so maybe rather than it inspiring me to become a teacher, it may have inspired certain ways that I think about teaching (although I have yet to destroy a principal's Cresta, sad to say).

Elijah baker

Yess we start season 3 this is my favorite season and this opening is my favorite


"nice to see lust" huh? this is truly a man of taste

Rachel Keys

One thing you don't have to worry about with this show is that all the questions are answered by the end and all the loose ends tied up. So have no fear all the questions will be answered to completion with time.


Always in tears at the end of this episode. Not sobbing tears, but the quiet ones that I try to mop up before my husband looks over and makes fun of me for being so sensitive.