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Video is working for me chief. Patreon's UI really is dogshit isn't it.


Thanks. Yeah it could be better. Uploads fail a lot, usually once or twice per week. It will get stuck in an infinite "processing" stage


Totally unrelated to this video, but have you ever gotten into space fantasy franchises like Star Wars?


I love space stuff. I'm a big fan of the original Star Wars trilogy. I also enjoyed Firefly, and recently finished all current seasons of the Expanse. Then there's the Mass Effect series, and Star Ocean, although those are not always about space lol


A little easter egg when Armstrong and Ed arrive at the train station you can see Mei Chang and her panda in the background. It was rough seeing you so cut up about Ross' death when I knew this episode was coming next. One theme that I love how FMA:B explores is how one act of kindness/selflessness or violence/revenge can create a chain reaction with huge implications like the Rockbells or the Ishvalan war in general. Man just thinking about the episodes that are coming up next week are getting me hyped!


Totally missed that. It's a great theme, personally I think there's a lot of truth to that. It's just that it's hard to see in real life and easier to see in shows.

Ben Barringer

Such a great episode. I love how you really can, honestly, buy that Roy may actually have murdered Maria Ross, and totally buy the reveal afterward. It's a great payoff. These animes on the darker side, where no one is safe, are just so great. I hope you do more like this afterward, like Code Geass would be fantastic, or maybe Deathnote. Great video, as always!

R'Mani Leavell

Yea, Barry grows on you...


You made a comment about your cynical self thinking perhaps Roy saved Ross for the numbers game, having as much support as possible. But considering Ross is now pronounced dead and hopping countries, it’s safe to say Roy really has nothing to gain from saving her other than undermining the homunculus and military deception. I also like how he gave Edward that lecture about following orders as a soldier, when underneath the surface he was doing the exact opposite by saving her This is just a great episode. And luckily the next one is too


finally giving us the cat content we crave

A Suresh

One of my favourite parts of this episode is seeing the plan come together in hindsight. It's awesome and you see it in a lot of heist movies. Mustang and his squad are a well-oiled machine and it's great to see them in action. I also like Ishvalan Zuko and how this show takes a nuanced approach to portraying individuals from every nation. It would have been very easy to go "Amestris bad, Ishval good" and it would have been very reductive. And I'm glad that the author didn't go that route.


Yup, really great setup, Roy has that danger to him but is also really smart so it could go either way. I've seen both Code Geass and Deathnote and enjoyed both.


Even though they were filmed on different days, coincidentally I think both the Dragon Prince and FMAB episodes today contain my cat lol


Yup, this mini-arc does tons to Roy's character. You get to see his true skills in action, as well as the great chemistry between him and his subordinates. There's a reason Roy draws this I'll-follow-you-no-matter-the-danger type of loyalty and trust from his team, and certainly a lot of it is that he's just that good, both with people and in action. But that alone isn't quite enough -- and you'll get to see a glimpse of what that is further down the road. If I remember correctly, he's a character the author envisioned to be "ambition done right."


Ah the Sage from the East/West


That's the scariest cat I've ever seen in my entire life.


Man, I get more and more excited to see your reactions as we get deeper into the story! Also, your cat is so adorable!


I'm just so HAPPY we are finally goint in the journet in the train Roy Mustang is awesome.


Ambition without getting corrupted by it, it seems. Roy has also had the same vision to take control from Bradley for years, and he hasn’t wavered at all


the old lady is voiced by the same lady who voiced Genkai(Linda Young) in Yu Yu Hakusho and the young boy with her sounds like Johnny Young Bosch whose voiced SOOOO many characters! Sorry felt the need to share as whenever i hear a familiar voice i know exactly who it is 80% of the time (used to be higher as i never used to 2nd guess myself so much)


lol omg XD "Is this real? can i believe in this?" why yes alex u can cuz Mustang is amazing KITTYYYYYYYYYY YASSSSSSSS KITTY KITTY ALL THE PETS FOR THE FLOOFER

Andrew G

Yeah man, “Let It Out” is my favorite outro song. I literally listened to that song so many times over and over and over again when I heard it that I can actually STILL remember all of the lyrics and I can sing along 10 years later. Also: i snorted at “is this real” This show really does make you so suspicious of everyone 😆


I'm very glad they showed Ross alive in the next episode already. I was full on prepared to despise Mustang for the rest of the series and I feel if they had revealed her to be alive in like episode 40 or sth, then it would have been too late :D