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As I said the last episode almost put me off the show, but this one pulled me back in. All the characters shine in this episode.


I’ve been waiting on this one. Soren definitely breaks my heart in this episode. From what I can remember these characters are really going to start developing and or changing this episode.


Viren has done a lot of terrible things but his greatest crime for me is how he's manipulated his children as pawns.


I bet Aravos got all the ladies in his pre-mirror days.


Yeah this is a great episode, and it does feel like a kind of turning point for character development.


dang it when you think for some reason you are getting the finale too but you have to wait 24hrs , DINGLEBERGGGGGGG(GOODWINGGGGGGGG) lol. Its so hard not to watch ahead but at least I stopped at the finale lol

Aidan Pullen

Your comparing this show with Star Wars reminds me of some of the things that I've been diving into recently. Many of the greatest, most memorable stories, whether modern or ancient, follow cycles and tropes. Namely we can look at things explored in Joseph Campbell's A Hero with a Thousand Faces, and the Hero's Journey. There are common story elements and dynamics that many stories follow, and many character archetypes that fit into those stories. I interpret this episode as the main part of Callum's "Belly of the Whale" moment, where he has his first brush with true danger/near death. And I think that dream sequence is another common thing you can find in these stories when the Hero looks inward and examines themselves, voluntarily or not (yes, like Luke in the cave on Dagobah). Either way I just want to highlight how well written this show is. There are obviously things you can predict, due to the type of story it's telling, but then there's things like Soren getting paralyzed that really catch you off guard. Huge props to Aaron Ehasz for such a good show.


Just wanted to let you know that I love your ending with Viren, and is it Melon Lord?

Jerry Ferrell

Does anyone else think it’s odd that Harrow knows who Aaravos is but Viren doesn’t? It makes me wonder if Harrow viewed Xadia differently in his younger years or if Katolis royals played a role in sealing away Aaravos before tensions rose with Xadia. It just seems odd that the mirror was with the dragons, yet the cube is with the humans. I would think it’d be as heavily guarded by Xadia unless it was intentionally put in human posession.


Viren:"Oh no! He's hot!"


Finally the wonderful start of viravos oh I wish they were cannon. Aravos is voiced by the same person who did koh the face stealer

Elijah baker

Actually I would enjoy poet sorin he’d be deep and funny and he wouldn’t try to kill 8 year olds lmao it be great Claudia should have let him do that


beautiful elf wizard gives me the creeps lol I've seen so many comments shipping them and am a bit confused xD btw the sign that lit up when dream callum pointed the cube towards himself was the rune from claudias books, so i guess dark magic


Wow, watching your journey through this episode was really incredible!