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Can’t wait to watch this. Nice escape from the craziness today. And this is a great episode. I’ll probably update after watching


i love that last scene where Ed is literally defying god's grip on him and barges through the door showing his resolve at getting Al back. so good.

R'Mani Leavell

End of this episode always gives me goosebumps


Fun fact: the last scene where ed breaks back through to tell Al he's coming back for him was an anime only addition which the manga author loved when she saw it


Yea this episode packs a punch in terms of exposition and unanswered questions, something that you didn't mention is that one of their goals was to create a portal to the Truth since glutonny was a failed one, what im wondering is if he already created it since there are two doors instead of one? Since Ed did point out that there wasn't two before he came in when he was a kid. SO MANY QUESTIONSS UGH lol

Michael Tennick

I think the fact that Ed and Al's Doors Of Truth exist in the same place was explained in episode 20. Ed theorized that the transmutation that tried to bring back their mother involved both brothers giving their blood. A result of this is their "souls getting intertwinned". Subsequently this means that Ed is able to provide nourishment and sleep for Al's body and my guess is it also means both of their Doors exist within the same "void".

hays collins

Good lord this show got crazy. I had NO CLUE the lore was this deep. If I did I would of watched this much longer ago


New OP next episode


Fuck dude, I forgot how terrifying envy's form is I wonder if i was as baffled by how ed described how he was going to do human transmutation on himself back when i first watched this cuz ho boi my head was a spinning when he was explaining XD ah ha yis the emaciated Body of Al i member now, there was a theory floating around that the reason Ed was/is still so short was cuz whatever he ate and whenever he slept it was just barely keeping Al's body alive *shrugs* its a neat theory honestly


Yeah they actually acknowledge it in the show! There’s a conversation that happened several episodes back with Winry, Ed and Al where Ed theorizes that he’s providing Al’s body the materials to live. It was basically confirmed by Al’s extremely malnourished body in the portal


Okay update: This is actually one of my favorite episodes from the show. Really this whole “gluttony’s stomach” mini arc is fantastic. Also, that music when Nina says “big brother? Wanna play?” Is so haunting. That song from the score is called The Intrepid, definitely one of my favorites Really great episode and that ending man...


Al’s emaciated body is hard to watch, but if he gets any more flesh then Ed would probably get shorter 😆

R. Lewis

They definitely hint that Bradley is different from the others when they catch Greed and reveal that Bradley is a Homunculus that can age, which Greed believed to be impossible, but this is the first time we're told he was originally human. It really gives perspective on his behavior, especially in regards to his conversation with Pride. As for the whole mind/body/soul thing, I think the implication is that Al's body is in the Portal, his soul is in the armor, and his mind exists in both simultaneously, tethering them together and keeping both in existence. Obviously Al has thoughts, he has his mind, but the body also seems to be conscious.

R. Lewis

Also, Envy's line "would you hesitate to throw a bundle of logs onto a fire because you pity the tree they came from" is cruel and heinous, but not altogether incorrect. If they truly aren't themselves anymore, if there's no real life left in them, is it really wrong to use their energy to achieve your own goals? That's essentially the debate with using the Philosopher's Stone to get their bodies back. Sure they'd never make a stone themselves, but at what point do you become culpable? If you use something that literally took lives to create in order to do good, is it really doing good?

Francesca White

they hinted at Bradly being different definitely, him talking to other homunculi about how he's different, how he ages, etc, but this episode is WILD


Some say you can skip the next episode but I hope you will see through the lies of the jedi


king bradely doesn't have super healing like the rest btw


This was the episode where I decided I love this show. That ending always gives me chills.


Also Ed seeing Al's body/door confirms his hypothesis that they are connected


My philosophy: if the creators made a decision to have it be part of the show, you should watch it. There are exceptions but yeah


That makes sense. What makes it so weird for me is up until this episode I was picturing Al's body as just existing physically without consciousness. So to see him just hanging out there is bizarre

A Suresh

And it just keeps getting curiouser and curiouser. This is one of my favourite episodes. It's a breakthrough in Edward's understanding of human transmutation and the Truth, and it both reveals lots of things about the Homunculi while simultaneously raising many questions. I'm looking forward to Al's meeting with Father in the next episode too! Great reaction, and as always, see you for the next one :)


I don't know if its just for me, but the video player for the extended version in not there.


You're right, it's not there for me either. Weird. Hopefully it comes back up, but until then, here's the Vimeo link: https://vimeo.com/497790717


Man that last scene is probably my favorite scene in the whole show. Or at least one of my top favorites.