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So they have to rely on tips in Xadia. This shows us that the minimum wage is surely awful there. So not only is everything overly complex and magical, they have mega racism against humans, now you have to deal with impoverished citizens too? Count me out ...wait a minute. That seems oddly familiar


I was waiting for you to get to this part about the dying breath. There is something really twisted about that aspect. And then the unicorn horn on top of that. In mythology the unicorn typically symbolizes purity. So I found it interesting that Viren wasn’t able to get the unicorn horn himself. He had to rely on his daughter. So that is another twisted aspect to this whole thing, using Claudia for both her power and her innocence to acquire this powerfully magical item. And then twisting all of it with the hatred and dark magic necessary to create this powerful weapon.


The dying breath is super creepy. It's not even just the fact of what it is, it's the fact that in that moment, Viren's thought was "Oh where's my bottle. This will come in handy later."


I can’t wait for the final! And Happy New Year! This is isn’t related to the show but how do one stay hopeful and happy from within with so much sadness and darkness?

Kyle Chong

All of these final episodes are amazing, they’re almost like the last episodes of ATLA season 3


I'm watching this season for the first time along with you. I'm very uncomfortable with Aravos' reactions to Claudia. I definitely don't think she's evil, but she's so close to being able to act in the same ways as her father. I also don't think Viren is completely evil. His actions seem to be severely misguided but rooted in good intention. At least that's my thought as I watch the flashbacks.


In my opinion, Callum's mini-monologue about his mixed emotions is a real high point for his character. He's always struggled with who he is and his self-image, but being able to see past his anger and instead see the tragedy behind the situation really solidifies his personality and his values. I also think it shows that he took Harrow's letter to heart; he won't let the past define the future by continuing the cycle of hatred.

gostrobo100 .

After watching this episode a few times and watching the show a few times as well, I think Verin was planning on the queen dying when she did. Why else would he know he need her dying breath.???


Happy New Year!! Excited for next week's episodes :)

Elijah baker

I like that the dragons are able to speak . Giving the dragons The ability to soak and think and reason as humans do is able to add more depth to them and their choices it means Thunder wasn’t a mindless monster who couldn’t control himself . If a dog goes crazy and kills a person even though most people would be very upset most people would also know that it’s a dog and it didn’t do what it did out of spite of malice it’s a dog it’s an animal it acts on instincts . But this dragon thunder it made the choice to kill the queen as any person would make a choice to kill a person so it means that character s like the king and calum can hold thunder accountable emotionally .


Not sure if you heard it but as the spear flies towards Avizandum's heart you can hear Sarai cry out with a painful "No!". I find that moment incredibly powerful.


This. This nails what I feel about that scene and how character


Sorry for the delayed response! Happy very belated New Year :) That's a tough question, but here are a few things that come to mind: - One idea is to let those feelings be motivation to be a "light in the darkness." There will always be darkness, but by focusing on not contributing to it or improving your environment and community, you make things that much better for others, and even the smallest actions go a long way. - Also, one thing to keep in mind is that we are almost always more interested in negative information. This makes a lot of sense because we need to be aware of threats, and so terrible news will always shake us up emotionally more than good news does (good things have a way of starting to feel normal). BUT, it's important to keep in mind that the darkness we see in the world is perhaps not an accurate reflection of the ENTIRE world, even if it seems that way sometimes. If you look for the good, it will be there.


One thing that came to mind, similar to what you're saying, is that since Viren is telling the story, perhaps there was some foul play involved that he left out.....


In a way, I think Viren was Harrow's Aaravos, if that makes sense? There's some irony there. But the whole thing, while powerful, is really fishy to me. I mean, maybe Viren felt bad about essentially being the catalyst for the Queen's death. Maybe the whole thing caused a rift between him and Harrow, and this was him trying to mend it by giving him what Viren believes he needs. But the disrespect he has shown to Amaya, Callum and Sarai makes him seem incredibly disingenious to me. And the last breath thing is so suspicious! Like, either he already knew about this revenge magic, or he was going to use it for some other dark magic. Makes me wonder if he didn't set Harrow up somehow. He was obviously always of the opinion that humanity should reclaim Xadia...