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I’m back and I’m ready.


oh boi oh boi

Cody Taylor

So glad we finished season two during dragon prince week like these episodes are where things really kick into gear for me the lore the characters that back story. The stakes! Soren being paralyzed like. Damn they reversed it but honestly when it happened i really thought it was something they were moving forward with. But the toll it took on Claudia did make it seem like it wasn't easy. I was watching an interview with the creators and it was never their plan to have Ezran return home to the throne but as his character developed they couldn't see him doing anything else. Which i agree with completely he is just far too good. I think he will be a great king no doubt


Wow I don't think I've ever just watched carefully enough to realize how many edits you have during your wisdom monologues. I suppose it makes sense, gotta cut out the parts of "umm" and gathering your thoughts but damn that must be a lot of work in the editing department for you to splice that all up coherently.


Sometimes the thumbnail generator gets it right! XD


That's interesting. I think it's kind of exciting to have another journey added - Ezran's journey back to the kingdom and his new role.


I appreciate the term "wisdom monologues," as usually for some reason almost everyone refers to them as "your little rants" hahaha. Either way though, honestly. And yeah, editing is definitely the hardest part of the process and the biggest "bottleneck" timewise.


Anyone see Aravos’ eyes glow white before battle? I tried to tell you all. Aravos as avatar confirmed.


Yes! The more cute cat the better.

Kyle Chong

Idk if you’ve heard this before, but the creators actually said that they meant for harrow to be the bird, but they dropped it like the momo/gyatso story line


I had not heard that but that's so funny cause I was just thinking the other day "maybe this is the 2nd time they planned an animal plotline and dropped it." But also in that light it's a shame we didn't get a final Harrow scene, aside from flashbacks.


Rewatching this show and I’m noticing more parallels between Callum and Edward Elric. It’s weird Not personality wise but in motivation, actions, reliance on things like alchemy or magic and self worth issues


Viren x aravos only gets better they make a great team. And you know they look good together


I know there must have been other hints, but Ezran and Zim's connection was shown during their nap on the ship, as they moved together in sync as they slept :D


Really enjoyed these episodes too! Now I can't wait to see your reaction to s3 and the general story progression. Its gonna be good! :) Also, semi-relevant but then again not really? Anyway, I forgot to tell you the ship name after you guessed (sorry). Its 'Virravos' though there are a few spelling variations this seems the most common. Lol

R. Lewis

Not sure if you noticed while watching (either way I'm sure you know by now) but the dragon at the end is the same dragon from the opening of episode one. He's also the dragon used most frequently for advertising images of the show. The horns are very recognizable.

Jeanine McGhee

Hey look, you finally met Callum: The First Airbender


If you think about it you are trapped in a mirror, basically every episode! The internet is functionally not that much different than magic.

Manuel Alves

yo, from 10:04 - 11:41 Goodwin was straight spittin hot fire


Rewatching it with you, season 2 really is amazing! I think this is were I really got hooked, to be honest, coz season 1 had a lot of potential but was a little slow. This was a massive step up and I truly hope the coming seasons are like this again.