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Lust had the ultimate spear(her claws) and Greed had the ultimate shield

R'Mani Leavell

Roy finishes strong alright. Remember that look he gave Lust as he turned her to ash


One thing I found interesting was that in that scene when Ed is in Gluttony's stomach, it shows a skeleton wearing the robes of the church of Leto, from way back with Rose and Father Cornello. My guess is it's the henchman that Gluttony ate and not Cornello, since it had hair, but still... ergh... I so can't wait for you to see the next couple of episodes! They are SO good! Enjoy!

Ruma Risto

It's funny how Envy complains about Ling fighting "dirty" while all Envy ever does is pull dirty tricks on people


Unrelated but what’s the outro music in this video? It’s pretty good. Also, that scene with Roy, when Bradley walks in “let’s suppose I was actually a homunculus... well now, would that really be so bad?” Absolute chills along with that haunting music


See i told u the next couple eps were gonna be intense XD


It's called Tea Time by Ofshane, from YouTube's free music library. Random point but I feel like YouTube has put more thought/effort into their music library recently. Great scene. The guy really threw Mustang under the bus. Bradley's reaction was also perfect.

A Suresh

Happy new year Alex! And yeah, things continue to develop at a breakneck pace. This part of the show is my favourite for that reason. King Bradley's voice has such a texture to it, they really did select the perfect guy to voice him. Looking forward to how things turn out! See you for the next one :)


"In the Belly" is such a great title for the episode, because it refers to both Roy and Ed in a metaphorical and literal 'belly of the beast' respectively. Plus Bradely's line at the end of "Would that be so bad?" really spoke to what you were talking about with the episode humanizing him so much, while also being a rather explicit threat from Wrath. Overall great episode and a really fun reaction.


This vid didn't show up in my patreon feed fyi, had to access it through the email notification. Not sure if that's something you can control or if it's a bug with the site.


Just wanted to warn you about the clipshow in a couple of episode. It's nice though.


Not sure if you caught this but Ling got away from Envy by using the blade arm to cut the snake arm off. Awesome move there. Also, I'm pretty sure Envy is actually genderless, or at least their gender is never stated in the manga, which makes sense since Envy is a shapeshifter.


I don't think the author has spoken on the matter, but it's widely accepted that Envy is genderless/gender-neutral. Japanese is a very gender-neutral language, they don't use the male and female pronouns like English, and if I'm not mistaken Chinese is like that, using "tā" for he/she/it. Envy doesn't have male or female signifiers and is never referred to as a Man or Woman in the original text like other homunculi. Greed is referred to as a man in both forms, Lust is called a woman, Wrath is called a man, and Pride is called a (spoiler). I'm not sure about Gluttony and Sloth, all I can say is that they are both voiced by men. There's actually an academic article called "More Than Alchemic Reactions: Playing With Gender Norms In FMA: B", that analyses Lust, Envy, Olivia, and Alex as they perform their gender in the text.