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hays collins

“Is Aravos gonna keep the body?” Body flops to the ground “nope haha”. Hahahah this killed me

Franchesca Giglio

Yeah this is one of my favorite episodes. Yeah I also noticed that that bug thing is growing ...and to me it seems Virens face is getting thinner.


I'm glad you see the episode as "bang for your buck" as opposed to "rushing along" and not having any problems with the faster pacing. Truthfully, the creators didn't know if the show would be renewed for more seasons when this season was made and so these last three episodes try to really make it so that if it did get cancelled, you'd at least have some sort of a climax or conflict resolution.

Kyle Chong

Butterfly crack effect 😂😂

Ana Andrade

I personally think this is the moment I realized that Claudia is in too deep. I just wished she realized it is ok to think for herself. If deep down she doesn't like what Viren is doing, do what Soren did and walk away.


I loved that episode. To be fair, my 2 favorites characters in the show are Soren and Aaravos and they both had great moments, so I'm probably a bit biased =P. To me, it also felt that Soren understood why Claudia didn't want to go and he couldn't do the same thing to her than their mother.


Yeah she's in a lot of danger. She knows on some level that what Viren is doing is wrong, but the alternative to following him is too terrifying (being alone, losing another parent, facing the evils of dark magic, etc.).


I think so too. Even if the outcome is not ideal (Claudia staying with Viren), I think that it's not him giving up on her but him having faith in her.


This episode is so intense! I was not expecting all of these turns. I do hope that Soren ends up with the dragon trio, but it would be awesome if he ended up with Amaya. I think he'd respect her and be able to learn from her.


I love this episode. You are right it covers a lot of ground, Amaya is with the elf, the dragon trio are at the dragon queens lair, soren has left his Viren and Claudia, aaravos has made quite the powerplay. And its all really well executed. The only thing I dont love about this episode is that it makes the battle to be a lot more black and white, its no longer humans vs some humans and elves and now monsters vs some humans and elves. It takes away any ethical considerations the elves may have to make. I wish the army was just turned into sunfire humans essentially, allow them to retain their humanity. We know viren is definitely in the wrong but the army has been manipulated into this position. Now their blood is on Virens hands completely instead of it being a more tragic battle where everyone loses.


That's a great point, it definitely just turned into a zombie army or something. They could have had the army follow Viren into battle without him forcing them to become what seem like mindless monsters.

Kyle Chong

A bit random, but would you consider reacting to the movie mimic? I don’t think interest would be much of an issue considering you’re in it, and it would be fun to see you react to yourself


“He’s becoming quite the air bender.” Lmaooooo I died inside 😂😂


Please start "She-Ra: Princesses of Power" after DP is over ❤️


I second this request. The show poses some interesting questions I feel you'd enjoy digging into.


What I don't get about this episode is how the Sunfire Elves just let Viren's army march into Xadia. They seemed really invested in taking the Breach, so you'd think they would guard the border still and swiftly deal with intruders, especially a group this large that's obviously hostile, but the episode makes it seem like the army could have just marched past their city unhindered if Aaravos hadn't wanted their power source. However, I do like how mysterious his motives and endgoal are. Clearly, he wants out of the mirror, but what does he gain from instigating war between humans and Xadia? I can't figure out if he just lives for the chaos, or if he actually plans to end up on top after this. Is he taking revenge on the Royal Dragon Family for imprisoning him, or are they just a threat he wants neutralized? He's very intriguing, and so is Claudia's dilemma, but Viren just seems like a glorified pawn at this point.