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00:00 - Episode 15 Reaction
25:56 - Episode 15 Summary
28:44 - Episode 16 Reaction
57:21 - Episode 16 Summary
1:00:00 - Reacting to my reaction 


ATLA Rewatch 15&16.mp4

This is "ATLA Rewatch 15&16.mp4" by A Goodwin on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them.


hays collins

Even with the beginning of episode 15 is a little slow and not my fav I love the ending with the fight with aang and zuko. Probably my fav fight between the both of them

Alec Campo

Episode 15 is a strange rewatch to me. Katara feels out of character giving up on Aang so easily but it makes sense she would follow her brother. But then it ALSO doesn’t make sense how it was Sokka who told Katara they had to turn back for Aang. Katara had a much closer bond with Aang at that point and I think should have argued with Sokka at least a little bit.


Yeah I agree, I think usually that is something Katara would do, I think it was probably a choice that was made since the focus was on Sokka and his feelings of abandonment.

R'Mani Leavell

I kind of side with Aang more on in episode 15. Sokka was quick to dismiss him when he tried to connect and bond with them on their experiences growing up in the south pole. Don't get me wrong, I understand why Sokka and Katara was mad, but they definitely shouldn't have been mad enough to leave him and go with Bato. Especially since he willingly gave them the map, even though he held on to it for HALF A DAY. I done ranting now lol

hays collins

OH!!! Did you know the animal Jianzhu sent after Kyoshi and her gang was a Shirshu. Makes since why that town was decimated looking at the teeth of that animal yikes


They all made mistakes. The important thing is they all did what they thought would correct them


The moment you realized that The Deserter is the Jeong Jeong episode was great. 😂


I love how Jeong Jeong says "savagery"


“You will be almost completely ignored in the comics” ahahahah poor iroh.


Jeong Jeong is by far one of the coolest side characters in ATLA. His intro scene when Aang channels Roku and has the whole fish in the river philosophy discussion is one of my favorite in all of ATLA. "You think I am weak?" *Jeong Jeong shitting his pants* "No, no, I did not mean that". Him coming back for the finale is just the cherry on top, but this episode is obviously where he truly shines.


These 2 are probably some of my favorite episodes in book 1. I do agree that I think it works better that Sokka was the one to go back. I feel like Katara would have been too easy and obvious. I'm not saying it didn't feel out of character but also I feel like it's easy for us to judge that based on the characters as a whole and not at the point they're at in that episode, which I think at the time, they still weren't entirely sure what they were doing with both Katara & Sokka at times imo, moreso the latter. Since in some episode, especially in early book 1, Katara did things and had ideas/plans that definitely felt like late Book 2/3 Sokka and vice versa. Side note the Kyoshi novels have ruined Horse Stance for me and seeing Aang do it in this episode, I could not take it seriously.

Alex Begley

Aang gives a callback to his disgust with sea prunes later in The Puppetmaster. I never noticed this before but I just rewatched it a few days ago and had been wondering where the reference came from

Leon Inglis

how do you chose what shows you watch next. is there a poll or do you take suggestions and then choose for yourself witch one looks the most interesting?


I heard meowing while you were talking about Aang getting ignored. It's like your cat's saying "wow speaking of ignoring... aren't you forgetting someone?" 🐱

Drake Chuckle

Jeong Jeongs take vs what Aang learns with Zuko in the firebending masters is the best imo. I think Jeong Jeong is damaged and his self-hate is something to consider. He dislike himself innately and calls his abilities a burden. I think he is a GREAT character but he as a person is lacking - and Roku had to set him straight.


In the past, it's been polls. I also keep track mentally of what gets recommended and how often. This time since Attack on Titan has been recommended by far the most, I am leaning that way, and might do a poll for the show after that.


LOL that's good timing. She's always around trying to get some attention. Usually she meows to let me know she's about to jump on my lap.


Definitely. Seems like he has recoiled from the danger he experienced in himself with fire bending. But he swung back in the other direction a little too far, and that's not the end of the story. Going with the theme of enlightenment, when the student is ready the master appears, and maybe that goes two ways: When the master is ready the student appears. One of the things that's so great about the episode is that Aang goes through Jeong Jeong's arc himself, and both of them end the episode with a better understanding of themselves.


an interesting parallel i just noticed is also the "aang running away from the monks before hearing gyatso reassure him he wouldnt leave" and "aang leaving the tent before hearing sokkas and kataras reassurance they wouldnt leave him"


One thing that was odd to me is that the Shirshu goes to the healer and Miyuku the cat, but Katara never went there, only Aang. Just an odd continuity error there.


Also, after reading the Kyoshi novels, the scenes with Aang learning the wide stance is very interesting because Rangi was always harping on Kyoshi to do the same thing, haha. "WIDER!"

TJ Frangie

Possibly. Could also be that the journey for the Shirshu just happened to pass by there. But I agree that it is strange.


Oh, I remember now... It did always rub me the wrong way, how Roku just pushes all responsibility onto Aang, even though this whole mess is a direct consequence of his own failure. Like, he knows Aang isn't ready and that there is a good reason for following the element cycle, but he makes the Deserter train him anyway, because he doesn't care about Aang as a person, he just cares about easing his conscience through him.