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The season 3 finale!


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The season finale! Looking forward to season 4 :D Next week there will be a Q&A for the series so far so feel free to leave questions here.


Yeah they didn't know if they would get more seasons. In fact it was mostly looking like they wouldn't. So they wanted to have some proper finality to it with this big battle that closes the Zymm Arch and all of that. Luckily we have all the seasons confirmed now so there is much more to come!


Another thing to take note of is that they revealed that the show is being broken up into different chapters almost. Seasons 1 to 3 are known as The Dragon Prince. Then Seasons 4 and 5 will be known as The Dragon Prince: (insert name here) and will probably have some level of time skip and all new challenges to face, then the same occurs with a different subtitle for seasons 6 and 7. That at least was what was revealed at a ComicCon not too long ago, but I am unsure if that still remains true.

hays collins

Hahahaha your reaction to the arrows was so funny

Ana Andrade

Seeing Anya and the soldiers from her kingdom coming to help was awesome. And the fact that Claudia most likely killed someone to revive Viren gives me the creeps.

Ana Andrade

I know that it might be a while before season 4 comes out, but here are some of my predictions: 1. The friendship and psychic connection between Ezran and Zym will play a role in ending the conflict between humans and the elves and dragons of Xadia. 2. Rayla’s parents were turned into coins too. Them along with Runaan the leader of the assassins will be freed. 3. Claudia is too far gone and she will join Viren and Aaravos. 4. Callum will learn to use all 6 kinds of primal magic and the Key of Aaravos will be involved somehow. 5. In the final battle, Rayla will battle Claudia, Soren will battle Viren, and Callum will battle Aaravos.. Do you have any predictions?


According to a certain type of comic I may or may not have read, which I chose to believe is canon, Elves and Humans can indeed mate but Humans are typically much more endowed than Elves which came as a BIG surprise to Rayla... I can say no more lol


Amaya x Sunfire-elf-i-forget-the-name-of is best ship

Aidan Pullen

I think you comparing it to Star Wars is a really good way to think about it going forward in my opinion. They were super skeptical Star Wars would be successful, so it was made to be a self-contained story with room for more if possible. I'm really excited to see how they up the ante. I really want to see Aravos come to power. I mean, who am I kidding, there's no way Viren is the big bad here. I can't wait to see them explore more of Xadia and see more elf civilizations. Will be fun to watch along side you for the first time.


It was great rewatching along with you on this! Can't wait for more seasons, and am looking forward to your Attack on Titan reactions! Also if you notice in the background of the final scene a foot is sticking out from behind the rocks, implying Claudia killed a human to bring Viren back similar to how she had to kill the baby deer to heal Soren.




That's interesting to think about. Seems almost inevitable that they'd have to start over in certain ways.


Definitely agree about the coins. Not so sure about Claudia, although I think it's very likely she ends up as a villain. One thing I think would be interesting is to see Soren take an interest in helping Claudia, since we saw how that affected him in this episode. I don't have too many predictions just because I feel like this season wrapped up a lot of it. Aside from the obvious of having to deal with Viren and Aaravos, it seems like they need a new premise to keep the journey going.


For sure, Aaravos is already running the show it seems. Viren at this point almost looks like a puppet.

Sandy Gamboa

if you look closely in the background of that final scene with Viren and Claudia you can see a foot sticking out from behind something so I think Claudia killed an injured soldier to bring Viren back to life.


I really enjoyed your reactions and analysis of this show! Your perspectives always give me a lot to think about. Now that the series is finished (for now at least), I highly recommend watching (and maybe reacting to? :D) the video: "Extremely Sokka Callum" on YouTube. It's a dub of Sokka lines over Callum scenes. It's pretty funny, and kind of freaky how well a lot of them fit.


I don't have many predictions, but there are a few things I hope happen. 1 I hope we get a time skip at some point so we get to see Zym and Ezran a little older. 2 I kind of want Viren to have a redemption arc but Claudia to sink further into villainy. Aaravos was very interested in her and I could see him driving a wedge between her and Viren and then casting Viren aside. 3 I really hope they explore what deciding to kill his father and then learning his sister tricked him does to Soren. He seemed broken after he did it, and to know his sister put him through that as a distraction cant be easy.


A Viren redemption arc is really interesting to think about. You're right, I can definitely imagine him being cast aside for the potentially more powerful Claudia :0 And yeah, there is a lot that can be done with Soren


My predictions: Timeskip to teen Ezran and teen Zym(so he can be ridden). Ezran learning the Earth Arcanum. Viren and Claudia skulking in the shadows trying doing the bidding of Aaravos.


Not just Rayla's parents in the coin bag, also her foster dad. That's like 3 parents. There's still a lot of loose ends for sure! I'm most excited to see what Claudia is gonna do. Freakin human transmutation. I wonder if there's any actual consequence besides white hair. I also wonder if her and Soren's mom will come into play at all because she was only mentioned once. Oh man though the wait is gonna be a while it seems.

Meruka Hinaru

Sadly, the show is implying Claudia's point of no return to the "good" side now. But actually that route is exciting. I love powerful villains, and I don't know if you agree, but I think a series becomes rich if a villain's journey is as interesting as the hero's.

Manuel Alves

Haha, Snow Melon Lord looking chillll


Idk of this counts as a prediction or theory since I don't have much to back it up but I believe Claudia will have her redemption. I think Viren will probably die (maybe at the hands of Aaravos?) and that will be the catalyst to Claudia changing sides. Anyway, great reaction and now we just wait for more :)

R. Lewis

Aside from all the great observations and comments, can I just say: three seasons in, and learning Callum's shirt has no sleeves was the biggest revelation for me. But really though, I'm pretty sure Aaravos got enough magic out of Zym to make himself a new body, but also that the nature of that new body is going to somehow be the key to defeating him. I really can't wait for more of this show.


Q&A question: Do you think the shift to a somewhat darker tone this season benefitted the show? I mean, the season opens with Amaya tossing some elves into lava. Not to mention the Soren moment in this episode with Viren. And Prince Kasef took a literal arrow to the head then collapsed. Just a lot of on screen deaths If the rumored timeskip thing is true, I imagine the tone will also change more


With Aaron Ehasz's emphasis on character-driven storytelling, is there anything you think he did better in Dragon Prince compared to Avatar, or vice-versa? Thanks! :)


I'm really glad it got renewed for season 4, 5, 6, and 7. It's nice to have the assurance that the whole story will be told....just sad that we're gonna have to wait so long until we get there 😭 But there's so much more to explore so I'm excited. Callum's gotta get more arcanums/spells, we have to meet the Earthblood, Tidebound, and Startouch elves, I really want to see Anya take a bigger role, etc.


I think it would be really great if we dont seen viren, clauds and aavaros for a few eps. maybe have the human elf alliance have growing pains, showing that it wasnt fixed just by Zym coming back. Maybe have the different groups going out and doing like "monster of the week" type problem solving until its revealed how its part of the bad trios plans. Im also interested in seeing how Aaravos and Virens dynamic will change, im guessing Aaravos will take a stronger role, but id like to see Viren struggle with it haha. And one detail about Virens revival, i like that Viren looked scared about the dark magic clauds had just performed, im sure he knows the spell as well so he is likely realizing the path he has taken his daughter on, or maybe not but thats how i read it.


Sorin: "Should we hug it out?" Goodwin: DO IT! Heheheheh I find it entertaining when you squirm during an intimate scene. Why are people squirmy during scenes like that? I always wondered. I know I used to be squirmy mainly because I used to be a religious Muslim. But what is the reason for ya'll infidels to be squirmy? Hahaha! What I think they could have done better was, empower the humans but not turn them into monsters because that took away the interesting nuance of the situation, I agree with you about Sorin changing too quickly. I didn't enjoy the battle though. It should have had strategies on both sides and followed more realistic battle playout but it is a 'kids show' so it doesn't really matter I guess. I wonder how far Claudia will fall. Another thing I didn't like how 'the good humans' became so friendly with the elves and dragons. It is too unrealistic, plus where the hell are the other elves? Is Xadia barely populated, the humans just had to pass the breach and voila, they just marched around Xadia like they own the damn place. To be fair, the sunfire elves were border elves and they didn't expect to be defeated by Aravos out of nowhere.


I agree with all you said but I don't think Claudia will become good. She probably become rival to Aravos and still be deep in dark magic.


They got into their relationship too quick!

Itachi The Rouge

I think it’s funny you asked if humans and elves can have kids or not. I think yes. And I think that’s what Callum is. His mom was totally an elf. It would explain why he’s in this weird adopted situation as well as why he can do sky magic. That’s my guess. I bet we will end up meeting his mom or finding out something in regards to it next season.


But wasn’t Callum’s mom the same as Ezran’s mom, Queen Sarai? I know they didn’t give a lot of his backstory. But it seemed like he was her son from before her marriage to King Harrow. And Ezran is Harrow and Sarai’s son. I guess that Callum’s father could be an elf, if it turns out that he is part elf. I had never considered this possibility. But it is interesting that we don’t know anything about his father.


I think I saw something somewhere about a time jump before the next season. But I’m not sure about the source, so I don’t know how reliable that information is. It would make sense for me. Especially with Ezran so young at the beginning of the story.


I really don’t have much in the way of predictions other than that they will end of the final season with Zym and Ezran each ruling over their kingdoms, which have finally found peace.


(cont.) 5) Claudia - I love this character. I'm really sad that to me it looks like she won't get a redemption arc after this. I see her going down a very dark path in season 4. Like you said, she committed the ultimate taboo in alchemy and brought Viren back to life. Her motivations make sense and she feels human. That's important to me in a character. In the upcoming seasons I suspect that Viren will die and that Claudia will become a main villain. 6) Viren - I think Viren has not been in his right mind ever since that bug crawled in his ear. After that he never once doubted Aravos or questioned what was in it for the startouch elf. I think his mind is being warped. I can't totally give up on Viren. I still feel that there is good inside him. The horror on his face when he realized what Claudia had done shows me the humanity that I need to see from him. 7) Amaya and Janai - they are such a cute couple. I ship it. Janai needs to lean sign language though lol 8) Zym - I'm ready to see adolescent Zym in season 4. I want him to stop being a cute puppy and be a little bit more difficult. It will be fun to see how Ezran deals with that. 9) Most importantly - Bait. Our hero. But seriously I love how much Soren loves Bait. Adorable. In season 4, I expect to learn more of Aravos's backstory and motivations. I have no idea what to expect from that caterpillar thing, but at least after it metamorphoses it should be less ugly to look at fingers crossed.


Nice theories. I hadn't even considered that he had already gotten power from Zym. But you're right, he definitely can't be killed in apparition form...


Yeah he did look alarmed. It makes sense that part of it is concern for Claudia, as she is the only thing he seems to care about.


I'm gonna be thinking about that for a while lol My best guess for now is that that kind of intense romantic love is something that doesn't translate well to others outside of those experiencing it. Maybe we can put ourselves in the characters' shoes more easily for other traits like bravery, conviction, friendship, etc., in ways we cannot during moments of saying "I love you" to a romantic partner.


About Viren, it does look like he's not fully in control anymore. I think this hinged on a key choice he made to go along with Aaravos' ritual. That might have been the last thing he did fully autonomously. Also, I agree about Zym. I think he was a little TOO cute. He's a dragon after all.

Soren Monroe

This is my question for the DP Q&A This question is really random but after that one episode in season 2 where Rayla and Soren were fighting (before they knew they weren’t enemies) I was shipping them lol and obviously nothing ever happened between them but i think they’re story would’ve been pretty interesting. How do you think their romance would’ve played out?🤔

Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-15 03:41:38 So for the Q&A. How do you feel about Rayllum? Do you think it was rushed or not? Btw I am a full Rayllum shipper
2021-01-13 00:53:39 So for the Q&A. How do you feel about Rayllum? Do you think it was rushed or not? Btw I am a full Rayllum shipper

So for the Q&A. How do you feel about Rayllum? Do you think it was rushed or not? Btw I am a full Rayllum shipper


QA: Ezra is one of those characters who has a really firm foundation and a good grip on who he is as a person and that makes him reliable, likable, and dependable even as a kid. Similarly, someone like Toph represents much of the same as someone who also has a really firm foundation and acceptance of who she is. Is this something you’ve been able to accomplish yourself? It’s something I still struggle with a lot, and so my question how do you learn to accept yourself for who you are and establish a firm foundation grounded in your own identity?

agoodwintv (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-15 03:41:39 That's a great question. Would you mind if I answered it in the monthly Q&A in a few weeks? I can also type an answer if you'd prefer.
2021-01-15 06:50:13 That's a great question. Would you mind if I answered it in the monthly Q&A in a few weeks? I can also type an answer if you'd prefer.

That's a great question. Would you mind if I answered it in the monthly Q&A in a few weeks? I can also type an answer if you'd prefer.