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Happy New Year!


00:00 - Intro

01:35 - Reacting to my 2019 New Years video

20:17 - What do you think of FMAB so far?

24:18 - What games are you currently playing?

25:11 - What Alchemist name would you want to have?

25:49 - Can you dunk bro?

26:14 - Do you hike?

27:52 - Is there an activity you can rely on to give you peace?

29:31 - What would you tell yourself 5 years ago?

31:39 - Are you open to watching live action or movies?

33:17 - Shows to watch next?

35:51 - Shows you're interested in?

37:15 - Do you have a max show length you'd watch? Ideal show length?

40:47 - Do you prefer live-action or anime?


December Q&A.mp4

This is "December Q&A.mp4" by A Goodwin on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them.



A couple things: A game I recommend on Steam is FAR: Lone Sails. It’s sort of a post apocalyptic semi-platformer about traveling through a dried out ocean, alone. Has a great score and really great environmental storytelling, reminds me personally of Limbo but it’s also very distinct. (It’s also available on iOS, so it can probably run on a lower end laptop) However it’s about 2-3 hours long Also, in 2020, how much has viewership and subs increased? You were talking about 25k as a sub goal for 2021, I’m wondering if growth was significant this year. I’ve been subbed since midnight gospel personally

gostrobo100 .

25k is a great goal you will get there by the middle of 2021

gostrobo100 .

Great video Happy New Year 🎆


Attack on Titan is for SURE a very very well done story.. You’re not the only one who felt like this! The first season throws a LOT of things at you that feel like, as you said, random mystery boxes that the writer doesn’t know the answers to himself. But let me put it like this: Attack on Titan is so meticulously planned in storyline that EVERYTHING has a purpose/meaning. They can’t reveal everything straight away because as the viewer, we only know what the main characters know, so it’s like a process of finding everything out together with them. It’s an excellent show and it is definitely recommended for a reason!! A lot of politics and things to talk about which is something I think would be super interesting to hear your opinion on, especially the character’s views and personalities. A lot to take it, but totally worth it :)


yeah i did a rewatch in preparation for the final season and it blew my mind just how early in the series all the foreshadowing and seeds and clues were planted


Thanks for the recommendation. I'll check it out :) Viewership and subs were huge in 2020, relative to what they were before. I think when I started ATLA I had about 1,400 subscribers. Now I'm at about 18,000. There was a point during Korra where I was getting about 3,000+ new subscribers and between 600,000 - 700,000 views per month. That has dropped somewhat since Korra, which is part of the reason I set a modest goal. Now I'm getting between 500-700 subscribers and between 250,000 - 300,000 views a month.

Sal Inger

First of all, happy new year and I hope your channel keeps growing as you're definitely the most thoughtful and interesting reactor out there! A few things regarding the shows you may or may not end up reacting to: I would urge you to watch basically all of the anime you listed with subs. I am by no means a sub-only snob when it comes to anime (I'll be the first one to tell people to watch FMAB or CB dubbed just because they're better that way), but most of the stuff you listed has pretty horrendous dubs, AoT especially. I've seen lots of reactors start watching AoT dubbed only to switch to subs a couple of episodes later because of the backlash and dislikes from the youtube community. I know you've said before that you prefer subs anyway but I thought it was worth mentioning considering all I've seen you react to on your channel has had English audio so far. On you mentioning your interest of perhaps moving into longer shows and also your doubts whether these types of shows can deliver a consistent level of quality throughout: I am very much the same way and I am very much reluctant to start super long shows (One Piece for example) because I just can't see how can craft a story that long without at least occasional dips in quality and filler material. As such I had put off watching Hunter x Hunter for a long time because it is almost 150 episodes long and the arc that is most praised by people starts like 80 episodes in. However, now that I've finally watched it I can say without a doubt that it really is excellent from start to finish and that my doubts were completely unfounded in this case. Story- and character development-wise it really doesn't let you down throughout its whole run and that one arc especially contains one of the greatest storylines that I've every seen in media. Anyway, I thought I'd just share my experience with this since we seem to kinda have to same expectations and mindset when it comes to these longer running shows, in case you ever find yourself pondering whether you should really dive into HxH or not.


HXH is 150 episodes, My Hero Academia (same studio as FMAB) is 90 episodes and 2 movies! so those are pretty long.


Thank you! Happy New Year :D Subs is fine with me. As long as people are okay watching reaction videos with subtitles, it's all good lol I'm glad to hear that about Hunter X Hunter. I appreciate you sharing, that definitely goes a long way in my mind.


Happy new year! One show I cannot recommend enough (if you aren't against a pirate show, idk some people are for some reason) is 'Black Sails.' 4 seasons, 38 episodes. It's a bit gratuitous in the first season as it's a Starz show, and sex sells, but once they got their footing they really took off. It has some of the best character development ever IMO. Every character has their own hopes and motivations, it has a pretty expansive cast. They touch on themes of humanity, morality, etc. Dont want to give to much away. Sadly it is almost criminally underrated, it got almost no media attention when it was airing. Hopefully you get more recommendations for it lol. 2020 was a weird year for me, good and bad. I have not seen my friends very much since I am currently living with my parents, with covid I have gone into the city to see them less. I started a new job with better pay and hours. The biggest wrench was coming to the realization I was trans. Which may affect both my living situation and my job so we will see how that goes in 2021. You have quickly become my most watched channel last year, excited to see what the future brings, be it reaction videos, vlogs, or whatever I enjoy hearing your take on things. Thanks for all the videos!


Angel Beats is a short show but is pretty deep/interesting when analyzed.


Ah heck poor past Alex had so much hope for 2020 my resolution for 2021 is to keep my job XD that's it just keep working at it and not get fired ACK! I've a fear of heights so i wouldn't be caught dead on a cliff walk hike thing omg no thank you


I never comment on anything, but I highly recommend playing Night in the Woods! It's one of my favorite story/adventure games and it follows a 20 year old who just dropped out of college due to mental health issues and feels lost in life. The game itself is pretty short but offers several paths (all lead to the same ending, just with different dialogue) and the story unravels more as a mystery. It was particularly hardhitting for me because as someone who is also 20 in college, I felt many of the same emotions she was going through regarding loss of control and the overwhelming pressures of life. It's an indie game with beautiful visuals, good dialogue, and very chill vibes (goes on sale a lot on Steam so isn't too expensive either). Just thought it was something you could play in your downtime because its themes seems to fit in with the kind of shows you like to watch! As for shows, I did watch Shera and was a bit underwhelmed by the last season, which seems to be the consensus on their subreddit. Still worth a watch if the journey is intriguing to you! I saw both Kipo and Over the Garden Wall recommended so I'll second those although I'm a muuuuch bigger fan of OTGW. If you ever read Dante's Inferno, each episode parallels a circle of hell and I would love to see you react and guess which is featured per episode. It's also only 10 episodes long. My comment is getting really long now but I also have a movie recommendation just for you to watch on your own because it came out recently and I feel it's underrated. Run, directed by Aneesh Chaganty (one of my favorite upcoming directors at the moment), is a thriller about a disabled girl living at home with her mother. It's one of those movies that's best going in blind, but the visual direction is purposeful and aesthetically pleasing and all the actors, especially Sarah Paulson, put their all into the movie and it shows. The actress who plays the disabled girl is also disabled herself and many of her scenes felt so authentic and emotional because of that. Anyways, sincerely wishing you a successful 2021 because you've really inspired me in many ways, which I never in my life would expect from a reaction channel. You talked about your travels a lot and as someone who grew up in poverty, my family never had the means to travel so I have yet to even leave the US. Since college started, I've traveled to some major cities in the US, but I really want to visit my mother's hometown in China now because I loved the way you spoke about the country. Thank you for giving us a fantastic year of insightful commentary!


Happy New Year. First off I'll just say I'm glad things have gone so well and I'm glad as hell that I found this channel. Been mostly a lurker as of late since I have not yet gotten around to watching Dragon Prince myself and with FMAB, I haven't gotten around to watching more of it to catch up and then go back and watch since for me, I have more fun with reactors, especially you, when I can focus more on the reaction and other comments rather than the show, so I'd wanna watch ahead, and I've been distracted by some games and other things. Which speaking of, if you ever got a system or console that could play it, you'd probably enjoy Jedi Fallen Order if you haven't played that already. I just recently finished that within a week and loved it. Death & Taxes is another fun one with some replayability. If you don't mind beat em up/fighting games, and a mix of serious and stupid fun, I'd also absolutely recommend the Yakuza series. I recently got into it from watching a friend play it and I've enjoyed the hell out of it and am now invested in the series, and now waiting for the rest to come to PC/xbone this month. As for shows, I've meant to ask before but forgotten. Have you seen the Clone Wars animated show, and if not have you considered reacting to that as well? Cuz I'd absolutely recommend that. Likewise have you seen Mandalorian? If not that's also a relatively short show with only 16 episodes right now and not all of them as long as you'd expect.

Emma Root

It was painful to hear all of your 2020 travel goals 😭 I studied abroad in Indonesia and I definitely recommend going there! I also struggle with having too many goals for myself then thinking I've done nothing because I don't congratulate myself on what I've accomplished, I just compare myself to an unrealistic ideal... But I'm also getting better at not doing that! (kinda). I haven't really thought about my goals for 2021, except to continue my goals for 2020, like creating a graphic novel and everything that goes along with that. (I'm already trying to use your advice to your past self on focusing so I'm preventing myself from saying more haha)


Happy New Years! Probably a little longer, but I recommend Hunter X Hunter at some point


Black Sails sounds good. I'm fine with pirates. I feel like that used to be a bigger thing back in the day and then faded over time, maybe after Pirates of the Caribbean. I relate to a lot of what you said about 2020. Congratulations on the new job! And congratulations on your realization. I wish you all the best for 2021 :D


Thanks for the game recommendation :) Dropout... feeling lost in life... Night in the Woods sounds great haha. Forgot to mention Over the Garden Wall, that is also a show I've heard great things about and would love to watch. Run is on my list too of things to watch on my own. Maybe I'll watch it this weekend after I finish Hamilton lol. Thank you very much for the kind words. I'm sure traveling to China would be a great experience. I don't know if this would interest you or would be possible, but I always like to mention this as an idea because I have had good experiences with it: If you have a college degree and some flexibility in your plans, there are a lot of opportunities for teaching abroad, especially in China. It's a great way to experience life in a new place without the upfront costs of travel. Traveling within China is really convenient. My girlfriend and I lived in completely different cities but were able to see each other as if it was a normal commute. Either way, I hope you get the chance to visit soon, and I hope you have a wonderful 2021 as well.


So I am a huge huge fan of Yakuza 0. It has become an eternal source of joy and memes between me and a few of my friends. I am embarrassed to admit how much time I spent on dressing up my hostesses for that minigame LOL. Fever Time is my wake up alarm. I have not watched Clone Wars, but I did watch Mandalorian season 1 when it came out. I was gonna watch season 2 but there is always the thought in my mind "maybe I can do this on the channel" so I've been saving it.


It's tough! I definitely understand the appeal of wanting to do it all. One thing I can say is that trying to do a lot at once is still good compared to doing little or not having goals. I think it just depends on how it feels, how you grow as a result, how connected it is to something personal, etc. I don't think we can get it wrong, which is why I felt I was being too hard on myself in the 2019 video. But focusing is definitely a tool that can be really powerful and can take us places that dabbling maybe can't.


Attack on Titan season 1 seems like random mysteries out of nowhere. As the show progresses, you will be astounded by how none of it is random. Things start making so much sense and the reveals are a masterpiece. The show is also extremely brutal, so prepare for that. Muahahahahah

R'Mani Leavell

yes, you should watch Attack on titan lol. But if you are already paranoid when you see a kid in FMAB, than you you for sure will be paranoid anytime anyone is on screen lol


A bit out there but I would love to see you react to the expanse. I think it’s the best sci-fi show of this generation and doesn’t get enough love.


You mentioned She-ra and I immediately perked up I watched she-ra after I took a break from rewatching avatar stuff on repeat and I absolutely loved she-ra such a rich lore and good world building and excellent character and arcs. I also watched Kipo and the age of the Wonderbeast and the Dragon Prince after She-ra and loved both


Wow that cliff walk hike in China looks absolutely incredible! I would love to do something like that, I have no fear of heights and love the thrill of things like that. I haven't had the opportunity yet of traveling outside the USA like you and going to those hikes in New Zealand or China, but I hope so someday, definitely part of my future endeavors. Also, thats a crazy coincidence that you often trade options and do stock things, I also do a lot of trading often and find it really addicting. (I'm not exactly great at it though lmfao)


I fully support a Good Place reaction. Also some more suggestions, Weeds for a more comedic show and The Man in the High Castle (Definitely not comedic) Also, one of my favorite shows, Top Boy:Summerhouse and Top Boy.


Also happy New Years I’m so glad to have found this community.